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Author Topic: What is your workflow  (Read 4580 times)

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« on: March 05, 2017, 06:01 »
Hi all,

i wonder what is your workflow for multiple stock agencies?

its easy to keyword and upload when its just one agency but once you try to do it for multiple agencies it gets complicated. e.g. some only accept jpeg files and some accepts higher res TIFFs. i used Deep Meta previously for istock for uploading and keywording. Now i am checking stocksubmitter and i understand that i need the PC version for istock and Alamy uploads.
i am not sure but i think Stocksubmitter is like deepmeta, i mean it doesnt embed the keywords in to the original file. and this could be a real problem in the future e.g. u wanted to upload to a new agency and you have to keyword all files again. U may also quit using this program and move to another so if the program doesnt embed the keywords it will all be gone.

I found out that you can embed keywords in PS but its not as fast as other keywording tools and it makes the workflow more complicated.

So as i said in the beginning it will be helpful to hear from you that are much more experienced.

thanx in advance,

« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2017, 06:35 »
If you use Lightroom put your keywords, title and description in before exporting your jPeg, then use Xpiks to upload to multiple sites at once. Xpiks is free. You can't use it for iStock though.

« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2017, 07:21 »
i use captureone for shooting and exporting raws, i do all my edits in PS .

May be i should switch to LR but i dont want to use both Capture1 and LR.  LR's tether properties are poor according to Capture1.

Does LR embed the keywords in the files?

Photodune Reject

« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2017, 09:25 »
I get up in the morning and if I feel I want to do any work I do- if not I goof off most of the day wondering why I am in this business in the first place... 8)


« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2017, 09:50 »
Workflow, what workflow?


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2017, 10:53 »
As I mentioned in a previous post, I've become a big proponent of microstock submitter in the past couple of months and reviewed how I use it on my blog:

But to answer your question - I keyword in lightroom so the keywords and descriptions are written in the jpeg itself. I then go to Microstock submitter and use the advanced editor to change the order of the main keywords to put them at the front of the list. When you save at this point, those keywords are written into the file again, overwriting the other alphabetic ones. With iStock you then match the keywords to the controlled vocabulary (the program remembers your choices so each file gets easier) but I think this list is just stored in the application. When it logs onto iStock to submit, it will presumably delete the original keywords and send the controlled vocabulary in its place. Not entirely sure how that is done - perhaps in some unused part of the jpeg metadata structure? With Alamy, it takes the early keywords to make them supertags.

Hope that helps


« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2017, 12:55 »
yes i read your blog its very informative.

can we write keywords to psd files and when we save as jpegs, will the keywords pass to jpegs?

« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2017, 14:37 »
Anything embedded in the files should follow the files no matter which software you edit in. Any keywords you enter in Photoshop, Bridge, or Lightroom will be embedded and stay with the files once they are saved - whether they are Raw, PSD, tiff, or jpeg - and if you edit those files and export or save them in a different format, the keywords will still be embedded in those new versions. Just be aware that Lightroom works differently than Photoshop in terms of how it "saves" images, since it is still first a cataloging software, however now you can do up to 100% of your editing in it, but just be aware of the differences. Check out the introductory videos on Adobe's site.

It's been several years since I've used Capture One when I was assisting another photographer and I don't recall how keywords worked (I think you could keyword (? ), but if you could it was clunky) In any case, back then I'd import the files into Lightroom for keywording.

Today, I generally do initial keywords as I import my files into Lightroom and then finalize the keywords in Lightroom since it's easy to do batches. Lightroom alphabetizes your keywords while Bridge and Photoshop keep them in the order you enter.

« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2017, 10:10 »
LR is indeed best solution for you at the time. May be next software updates help you out.


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