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Author Topic: FTPing to many sites in one go  (Read 3779 times)

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« on: August 02, 2006, 17:01 »
OK apoligies for stating the bleeding obvious

but just in case there are a few people who don't know about "queue" function on Filezilla.

You need to set up a list of micro stock sites login in names and passwords which you can access through quickconnect

Quickconnect your first site

drag your files to the bottom area of the screen (not the right area where they will be immediately uploaded)

Quickconect to your next site
drag your files to the bottom area of the screen

and so on
when you have connected to all your sites (FT,StockXpert,DT,SS,SPM,LO,FP)

right click on the first file in your queue at the bottom of the screen and select process queue and you can go to bed or whatever and FileZilla will do the rest.

Well I thought it was pretty cool, if only 123, CanStockPhoto, istock would join the FTP club.

« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 01:49 »
well thanks for stating the obvious :)

I ftp my images with filezilla but have never tried the cue fuction.  I'll give it a try next time i upload

« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 02:59 »
I currently use coffeecup but I dont think it is that stable (it keeps dropping connetions).  Is filezilla free?  It appears to be the main one that people use.

« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 03:16 »
I FTPed over 300 meg between 6 different sites the other day with Fillezilla and it worked fine yes its free.
Though it may have been your connection not your software, even though I have broadband every week or so  I will experience downtime when I can't get a connection for an hour or so and I live in one of three towns in the UK with the lowest broadband usage.

The only probems I have had with Filezilla iis

1 won't send files to Featurepics - critical transfer error
2 problems with shutterstock at first
3 will remember bad connections (if you mistype during intial set up)

DT have links to the site and a guide to using it.


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