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Author Topic: Expectations?  (Read 19052 times)

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« Reply #50 on: October 26, 2010, 07:04 »
Actually I was going to pass this thread but I am passing a lot lately so I wanna say something if I may..

I agree with Paulie (once more).. BUT there a lot of things that can change the progress of a novice:

- learning fast (mainly shooting a lot, think when shooting, not just "clicking")
- give always your best on camera (just using RAW for a month now, 99% of my pictures have no post-processing, maybe that's why I am not better these days but I haven't wasted time on pc.. just some minor cloning, aligning, cropping when needed)
- look for niches
- work harder month after month!

Yes, clearly these numbers vary according to skill and effort and most likely will change over time with improvements. The point being this is for the first couple of months specifically for a novice just starting to shoot with a DSLR.

« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2011, 21:53 »
Welcome to the wide world of microstock and photography; i wish you the best.  Best advice, shoot in raw mode, shoot everyday-not every couple days but every frickin day so you learn light.  You can learn about your camera sitting in front of the boob tube; you need to learn to see and feel the light; direction, intensity, shadows, exposure, whites, blacks, etc.  photography is light!

I am sure you camera has autofocus and autoexposure; put everything in manual and learn how to use the camera; not just the shutter button.  Make mistakes, tons of them, but learn from them.  I know people that have been using a camera for 40 years that can not get proper exposure.  Learn what are blown whites and blocked up blacks or shadows.

photograph buses, cars, people, anything; if you do not take 100 pictures a day, and really try to take 100 good pictures, you will be no farther to reaching your dream next year than you are today.

Join Dreamstime and Fotolia; these are two sites that will help the newbie, a little.

Develop a tough exterior, this is a tuff business; never forget, this is a business.  Even if you are in this for fun, some of us-this is our career and our life; we take microstock seriously and discussions can get a bit heated and at times-slap happy.

Mommy and friends are great but do not ask their opinions of your work; they will tell you that you are great. Honestly, I have never seen your work but I am pretty sure it sucks!  After a couple years experience, you will get better.   Want the truth, post an image here and you will get honest advice; it may hurt but it will be honest; from people that actually work in this industry.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 22:04 by visceralimage »

« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2011, 23:41 »
Before getting much more involved in microstock, take a serious look into this excellent piece from the BBC:


You're probably better off taking their advice.


    This user is banned.
« Reply #53 on: March 04, 2011, 22:43 »
goodluck mate


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