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Author Topic: Can i have an opinion for the first photos of Shutterstock?  (Read 3786 times)

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« on: November 01, 2011, 18:05 »
Thank you guys,
i'm very new to stock photography,
i've got accepted with fotolia, istock.. and now shutter ask me for the first 10 photos..
i really don't know how they decide which one.. i mean i know the stuff low noise, no chrom aberration..etc..
But i got rejected many picture in dreamstime and istock that now i doubt on which one can be apreciated by shutter..
would like to avoid waiting 30 more days if i didn't cover the minimum 7/10 pics acceptance..

I selected few here in flickr..
if you guys can give me some advises or feedback on how to select them i would apreciate a lot!
newbielink:http:// [nonactive]

The questions are:
- which one is ok.. which one is to avoid

-For example..
 the still life photos are rejected by dreamstime because "Poor light...." but i cannot understand why..
 so i'm scared to put them in shutterstock

- the man with painted faces require a model release? (how can anybody identify him??)

Thanks a lot!

« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2011, 19:43 »
Your link doesn't work - here are the photos

I'm sorry, but I don't see any strong candidates for SS in that selection. There are a couple of possibles - the Mechica and the Bull - but I don't see even those two as certain.

You have shots on a white background where the background is gray - don't submit those until you can get the lighting right. The outside shots with harsh shadows will probably get rejected and those with rather muted colors (dirt road in the desert) will probably not fly either.  SS likes good colors, even lighting and salable subjects - Microphone in fruit, even if reshot in better light, is not a common subject or arrangement.

Poor lighting can be for shots that are in harsh natural light without a reflector or scrim to softten or modify. Shots made with an undiffused on-camera flash can often get that rejection as well.If you haven't found the strobist blog, go and read their lighting 101 to get some ideas about what you'll need to learn

I agree with you that it's best to assemble 10 strong candidates to avoid having to wait a long time to reapply.


« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2011, 21:28 »
Simple addition, and the people here know best what will pass and what won't, some were even reviewers in past years.

The guy painted face question: if the person can recognize them self, it needs a release. Easy starting point. I have some hand shots, haven't tried yet but on the advise of some people who know more than I do, I should probably have a model release. For Hands?  ??? Yes...

Also tattoos, body art, and anything that could possibly cause a license problem. I know it seems over the top for a hand or foot, but that's the way it is.

Hey good luck, I like your creative shots. Same two that jsnover pointed out.

If her answer about the isolated objects wasn't clear. You have shadows and grey background, they have serious exposure problems. Even if it's supposed to be on a white background with small shadows, you need them to be almost 100% white in back. The shadows would get them rejected in a second.

Typically for micro, soft focus behind the subject, not in front. General rule but that's what reviewers told me and I believed them. There are always exceptions, but the general rules are a good place to start.  :)

« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2011, 22:53 »
Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, since I only have editorial stuff and illustrations up so far - but I think the sea turtle stuff is "interesting" - whether they will find the lighting/focus up to par is anyone's guess.  I think it may be a subject that is not overly-represented. 

Also, I would only upload them once you go onto the forum and ask for a critique - it's a good way to find out what your chances are before submitting.  In addition, I would include the scientific and common names of the turtle species with the submission - "turtle" wouldn't suffice.


  • Carl Stewart, CS Productions
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2011, 08:12 »
It took me eight attempts to get accepted on SS.  Pictures that were approved in one batch were rejected in another.  It seemed to be a moving target.  But I didn't give up, and I'm glad I didn't.  I have daily sales there.  Now if only I could make money with it...   :P

« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2011, 16:36 »
Thanks guys, you are very polite and it's very good to grow my skill with your advices..
from what you told me i've understood:

-the still life MUST be bright, not overexposed of course, but on WHITE background and very SOFT shadow
-vivid color but not harsh shadow (yes but if the picture is landskape by sunset with silhouettes ??)
- if any people can recognize himself (even under camouflage, painting, cosmetics, mask) should require a model release..

So i take out some pictures and uploaded some other..
i have a question.. i put a photo with cigarette.. is it good like still life? the background is white.. the shadow are smooth..
If you can take a look.. the pics are here:
newbielink:http://www.flickr.com/photos/28300238@N03/sets/72157627898331167/ [nonactive]

Apreciated a lot!


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