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Author Topic: Newbie Starts down the path  (Read 5907 times)

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« on: January 02, 2009, 13:27 »
Hi everyone, I found this place a few days ago, and was pretty excited at the idea of getting pictures I have taken out into the "wild". Unfortunately, 98% of my photos fall into the hated "flowers" category ;), so I had to take some "stock", and after nervously submitting them to SS, well, I was APPROVED, yea!!! 3 were rejected, 2 for potential trademark (oops) and one for lens flare (a nature shot).  I'm pretty excited, I just had to tell someone (and thank y'all for the unwitting motivation). And no, I don't think I'll get rich.

Little Bio info, I'm a hobby photographer, I've never tried to sell my photos, but I did have one used in a book, I'm a former teacher and current engineering student. Thanks again and I look forward to spending time with the community.

BTW, I liked taking the white box photos.

« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2009, 13:39 »
Good luck!

« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2009, 15:17 »
Congrats! - you must be delighted, cos as you may have seen from past threads, contributors don't often get into SS at the first attempt.

I wish you well and as time goes by (from my own experience) you will learn more along the way.

Best of luck to you and look forward to seeing you around the forum.

« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2009, 16:15 »
GREAT! Keep shooting! It's real pleasure when you see that people buy your photos ;)


« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2009, 16:21 »
Congrats! - you must be delighted, cos as you may have seen from past threads, contributors don't often get into SS at the first attempt.

I wish you well and as time goes by (from my own experience) you will learn more along the way.

Best of luck to you and look forward to seeing you around the forum.

Yes, it is an achievement to get in SS on the initial attempt. Be proud of it. All the best ! 8)

« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2009, 01:15 »
Congratulations and welcome to the community! :) I started only in August last year and got accepted at SS in November also from the first time but it took me some learning as to what to do and help from other members of the community. You should be proud of your achievement as you did it all by yourself and in a few days. I wish you all the best and I'm sure you will see lots of sales in future!


« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2009, 12:15 »
congrats, a great start to the new year!


« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2009, 13:04 »
Even if someone does research before they start out, by reading here and the numerous "how to" blogs and websites, it ends up that step by step, you find the quirks of the agencies. I won't try to list them but the tiny logo Copyright issue is near the top of the list.  ;D

Some day soon, you'll start to dabble with isolations, because they are one of the top ten selling types of Microstock. Soon you'll be carrying a camera and model releases with you everywhere. You'll drive down the road or walk someplace and say to yourself "hey that would make a nice stock photo."

After you get a nice selection up on the top seven sites, you'll start your day or end your night by looking at the sites to see if anything sold today.  8)

Next you'll get rejections for photos that you were sure were sharp enough or had good lighting, but one or two sites will refuse them and the other five will accept them. Added to that, they will sell at those sites, when the places that refused them also used "not suitable for stock" as a reason.

It's fun to watch and an interesting learning experience.

« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2009, 11:28 »
Good luck, im a newbie as well and what i have noticed is that this is addictive :P
i found myself looking 10 tiemes a day how my selling goes.
I dont think im going to get rich this way, but for my little experience in this, if found in my case (3d render) its woth it to spend some time to get a bigger portafolio.


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