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Author Topic: How to help a friend ?  (Read 6905 times)

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« on: May 25, 2009, 15:29 »
I was in Peru few years ago and while I was in Lima shooting in streets I met Vanessa and her friend and I have been since sending mails and exchanging about life, family etc. and became friends.. Few weeks ago she asked me to help. Her mother had a cancer and she needed urgently some money for the operation. I could help her.
Now her mother has been operated and she need more for her treatment , she told me that each chemotherapy cost around 900 dollars in a public hospital in Lima and se will need 8 or 9.This is an enormous amount of money that I dont have
I was thinking that the only way to help her would be to involve more people.

I came to think about the following:
We (some who will agree) will give her 50% of our microstock sales a given day in the beginning of June. I will at the big larger sites bring the attention to buyers on the name of the photographers that have accepted to help and ask the buyers to consider buying preferably pictures from one of those photographers that day. I know that if you join, you dont do it for the money, but this way this might raise more funds for her and make maybe a good business to those having joined.

I dont know how I can prove you that this story is true. I can tell that from the details I have got from Vanessa that this can hardly be an invented story. I may ask her to come on this forum if you want to communicate with her. I dont know if some members here are from Lima and can testify some details proving this is a true story. On my side I have no doubts and have as said already helped.

I suggest that if you agree just tell me and Ill start the list adding your name on the list here below (if you sell under different names at different sites please let me know). The date will be decided when we have enough names on the list, however we shall not wait too long as you can understand. I suggest it will be the first (if we are enough) or second monday of June 2009. You will send the money directly to her, via moneybookers. If you have questions or comments before making you decision I would do my best to answer or ask Vanessa to do so directly.

Thanks in advance for any other suggestion and help.


« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2009, 15:44 »
1 jeancliclac

« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2009, 15:54 »


  • Blessed by God's wonderful love.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2009, 19:20 »

« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2009, 22:34 »
Don't know if this is any help, but could be a lead.

very intersresting thanks, I'll send this info asap to her!
I'll keep you informed

« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2009, 22:37 »
1 jeancliclac
2 runamock

« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2009, 22:52 »
Don't know if this is any help, but could be a lead.

very intersresting thanks, I'll send this info asap to her!
I'll keep you informed

I have just checked what Vanessa wrote
"the hospital name is "INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ENFERMEDADES NEOPLSICAS(INEN)" that hospital treats all kind of cancer, of course there are 2 others clinics but there are more expensive than this hopital;i guess the cost of each chemotherapy is around 1600 dollars so we decided that my mom's treatment will be at INEN, "
INEN is the hospital refered in the article that have received medicine to cure  "100 Peruvian leukemia"
Vanessa said "my mom has lymphoma, she says that is  no a common disease, also, she does not know what kind of lymphoma is, i found out that there are 30 kinds of lymphomas..."
I'm not a doctor but it seems the medicine that was given to the hospital is not curing Vanessa's mother.

« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2009, 00:11 »
Arent there more efficient ways for microstock money to save lives? Sure we could give an old woman some very expensive treatment. OR we could help a starving child who just needs a little food.
Anyway, how do you know youre not getting scammed?

« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2009, 01:44 »
Arent there more efficient ways for microstock money to save lives?

Maybe, but I don't know, I'm open to any idea.

Anyway, how do you know youre not getting scammed?

I appreciate that I havent maybe give so many details. When back at home this afternoon, I'll take Vanessa mails and compile a more detailled description of the situation.
I can also tell that I'm totally convinced the story is true and I have myself already contributed with more than 1000$ and I can prove this when needed.

OR we could help a starving child who just needs a little food.

I do both, it is up to each to do what they want and can.


« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2009, 13:46 »
Back from work I have now time to give a bit more information.

In short:
Her mother was given a surgery by Dr Ortiz in Lima Peru. I did help to pay for some cost there.
Now she is in contact with INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ENFERMEDADES NEOPLSICAS(INEN) for a chemioterapy. This is very expensive and alone I cant manage it.

Now I  will also ask Vanessa to send more details & proofs, name, copy of medical certificates etc...that will be either published here or sent to those of you declaring that they can help under the conditions Vanessa brings proofs that this a real story. For the time being I dont ask a ferm comitment, but a declaration that you are interested to help when you have the guarantees it is a true story.

For the time I think it is best to copy an extract of one of her latest mail,  I hate to do that, but I can also understnad that I need to convince you. I'm unsure what I shall copy, things she wrote were not aimed at been published here,

I hope this will help to achieve the goal of having more names on our list....

Thanks in advance


From Vanessa's mail few days ago:

"The last  weeks on sunday i talked to my mom about her disease and persuaded her to go to the doctor that her gineocologist have recomended to us (Doctor Ortiz); so we went the next day to the hospital ; . that day was monday, my mom saw a ginecologist, then he said that my mom have to have a surgery and ordered some test before the surgery, that day my mom had a blood test. The next day my mom hadt an ecography in order to see what exactly she had, later we can get an appoinment with the oncologist but it was for May 19. ALso, that day i talked to my brother and told him about evrything that had happened, he agreed in make the surgery at the hospital because we though that Doctor Ortiz didn't have a private consultory;moreover we didnt' have the amount of money that was for her surgery, we just had the money that u have send. The Next week on tuesday my brother gave a good new that the bank had given him a loan, now we had all the money for my mom's surgery; .llater we went to his consultory and showed him all the tests that my mom had had, he sow her and confirm what she would probably have is a cancer. Then we asked if he works in a clinic, he said that he operates in 3 clinics, we felt better, and asked him when he will operates my mom he says on saturday, we agreed; however we asked he could operate my mom on friday 1st because here in Peru was holiday and many people doesn't work that day, he said yes; also because on thuesday he had all the day surgeries; so that was the day may first she had her surgery. A day before of the surgery she asked me to tell you that she is really thankful with your help,that without your help her surgery wouldn't be possible. The day of her surgery we woke up early and went to the clinic at 8 in the morning,it was hard she told me if something bad happened to her, she wants me to take care of myself and be strong, it broke my heart, it was hard, then the nurse arrived and prepared my mom to surgery room, my sister in law, my dad and went to room surgery's door and saw her i wanted to cry but i dind't want she to see me cry, my mom was crying, in the surgery room were the oncologist, the pathologist the anesthesiologist, his nurse assistant and more nurse i guess. All of them waited 35 minutes, then they took my mom to operate, i was afraid, not for the surgery, i was afraid for the results. . a hour later we were out of the room surgery and told us that it was positive, it means that my mom have Cancer, we were shocked, i couldn't believe it, i wanted to cry but i couldn't, then when the surgery ends, the doctors take my mom near the door. Later the doctor went out and explained that my mom's cancer clinically was in phase 3, her cancer was i her left ovary, it was affected her her utero, it was reaching her intestine, it was near her rectum, so the doctor extracted the utero, her ovaries, all the bad that she had, Doctor Ortiz said that clinically what he saw that she doesnt' have cancer; however, microscopically she still have cancer, that is why my mom has to follow a treatment,my mom has to have 3 to six chemoterapies, we are going to need a lot of money because that treatment its too expensive, i just hope it will 3 chemoterapies, no for the money, it is for her, many people say that chemoterapies are awful,well  the pathologist results will be in 2 days. ... I spent the night at the hospital taking care of my mom, i didnt sleep at all that nite, she had pain, she slept just one hour.."

« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2009, 15:08 »

I am only a bit surprised that a treatment in a public institution, as INEN seems to be ( would have a cost. I don't know about Peru, but in Brazil public hospitals don't charge anything, the problem being that not rarely you have to wait for months for anything you need, so people end up looking for a private service, if they can.  Recently a taxi driver we know sold his license and his car to pay for a surgery and chemo sessions, just because of that.  I know people who said that you can have a lawyer demand prompt service if the case is urgent, but I don't know how much this is true.

I am not implying that she is not telling the truth, I'm just wondering if people in that hospital are making money to put patients ahead on the queue - that would be outrageous, but now unknown of.

« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2009, 15:35 »
Thanks madelaide
I have tried to search on Internet, but as I dont speak spanish it is rather difficult.
I will continue research.

Confrontated to such situation with high emotional feeling I guess the situation is difficult to appreciate for Vanessa's familly.

Is ther any spanish speaking member that could take contact with the hospital and ask? Here is the link again:
This would be wonderful!
Thanks in advance!!

« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2009, 01:09 »
I have now contacted the hospital (INEN) and asked for details including possibility to pay directly to them. I did in english I hope it will do,
If someone offer to translate in spanish I will not refuse .... (5 lines).

« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2009, 01:34 »
I think your heart is in the right place but if there is ANY DOUBT at all about the authenticity of this you must find out the truth first. Otherwise youre just another gringo funding scam artists. Scams like this are very, very common in third world countries. Yes, see if you can pay the hospital directly. Find someone who speaks spanish and get them to call the place. Id help but my spanish is pretty mediocre... Dont for gods sake just send them money- thats insane. At the very least they might be exagerating the price and have the ability to keep taking your money long after the mother is cured.

Remember, you wouldnt be the first gringo to be scammed using a trick like this. Happens all the time. As someone who's been travelling in third world countries including latin america and who currently lives in one, I assure you this could be either. A scammer knows you need a convincing story. A lot of them are really smart but were born without opportunities. Peru is a very poor country with a lot of inequality. There are A LOT of very smart people who might be very nice who are desperate for money out there. Make sure you do your research and again, dont send them money directly.


  • Blessed by God's wonderful love.
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2009, 11:29 »
Ask her what Dr. Otiz first or complete name is, but don't tell her
it is so we can Google it and get an idea if it is true.
There are a number of Dr. Ortiiz in Lima, and she might look one up,
if she needed to, I guess.
Still, the more hard info you get, the more you can tell what is true.

« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2009, 15:57 »
Thanks for the good advices,
The mail system of the hospital doesnt work properly (the one I found at the bottom of their home page) at least my mail was rejected, I'll try again,
I really mean shes a good person, so I do hope I'm right, but I agree I need to do those checkings before asking anybody to help.
Its a bit akward because I'm on travel just now, and for the next 10 days..but I can access mails from time to time and I'll be back asap when I have news.

« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2009, 16:12 »

I can try to translate you rmessage to Spanish, although I don't master it.  I will hoever be on travel from tomorrow for a few days, with no internet access at all.

Was her mother operated on this same hospital? Again, it's strange to have paid service in a public hospital, and it's not like that in Brazil. 

To give you an example, my father was operated on a public hospital because his doctor (from his medical plan) was a head of cardio-vasculary surgery there, so he prefered to do surgeries there with his staff than in a hospital from the medical plan with the latter's staff.  My father didn't have to pay anything, and I doubt the plan did either, because there is an old complaint from public hospitals that they receive injured people from car accidents and such, take care of those patients on the critical period, often with surgery and intensive care involved, than when the patient is better he is transfered and the private plan only has to pay then for the stay in a hospital.

« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2009, 01:46 »
Some updates:
As said before I'm travelling quite a lot at the time and struggle a bit to progress, but I have contacted a lot of NGO's, both to reassure those that will accept to help on the reality of the Peruvian social/medical situation for patients as Vanessa's mother and NGO able to transfert possible funds to the hospital whre she is under treatment. In the same time Vanessa has sent me a number of details that I will probably put here of send by mail, I dont know yet.
The contact with NGO is not as easy as I had imagined, most dont answer at all, I have been in touch with organisations dealing with cancer and they just dont answer, I dont ask for money, I dont ask for help, I just ask for advice. I'm in touch now with fund raising NGO. I have also asked medics NGO like medecin sans frontires, no answer either
Also I try now via personal networks to get more info and find a reliable  organisation in Lima.
I hope all this will not take too long time, I'll be back with more news. Any advice is appreciated.

« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2009, 03:42 »
Wouldn't it be nice if some of the micro sites let you donate some images for some good causes, if they are sold the money would go to help people (maybe with a lower agency marigin too)

« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2009, 08:54 »
Wouldn't it be nice if some of the micro sites let you donate some images for some good causes, if they are sold the money would go to help people (maybe with a lower agency marigin too)

Good idea Perry, but this will require a lot of effort and discussion to implement...and here the help is urgently needed.

I have not yet found an NGO accepting to transfer money that may be raised....and will now try to find other routes...
I use quite a lot of time an energy for that and I wonder if I'm not just wasting time and should find other ways to help. So in order to clarify what to do,  I would very much appreciate to know how many of you would help in contributing either the way I suggest in my first post or another way UNDER THE TWO CONDITIONS THAT
1) I will have gathered fact and information from reliable source on the fact that cancer patient in Peru will have to pay for the cure and clarify how much (so to confirm Vanessa's info) and check there is no other alternatives.
2) I will find a known and respected organisation (NGO) that will transfer the funds collected to the hospital where the patient is cured

In case none of you would be interested to help, I will not bother you more with this and I will try to find another way to help (which I have no idea yet I must say.....).

thank you for having read this....


« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2009, 15:09 »
Ok this is really sad,
I dont know what to say.
I'm just disapointed and sad....

so tihis is the final list
1 jeancliclac
2 runamock

Runamock can you send me your email at [email protected]

« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2009, 00:30 »
I don't think you should be surprised about the response. We all get emails or hear sad stories about people needing money for all sorts of seemingly legitimate reasons. And we each individually determine which we believe to be true and deem worthy to support. In this case you are close to your information, and you have a gut feeling that it is real. This is great, and your efforts are surely appreciated by Vanessa. But for everybody else, or at least for me it is another story. Maybe it's real. Maybe not. I have no way of knowing. And because I don't have the friendship you have with Vanessa, I can't have that 'gut' feeling you have, and it would be difficult to communicate it . The fact you got a poor response does not mean people are not generous or caring. I personally give of my time and money to an assortment of causes. If I have to choose whether to help your cause, or to help the cause I am much closer to and feel more secure in helping - I am going to choose the one where I KNOW my money or time is going somewhere it is needed. This world is not a trusting place, therefore it is a lot to ask for people to support this. Having said that, I admire your efforts in trying to help your friend, and I hope that you succeed in raising funds. And I wish the best to Vanessa and her mother.

Sidenote - The majority of microstock shooters work very hard and make very little for their efforts. Not the best crowd for finding charity dollars!

« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 00:39 by studio10 »

« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2009, 03:53 »
I agree completely with the last post.  Just because we haven't joined your cause doesn't mean that we don't have our own causes.  I know that many of us here are members of the Kiva organization and help many people.  I personally would rather help in a case that is more authenticated than help somebody that may or may not be be authentic.  I know it is sad for you not to see this woman getting enough help but unfortunately there are many many other deserving cases in this world.


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