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Author Topic: how long for Alamy response?  (Read 7342 times)

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« on: October 18, 2011, 23:19 »
I submitted my first 4 images on October 12, and still see "Awaiting QC". ???


« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2011, 23:31 »
When it gets to the 26th, start wondering if they passed. Otherwise a week (in this case six days) is nothing unusual for first review. I think mine took a month. They move much faster now...  ;D

Paulo M. F. Pires

  • "No Gods No Masters"
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2011, 07:44 »
My first take one day :D

Normally 2~4 days. Only once took 2 weeks, but it was generally.

« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2011, 07:55 »
I believe the first time you send it takes longer..


« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2011, 10:51 »
I believe the first time you send it takes longer..

Funny I went and looked. I joined in 2008, Jan 13th first image. Review was Feb 6th.

Keep in mind, I was one of the early people allowed to upload on the internet. Many others had sent in CDs/DVDs and hard drives and then waited for reviews. Yes really! No Uploads! That was news in 2008!

I don't think it takes three weeks anymore, but I'm pretty sure it's like IS and SS, where senior staff does the primary review, and if more new people are entering, there will be a longer wait time. Even a week for regular review, if there's a weekend included (they don't work on weekend and I suspect go home around Noon, or wrap up and have other end of the week duties) is nothing unusual.

Don't worry atramos once you pass it will get even better, and hopefully you'll have sales in a few months. Everything at Alamy takes time and patience. I think it's worth it, some others want everything right now, fast and they want it all.


« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2011, 19:56 »
For all of my batches, it is either 24 hours or 3 weeks. Nothing in between


« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2011, 01:08 »
For all of my batches, it is either 24 hours or 3 weeks. Nothing in between

Break things up, upload on a Friday afternoon and wait until Monday or Tuesday. LOL  ;D


  • Architect, Photographer, Dreamer
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2011, 00:20 »
Some times they are fast, others very slow.  I had 10 images waiting sense Oct. 10th and uploaded another 10 yesterday.  Today I saw all 20 got rejected due to an image in the first batch.  I think that sped things up though.

« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2011, 01:30 »
Some times they are fast, others very slow.  I had 10 images waiting sense Oct. 10th and uploaded another 10 yesterday.  Today I saw all 20 got rejected due to an image in the first batch.  I think that sped things up though.

If I'm not mistaken if u haven't got the result of the first batch u sent and then upload more, the new uploads are regarded as part of the same batch. If you're images pass QC, u will get a reply from them in 24 hours to 3 days, longer than this time usually means they have been rejected.

« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2011, 07:40 »
The idea of waiting more than 3 days for an Alamy response used to make me nervous.  My account is set to automatically email me the responses from the review process.  But, over the past few months I've noticed that my images are already passed QC and waiting for me to finish them before the email notifications reach me.  Sometimes by days.  So once I upload I just "track my submissions" and not worry about it.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2011, 08:01 »
The idea of waiting more than 3 days for an Alamy response used to make me nervous.  My account is set to automatically email me the responses from the review process.  But, over the past few months I've noticed that my images are already passed QC and waiting for me to finish them before the email notifications reach me.  Sometimes by days.  So once I upload I just "track my submissions" and not worry about it.
Yes, sometimes several days pass then you get several QC results emailled to you in a row, meanwhile you could have been keywording your acceptances. So yes, 'track submissions'.
FWIW, I uploaded a batch on Sunday night, was nervous when they weren't through yesterday, worse this morning, but they passed about an hour ago, so they're currently running a bit slower than they were a few weeks ago, when they were going through virtually overnight (UK time).
Word is that if you get a rejection, you're in the cooler for four weeks, during which time you're supposed to meditate upon your sins and review your images, but it seems like a crazy system. At least they should tell you what the issue was, even if they then suspend you from uploading for four weeks. (In fact, I've never had a rejection reason on Alamy which affected more than one file in a submission.)

« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2011, 10:18 »
The idea of waiting more than 3 days for an Alamy response used to make me nervous.  My account is set to automatically email me the responses from the review process.  But, over the past few months I've noticed that my images are already passed QC and waiting for me to finish them before the email notifications reach me.  Sometimes by days.  So once I upload I just "track my submissions" and not worry about it.
Yes, sometimes several days pass then you get several QC results emailled to you in a row, meanwhile you could have been keywording your acceptances. So yes, 'track submissions'.
FWIW, I uploaded a batch on Sunday night, was nervous when they weren't through yesterday, worse this morning, but they passed about an hour ago, so they're currently running a bit slower than they were a few weeks ago, when they were going through virtually overnight (UK time).
Word is that if you get a rejection, you're in the cooler for four weeks, during which time you're supposed to meditate upon your sins and review your images, but it seems like a crazy system. At least they should tell you what the issue was, even if they then suspend you from uploading for four weeks. (In fact, I've never had a rejection reason on Alamy which affected more than one file in a submission.)

I think they only check one image. If that passes they all pass, if it fails they all fail.

« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2011, 10:53 »
Only recently joined Alamy and I've been quite lucky...the QC is normally done within 24 hours, unless it's a weekend. I now have about 400 images with them.

« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2011, 11:02 »
Usually it's been very quick and just about everything has been approved -  but my last group sat there for a week, following which I got a rather puzzling rejection.  Hope they haven't just outsourced their inspection.

« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2011, 08:01 »
Response times vary with your acceptance record - they also make you wait if you get rejected. I believe they check a sample not just one. If I wait more than a couple of days I usually find its a rejection. Also if you have any in the queue they will also be rejected if the batch being reviewd is rejected.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2011, 08:21 »
Recently mine have been coming through in less than 12 hours after submission.
A couple of weeks back on the forum there, it was said that some inspections are done in the UK, some in India and it has been that way for years.
The same post said that large thumbs of all submissions are looked at, and if there are any 'doubtful' images, they are looked at full-size. Also of course, any image/s can be looked at full size.
However, yes, you get put into a sandbox (up to 4 weeks) if an image is rejected, and if one fail, all fail. Also if you get 'too many' rejections (don't know how that's defined) you can be suspended from uploading at all.


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