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Author Topic: Did anyone get an iPad today? Your impressions please.  (Read 5061 times)

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« on: April 03, 2010, 21:03 »
Since they were available starting this weekend, I was wondering if anyone actually went and purchased an iPad yet? If so, how do you find it so far?

I had reserved one for my wife, but decided to wait for the 3G version, because she wants to be able to connect to the net when she is away from a WiFi hot-spot.

« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2010, 22:31 »
Fun!  Really fast to use.  Touch screen is a dream.  Really intuitive.  My wife is happy with the wi-fi, because she will use it as a glorified ebook.

« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 00:38 »
Thanks for the concise and positive review Sean.
Now I'm really looking forward to the 3G coming in!

« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 13:10 »
I have to be honest I was not that impressed. I guess It's not my type of a gadget. I would rather buy a laptop for the same money. At least laptop can burn DVD's.
Regarding eBooks, I think Kindle is perfect. Battery lasts several days, the screen looks like a paper (it doesn't radiate the light, it reflects it, so you can read all day long), it has wifi, it has a dictionary and free Internet provided by Amazon in more than 100 countries.

« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 07:51 »
I have to be honest I was not that impressed. I guess It's not my type of a gadget. I would rather buy a laptop for the same money. At least laptop can burn DVD's.
Regarding eBooks, I think Kindle is perfect. Battery lasts several days, the screen looks like a paper (it doesn't radiate the light, it reflects it, so you can read all day long), it has wifi, it has a dictionary and free Internet provided by Amazon in more than 100 countries.
Tend to agree...it's easy to use but does not displace anything that i already have. That said, I think it will be a hit with the kids.

« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 08:05 »
The kindle requires a light to read - the ipad does not, which is our reason for buying.


« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2010, 13:05 »
I have to be honest I was not that impressed. I guess It's not my type of a gadget. I would rather buy a laptop for the same money. At least laptop can burn DVD's.
Regarding eBooks, I think Kindle is perfect. Battery lasts several days, the screen looks like a paper (it doesn't radiate the light, it reflects it, so you can read all day long), it has wifi, it has a dictionary and free Internet provided by Amazon in more than 100 countries.

I'll wait until one of my wealthy, first adopter friends gets the iPod Mega. :) (real name for the iPad)

Lets see, it does all the same things, but won't fit into a pocket. Actually I like the larger size which will make it easier for old weak eyes like me to use it. Fat fingers, give it another plus. Mostly the same apps plus I'm sure some of it's own that lend themselves better to the larger format. Wonder how that will look when someone uses the phone on it with future models. Kind of funny holding that thing up to your ear?

You can't change the battery, and so far I haven't seen anything that shows where you connect the USB devices?  ::) May have memory limitations for someone who buys the 16MB model. $499 to $699

I have a nice 10" ASUS HE1000 netbook that runs 7 hours on batteries, (they claim 9 hours) much longer with a short ride in the car or a Black and Decker Powermate (which I already have) I can watch two full length movies while I'm in the tent, on the internal battery alone, should I be bored at night. Netbook runs GPS software and I can use it for navigation, plus much more, Skype anyone, built in webcam and mic? (Netbooks are a dead fad according to many sources) Windows XP is still quite adequate for my needs on the road. Under $400

As for reading books, I don't have a Kindle either, so any comparison would be unfair.

If that's confusing, I'm a NO, probably never, but I don't run Macs and don't have an iPod, my cell phone is a telephone, nothing more, no camera, no blue-tooth, just a phone. Kind of boring.

« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2010, 23:42 »
Mine is my new photography portfolio.  I've also used it to read bedtime stories to the kids, watch Netflix, surf the web, control my media center (TV) computer remotely, listen to music, find nearby wifi, check the inclination of my monitor, work with the 4yo on tracing letters, play air hockey with the 4yo, used Star Walk to point out to my wife exactly which direction Pluto was through the floor/Earth, look up a definition, log into a server to move a file, tweet of course, and my wife used it to record a meeting she was going to transcribe.

Its a big iPhone, thats a good thing, and its stunningly fast.  I suppose I could have done all that with a netbook, but not as easily.  My poor iPhone must be feeling neglected, but having a bigger screen makes everything so much easier.

« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2010, 01:05 »
The HP Slate that has been talked about as an iPad competitor (no idea why its taking them so long to bring it to market, they were developing it before apple started with iPad). Just today the specs for it were leaked, although still unconfirmed I believe.

Seems to be a bit more useful with flash, usb, sdcard usage, full OS, front and rear camera, and HDMI out (1080p). Unfortunatley apple beat them to the punch. I've read that its supposed to come out this fall.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 01:08 by Kngkyle »

« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2010, 07:14 »
Got one an love it. Touch screen is great and battery life is great. It's size makes its highly portable and the card reader (plugs into device) makes it a good device to review pictures. Iworks is a good scales down document suit. Wifi works well. I am waiting for someone to develop good photo editing app. I would recommend it.

« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2010, 08:40 »
Some Wi-Fi issues being reported on the Beeb;



« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2010, 15:24 »
Some Wi-Fi issues being reported on the Beeb;


Probably people who haven't had an iPad or iPhone which have the same problems. I hear people in the hotel cursing at them on a regular basis. :)

Just to be clear, I won't be getting either of these tablet format computers. For some people it makes good sense and they are useful. I'd think the credit card reader and model release applications would be of interest. Looks like the iPad is useful for family use, hey no keyboard, and for reading books. Great stuff. It's just not for everyone. I have a friend who can hardly run her iPhone and she said, "Oh I have to get one of those when they come out." No reason why, just because it's, the latest thing. :(


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