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Author Topic: Hello everybody i'm a newbie  (Read 6033 times)

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« on: August 18, 2012, 01:08 »
Hello everybody,

My name is Sam, i'm new in the forum. I'm a young microstocker from France. I'm doing this from few years for fun. But since this year i've started more seriously.

I've put a link to my shutterstock portfolio on my profile. Feel free to give me your feeling about my work. Good or bad  ;).

See you soon



« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2012, 04:16 »
Hi Sam and welcome, I like your portfolio very much, I am sure you are already doing well!

« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2012, 05:35 »
Thanks Microbius,

you alright my portfolio is going not too bad , but not too bad is not enough  ;)

See you


« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2012, 05:56 »
Welcome Sam. Your port looks quite professional. If you are not yet on the other larger sites, that might be the place to begin.

« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2012, 06:17 »
Hello CD123 thanks. I'm already contributing on the Big 4, Middler Tier and some top Low Earners

« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2012, 09:18 »
My name is Sam, i'm new in the forum. I'm a young microstocker from France. I'm doing this from few years for fun. But since this year i've started more seriously.

How young?

You've got a nice portfolio.  This kid is great:  Congrats!


« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2012, 09:46 »
Nice work.  This little girl has a gorgeous face:

...and I loved the shaft of light in the cave.  I can imagine Dumbledore standing right in the centre of it.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 09:48 by rubyroo »

« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2012, 10:07 »
sjlocke nice pics (seen on your facebook page) i mean young more than young microstocker because i'm a little bit old i'm 28  ;)

Hey there is somebody from Philadelphia or New York ? Im close these cities until september.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 10:14 by sam74100 »

« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2012, 07:41 »
I usually don't comment on anyone's port because I don't think it's fair simply because I am anonymous. But in your case I will make an exception.  You work is VERY good, you have an eye for composition and lighting and you have content that should do very well.  Two comments, not dorectly related to the quality of your work, but important if you want to make a run in MS:

1. There are a lot of excellent contributors whose expertise is people.  It's very competitive.  I know a guy who just wrapped it up in MS because, no matter how good his peeps shots were, they didn't sell well, so he hung it up.  People like Sean Locke, Yuri and a pot load of other high enders are who you'd be competing against.

2, Diversify.  Why? See number one.

In conclusion, nice work!!

« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2012, 09:36 »
Hello Mantis, THANKS a lot   ;D

What do you mean by diversify ?

« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2012, 09:41 »
Hello Mantis, THANKS a lot   ;D

What do you mean by diversify ?

diversify as looking for other subjects beside people (pretty much because of competition from number 1 is tough)

in my opinion you just need to continue doing what you are already doing and never forget to keep expenses low, great job btw!


« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2012, 13:17 »
Yup!  I agree, some great stuff here!  terrific isolations but I would agree with mantis,  you need to diversify. There is an incredible competition in your field and I feel at this moment you get drowned.
See, youve picked a category where you find a million black-diamonds. Not easy.

best of luck.

« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2012, 14:25 »
Hello Mantis, THANKS a lot   ;D

What do you mean by diversify ?

diversify as looking for other subjects beside people (pretty much because of competition from number 1 is tough)

in my opinion you just need to continue doing what you are already doing and never forget to keep expenses low, great job btw!

I would say keep the people (you have lots of great models) but do more than just have them over white (where this is a TON of competition).... try and find a niche and use your models in that niche.  Popular topic + niche topic = good sales.  Do some searches on Shutterstock and try and see if you can find something with only 1 or 2 pages of results.  Search for stuff like woman NICHE1 NICHE2 ... where niche is another word that narrows down the search further.  There ARE still niches left, I've found a few...

To help brainstorm think of every profession your family and relatives have and start searching and seeing what the images look like.  Can you create better or are there very few results?  Shoot that.  Also search for particular words within the professions, perhaps a popular new type of exercise equipment or tech hasn't been photographed very much (for example)

« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2012, 14:54 »
Hi Leaf,

Thanks for these advises ! I will defenitily try to find some niches and deversify and portfolio.

Now you have told me, i can see that i have a lot pics over whit background.


« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2012, 15:14 »
Hello Mantis, THANKS a lot   ;D

What do you mean by diversify ?

diversify as looking for other subjects beside people (pretty much because of competition from number 1 is tough)

in my opinion you just need to continue doing what you are already doing and never forget to keep expenses low, great job btw!

I would say keep the people (you have lots of great models) but do more than just have them over white (where this is a TON of competition).... try and find a niche and use your models in that niche.  Popular topic + niche topic = good sales.  Do some searches on Shutterstock and try and see if you can find something with only 1 or 2 pages of results.  Search for stuff like woman NICHE1 NICHE2 ... where niche is another word that narrows down the search further.  There ARE still niches left, I've found a few...

To help brainstorm think of every profession your family and relatives have and start searching and seeing what the images look like.  Can you create better or are there very few results?  Shoot that.  Also search for particular words within the professions, perhaps a popular new type of exercise equipment or tech hasn't been photographed very much (for example)

on a side note, I havent said to "drop" people, I believe people (and even from my portfolio) that they sell much better than other subjects even with saturation of the market etc

I think Samuel just needs to continue there and also on other subjects if they show up without expenses

« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2012, 16:22 »
Hello Mantis, THANKS a lot   ;D

What do you mean by diversify ?

diversify as looking for other subjects beside people (pretty much because of competition from number 1 is tough)

in my opinion you just need to continue doing what you are already doing and never forget to keep expenses low, great job btw!

I would say keep the people (you have lots of great models) but do more than just have them over white (where this is a TON of competition).... try and find a niche and use your models in that niche.  Popular topic + niche topic = good sales.  Do some searches on Shutterstock and try and see if you can find something with only 1 or 2 pages of results.  Search for stuff like woman NICHE1 NICHE2 ... where niche is another word that narrows down the search further.  There ARE still niches left, I've found a few...

To help brainstorm think of every profession your family and relatives have and start searching and seeing what the images look like.  Can you create better or are there very few results?  Shoot that.  Also search for particular words within the professions, perhaps a popular new type of exercise equipment or tech hasn't been photographed very much (for example)

on a side note, I havent said to "drop" people, I believe people (and even from my portfolio) that they sell much better than other subjects even with saturation of the market etc

I think Samuel just needs to continue there and also on other subjects if they show up without expenses

Same here.  Don't stop shooting peeps.  And like Leaf said, try location-type shoots.  You have a good eye.  Keep up the work.


« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2012, 03:10 »
Do you really want to make good money? be truly successful in microstock?
This goes for everyone reading this btw, here goes:

Shoot industry! gears, people at work, pipelines, transport, equipment, oil, gas, everything related to the industry

« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2012, 03:37 »
oh no ! here we go again !


« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2012, 03:58 »
Hey hey, just trying to help here mate, no need to panic ;) Am I wrong?

Forgot my manners, Welcome to the forum Sam!

« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2012, 07:19 »
Do you really want to make good money? be truly successful in microstock?
This goes for everyone reading this btw, here goes:

Shoot industry! gears, people at work, pipelines, transport, equipment, oil, gas, everything related to the industry

you wish!!  ;D


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