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Author Topic: Zoonar - EPS Files?  (Read 4343 times)

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THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« on: February 20, 2012, 17:31 »
Have recently added my port to Zoonar and so far I am happy with them, even had a nice sale already.

However, in trying to add EPS vector files the other day, the Zoonar-generated previews are horrible (all fluro colours etc). So I asked Michael from Zoonar for suggestions and got this response...

"the simple through is, that Im not really an expert for EPS files. " (think he meant 'truth', not 'through')

And thats it. That was the whole email in response to my questions (other than hello, goodbye). No help whatsoever.

So my question is, does anyone else have experience uploading EPS10 files to Zoonar, how do you do it, and can you upload your own preview image?

Thanks in advance guys.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2012, 17:49 »
bump... Anyone got experience with this?

« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2012, 04:01 »
I upload my images there regularly, but only raster version of vectors.
Just .jpg files (with removed words "vector" from metadata).
I use this version for more raster only sites, like scanstockphoto.

So this can be solution, considering that most of their partners are
focused on photos and raster images anyway.

I have around 3500 illustrations online on Zoonar.
Sales there were none for me in last months... But now I see, I have one new sale for 66 EUR.

« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2012, 04:33 »
Have recently added my port to Zoonar and so far I am happy with them, even had a nice sale already.

However, in trying to add EPS vector files the other day, the Zoonar-generated previews are horrible (all fluro colours etc). So I asked Michael from Zoonar for suggestions and got this response...

"the simple through is, that Im not really an expert for EPS files. " (think he meant 'truth', not 'through')

And thats it. That was the whole email in response to my questions (other than hello, goodbye). No help whatsoever.

So my question is, does anyone else have experience uploading EPS10 files to Zoonar, how do you do it, and can you upload your own preview image?

Thanks in advance guys.

Same here.  I haven't found any logic. Some previews are terrible - look like saved to eps 8 with preserved paths and selectively discarded transparency. Others are surprisingly correct  although they are almost identical and use same amount of transparent objects. As it is not easy to delete images with wrong previews from Zoonar I stopped uploading vectors there.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2012, 17:07 »
ah ok, so maybe I'll just stick to the raster versions then. Seems odd to limit your market by not being able to properly implement EPS files though.

Thanks for the advice. :)

« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2012, 09:56 »
We would like to give you additional information on uploading vector graphics at Zoonar. We hope the process will be easier to understand then.

* You upload vector graphics just as you would upload normal image files. At the moment you can only upload vector graphics via ftp, the Zoonar Media Manager will not process vector graphics and filters them out. So please, always use ftp for vector graphics uploads.

* We can't process AI (Adobe Illustrator) files - please upload EPS files.

* When you upload EPS files all intermediate formats and thumbnails are rendered automatically. These files don't have any keywords, because you can't add keywords to vector graphics.

* You can however, upload matching JPEG files including metadata and with the same file names as your vector graphics. It is important that the JPEG files and vector graphics are uploaded at the same time. If you upload the JPEGs at a later time the system will treat these files as normal photos and they will either be automatically rejected because of the resolution or they will be added as new photos to the database.

* When EPS files are converted to JPEG files there often are color discrepancies between the two. Vector graphics are often rendered somewhat differently, depending on the software you use. The colors you see on your system are not necessarily the colors you will see once your vector graphics have been converted to JEPGs on Zoonar's servers. Zoonar is aware of the problem but can't do anything about it at the moment. Be advised that slight color discrepancies might sometimes occur.

* Because of the color issues regarding vector graphics, some agencies offer the designer the upload of JPEG thumbnails with the desired colors. Zoonar will not offer this service in the foreseeable future because our focus is still on selling JPEG photos.

* Occasionally there are problems with transparency. Contrary to vector graphics, JPEG files don't have any transparency information. Therefore, any transparency in the vector graphic is usually rendered as white. This can lead to unwanted white color patches in a vector graphic. This is a technical limitation and can't be changed. If you want to have your vector graphics converted as desired, please avoid using transparency.


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