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Author Topic: creating website from symbiostock  (Read 3070 times)

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« on: February 05, 2014, 00:04 »
Hi all

I am about to create my website for stockphotos. I was thinking about purchasing the graph paper press stock photograph theme, when i stumbled across Symbiostock theme.

I understand the concept of symbiostock and i think its great but there are no demos anywhere on the basic layout of this theme. Can anyone enlighten me?

Also, I have noticed that most (if not all) the symbiostock network sites, is that, you have to register before purchasing. Can buyer pay without registering?

Would EasyDigitalDownload plugin work with this theme

any help you give will be greatly appreciated.

« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2014, 00:25 »
No there's no demo I know of. But there's www.symbiostock.info that lists about 170 Symbiostock sites being online so far. Just go and browse. You'll get a pretty good idea what the theme can do for you. Then go to www.symbiostock.org to clarify your questions and to get help. You'll also get a sense of this great community that comes with the theme.

Symbiostock is the best thing since sliced bread, if you ask me...

« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2014, 00:42 »
You are correct that you have to register to purchase - the cart and download area are tied to the user. That way you can re download your items later if you wish

The whole thing is open source, so you can modify anything you like if you want to go a different route

« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2014, 01:10 »
so it is possible not to use their payment channel and use the easy digital download plugin??

also is anyone using hostgator for they symbiostock theme site? any issues

« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2014, 01:28 »
so it is possible not to use their payment channel and use the easy digital download plugin??

also is anyone using hostgator for they symbiostock theme site? any issues

I don't recall anyone saying they use this plugin. One issue I would imagine is that a Symbiostock site creates the size needed for the buyer on the fly when they buy it - it doesn't store every possible size of each image ready for download. So once someone has paid there would need to be some hook into the current code that creates the thumbnail and download button for the purchaser to download what they licensed.

And so if you mean will the plugin work with no code modifications to Symbiostock, I think it won't but you could ask in the Symbiostock forums to see if anyone tried it.

And I know several folks have mentioned using Hostgator. In general, as long as WordPress will run and you have access to ImageMagick (for best processing of uploaded images) you should be good.

« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2014, 12:17 »
there's a kludge to avoid requiring registration -- set up a 'guest' use and let people purchase through that -- they still need to give paypal a valid paypal account

the downside is all downlads will be available thru that guest user acct


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