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Author Topic: Canon Project1709 - Terms and Conditions of use  (Read 2910 times)

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« on: February 18, 2013, 12:35 »
Hi guys, I just received invite to Canon1709 project (cloud for images you shoot). I was thinking about it e.g. as a backup, or some online storage. I know there are tons of other ways, but as I am Canon shooter, why wont try it. What caught my eye is Terms of Service, as Im not native Eng, it is little bit hard to get it, but I dont like the bold part. Is it something to worry about? I don't like someone own my IP.

2 Registration and use of our Services
2.1 By registering for and using our Services and by submitting any images, videos or other content to any of our Services you (i) accept and agree to abide by these Terms as may be updated from time to time and (ii) acknowledge and accept that we and our licensors own all the rights (including all intellectual property rights) in and to the Services and all its parts including any and all operating software.

More details : http://www.project1709.com/Registration/TermsAndConditions

Thanks for explaining.


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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 12:38 »
1. Like most companies they reserve the right to change their T&C whenever they want. (I'm not so keen that they don't undertake to give users a certain amount of notice of changes.)

2. They own all rights to their software and whatever else makes the service work, soyou'd better not hack, reverse-engineer or anything else.

« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 12:41 »
1. Like most companies they reserve the right to change their T&C whenever they want. (I'm not so keen that they don't undertake to give users a certain amount of notice of changes.)

2. They own all rights to their software and whatever else makes the service work, soyou'd better not hack, reverse-engineer or anything else.

Ah I see, ok thanks a lot


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