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Author Topic: Wirestock new Instant Pay Program  (Read 22248 times)

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« on: November 21, 2020, 08:29 »
To let all contributers know, I copy an email I got from wirestock today and my answer. On one hand I might be interested, but I am very suspectful. In my opinion it is much more important that wirestock should improve their keywording first and give the contributer the control about the images by getting viewed on which agency each image gor really online and with which keywords and which keyword order.

Here the email from wirestock:

Dear ...,

We are happy to inform you that your portfolio has been selected for the Instant Pay Program.

You have 26 photos that have been listed for more than 4 months and have not generated any earnings. We would like to improve this and include these photos in our Instant Pay Program. The program allows contributors to receive advance payments from our new partners - Freepik, as well as other Instant Pay partner marketplaces.

You will receive a one-time advance payment of $4-5/image from each agency that selects your images. This means that you can potentially earn $88.4 (26*$3.40) and even more if multiple agencies select your images. Please note that the images may be listed for free download on the agencies that select them. Periodically, we will review your portfolio and send more photos with low sales for Instant Pay.

If you wish to opt out of the Instant Pay Program, please email us by 28 November 2020.

Wirestock Team

Btw: Just one week to decide - to short in my opinion!

Here my answer to wirestock:

Dear wirestock team,
To be able to decide if I want take that chance or opt out, I need more information!
Which 26 photos are selected?
After that period time they will get changed with others of my portfolio or kept there forever? I get one time money or after that period another time?
I need a full list of the agencies which might select them and at least really select which photo.

You give your contributor only one week to opt out without enough information. That's bad.

You should also let me know easily, where all images at least really got accepted and online!

When you will organize that? Thats  more important than try new things.
And at least: even if I found my images online on each agency after long time research:
On alamy I cannot prove if you selected the right 10 most important keywords or the right order on Adobe.
After 1 month keywords are not that important anymore  - for example on Adobe  - and the images getting lost.
You might remember that I asked you to change the keywords for many of my images. You did it for the most of them, but very late  - to late  - after 1 month +
That means: because of your bad and wrong keywording that images didn't get any chance for sale.
And now you ask me me for giving them away for free.

I would prefer to delete them all and upload them again to give them a real chance for sale in the important first month.
But your keywording is still to bad and a few reviewers from you are to lazy to follow instructions from the contributor.

My advice for you:
Learn hardly for your skills like keywording first and find a way to show contributers each image got online at which agency with which keywords and order of keywords.

If there is any link with more information about your Instant Pay Program, please send me.
Only because I know about Adobe new free pic section/action, I can guess that Adobe could be one of that agencies, but Adobe changes the images after 1 year.


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2020, 11:36 »
The answer is in the email you posted: You have 26 photos that have been listed for more than 4 months and have not generated any earnings. Unsold images are eligible for Instant Pay. No they don't say which ones, until after you get credited with $3.40, but you should know what images you have there, with no sales?

If you allow this program, there's no promise that all of them will be picked up by the FREE agencies. Only that these 26 images are eligible to be picked. You will get $3.40 for each one selected. I don't know why the email says $4-5, because it's the $3.40 that right after that, which is the truth. They get 15% you get 85%

You need to decide for yourself, do you want to have your image on a free site, forever, for a one time payment of $3.40. It's that simple. I asked and a friend asked, can we selectively Opt out individual images and WS said no. You are in or you aren't. That could change, but that's the last we were told.

This isn't new, maybe new to you. I think you are distracted with all the keyword, order, resubmit and other issues, which have nothing to do with Instant Pay, or Wirestock actually. True the keywords are often not very specific. Right, they do what order they want. Correct, we don't know where our images are accepted. No we can't change or edit anything. You can't delete and re-upload images for better placement, because they are already accepted on various agencies. You can't be playing, add and remove and add again tricks, hoping somehow you get seen as new.

But here's what WS is. We drop our images and forget about them. No keywords, no details, don't spend time. (Wirestock does see the embedded keywords now, I don't know to what extent they use them) Wirestock has been using my titles for the images recently, read from the IPTC data. If you want to know and control everything, you'll need to upload them on your own. Or use StockSubmitter? When you go to Wirestock, you may have noticed, you can't even see what keywords are attached to the images?


"Instant Pay Program

Certain content marketplaces pay an advanced fix rate per image rather than paying per download (Advanced Rate). Wirestock refers to this as Instant Pay or the Instant Pay Program. Wirestock negotiates the Advanced Rate with each content marketplace that participates in the Instant Pay Program. When you agree to upload your Content for Instant Pay, none of your rights change you still own your Content and it is still distributed through the content marketplaces. For each of your Content for which Wirestock receives payment from content marketplaces that pay an Advanced Rate (the Advanced Rate Payout), you agree that Wirestock will pay you 85% of the Advanced Rate Payout, but will keep 15% of the Advanced Rate Payout."

I'll repeat this part: Once someone has paid the $4 which gives you 85%, and you are paid $3.40, they get your image to give away forever. If you close your WS account that doesn't get any images deactivated or returned. No credits, no attribution, no anything. You get $3.40 which is a one time payment for some site to use your image for eternity.

If $3.40 means something to you for an image with no sales, that's nice. If you want to retain control of your work and not have it given away for free, maybe not good.

I don't think this has anything to do with the Adobe program, because that's one year and negotiated with the artists. I suppose it's not impossible that Adobe made a deal with Wirestock for one years free use, which would actually be better than free forever on other sites.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2020, 11:40 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2020, 12:07 »
...On one hand I might be interested, but I am very suspectful...

Full disclosure: I don't submit to Wirestock and I think their service is terrible - largely because of the atrocious keywords.

They are offering you a bad bargain and although everyone perks up at the idea of a deal, this option would benefit them more than you. I'm sure you realize they wouldn't offer you this money unless they though they could earn more than that - possibly in one-time payments from Freepik or other partner sites.

The fact that Wirestock's keywording is so bad that a prime reason good images wouldn't sell is because no buyer ever saw them makes the deal even more shady. Wirestock is looking to make a quick profit, keeping its costs as low as possible.

Keyword your own images (and have metadata saved in the image files) and upload them yourself to the few major agencies that can actually deliver buyers. Keywording may be a pain, but without it - or with useless rubbish keywords like Wirestock - you might as well just stop uploading.

« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2020, 04:43 »
Thanks a lot for your opinions, Jo Ann and especially for the detailed clearify from Uncle Pete!

I posted it here, because it was new for me and I thought, others here should know about it.

Jo Ann discribed exactly what I was thinking directly, too:
#this option would benefit them more than you. I'm sure you realize they wouldn't offer you this money unless they though they could earn more than that#

And yes, I already stopped uploading to wirestock, well, only bad images I am lazy to keywording. But even these images we should upload ourself, because we never know, might be someone will buy it. For that boring images we can upload them to the cheap agencies like shitterstock, deposit, 123RF and newly yay. On other sites I would feel ashame uploading that boring images, lol.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2020, 08:52 »
...On one hand I might be interested, but I am very suspectful...

Full disclosure: I don't submit to Wirestock and I think their service is terrible - largely because of the atrocious keywords.

They are offering you a bad bargain and although everyone perks up at the idea of a deal, this option would benefit them more than you. I'm sure you realize they wouldn't offer you this money unless they though they could earn more than that - possibly in one-time payments from Freepik or other partner sites.

The fact that Wirestock's keywording is so bad that a prime reason good images wouldn't sell is because no buyer ever saw them makes the deal even more shady. Wirestock is looking to make a quick profit, keeping its costs as low as possible.

Keyword your own images (and have metadata saved in the image files) and upload them yourself to the few major agencies that can actually deliver buyers. Keywording may be a pain, but without it - or with useless rubbish keywords like Wirestock - you might as well just stop uploading.

I won't disagree with your opinions but one small correction or change. They read the metadata off the IPTC now, so titles and keywords have become better. The keywording may have improved. Still, you make the main point of anything we do. If the buyer can't find our work or see them in a search, we'll never make a sale.

The Instant Download has an opt out. I'd say, almost everyone would consider that the way to go. Except if someone only uploads, leftovers and images that haven't sold anywhere in ten years, for example.  ;)

WS is a nice way to be lazy with leftovers. I'm over $100 since I started this year, which beats DT, Alamy and iStock for the year. I don't expect that to happen next year or in the future.

« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2021, 16:55 »
As my old grandmother used to say to me "my boy, if it looks like a con it is a con".

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2021, 14:55 »
As my old grandmother used to say to me "my boy, if it looks like a con it is a con".

That's good, because Wirestock looks like a distribution agent, not a con?  ;)

Microstock, many agencies look like a con and they are and they are thieves and some closed and flew without paying people.

« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2021, 02:11 »
As my old grandmother used to say to me "my boy, if it looks like a con it is a con".

What makes you think they are a con?
Sure, they are not perfect and they have some issues.
But hey, it's microstock. The complete industry behaves like a con artist.

They seem to care more about contributors than the standard agencies do.
The few times I reached out to their support, I got fast and to the point answers and flexible problem solving.

The point is, for most contributors it's a matter of using Wirestock wisely, as an addition to the accounts they already have at agencies.
Cherry-pick the advantages they offer.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2021, 11:21 »

The point is, for most contributors it's a matter of using Wirestock wisely, as an addition to the accounts they already have at agencies.
Cherry-pick the advantages they offer.

Yes, that's the simple point.

By the way, the title of this, just like an article calling them out for creating Instant Sale, without a suitable opt out. Both are wrong. This is not a NEW program. I think it's misleading to twist the facts and then stir up anger against an agency.

When someone doesn't read or understand the TOS and contract they signed, that doesn't make the agency at fault! (except on forums?)

Instant Pay Program

Certain content marketplaces pay an advanced fixed rate per image rather than paying per download ("Advanced Rate"). Wirestock refers to this as "Instant Pay" or the "Instant Pay Program." Wirestock negotiates the Advanced Rate with each content marketplace that participates in the Instant Pay Program. When you submit an item of Content to Wirestock, you will be given the option of selecting that the item of Content be included for the Instant Pay Program. By selecting to include the item of Content for Instant Pay, you agree that the item of Content will be included in the Instant Pay Program ("Instant Pay Participating Content"). You may elect to not include the item of Content for the Instant Pay Program. If you select to include the item of Content for the Instant Pay Program, none of your rights change you still own your Instant Pay Participating Content and it is still distributed through the content marketplaces. However, for each of your Instant Pay Participating Content for which Wirestock receives payment from content marketplaces that pay an Advanced Rate (the "Advanced Rate Payout"), you agree that Wirestock will pay you 85% of the Advanced Rate Payout, but will keep 15% of the Advanced Rate Payout.

If you have photos that have not sold in four months, they will be made available for Instant Pay, this is not new. New people will get the same notice after they have been a member at WS for four months. I got mine last July, some in the Fall of 2020, others just got the notice and somehow missed the discussions about Instant Pay from last year.

Calls it a scam:  https://www.microstockgroup.com/general-stock-discussion/is-wirestocks-instant-pay-program-a-scam/msg559419/#msg559419 Because of making the four month mark in December? Odd that neither of these people have retracted their accusations?

Hey look, Adobe just announced, Instant Pay on their own?  ;D

I'm also correcting and error I made. The minimum payout, from sales accumulated from any agency is $30. No waiting for some smaller one to reach a number, they all count. When the total owed is $30 we get paid.

« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2021, 17:33 »
How many days takes Wirestock for processing images?. I sent some image, they are on Status "Processing".

« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2021, 17:44 »
How many days takes Wirestock for processing images?. I sent some image, they are on Status "Processing".
Seems to be very different... my experience:
-> editorial with keywords included are reviewed quickly within a day or two
-> commercial images with keywords included are reviewed within some days
-> images using easy submission can take up to some weeks - I ususally send an email to the support then, which works well

Another experience:
-> upload commercial images using easy submission (keywords done by wirestock) seem to be rejected with a lot higher percentage then images where the keywords are submitted too

« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2021, 21:07 »
How many days takes Wirestock for processing images?. I sent some image, they are on Status "Processing".
Seems to be very different... my experience:
-> editorial with keywords included are reviewed quickly within a day or two
-> commercial images with keywords included are reviewed within some days
-> images using easy submission can take up to some weeks - I ususally send an email to the support then, which works well

Another experience:
-> upload commercial images using easy submission (keywords done by wirestock) seem to be rejected with a lot higher percentage then images where the keywords are submitted too
Thanks, i believe the process it would be fast. Hope to sell something there!

« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2021, 12:38 »
How many days takes Wirestock for processing images?. I sent some image, they are on Status "Processing".
Seems to be very different... my experience:
-> editorial with keywords included are reviewed quickly within a day or two
-> commercial images with keywords included are reviewed within some days
-> images using easy submission can take up to some weeks - I ususally send an email to the support then, which works well

Another experience:
-> upload commercial images using easy submission (keywords done by wirestock) seem to be rejected with a lot higher percentage then images where the keywords are submitted too

I have the same experiences. And your another experience is also true!

I just uploaded hundreds of photos via easy submit. Keywording still needs to improve, but got partly much(!) better.
The ones I thought needs to modify, I sent them a list with the corrections/adds of keywords. They are now working on it. Well, if you upload your own to several agencies, you can modify yourself afterwards. On wirestock you have to send them an email. BUT: Hey, they do it!

Side experience: Of course they do better keywording, if you write them a kind of title/description in the notice for the reviewer. But even many commercials without any notice for them, got good enough keywords and titles from them.
After this run I got a better idea, where they are now.
So, now I know better, which photos I can just easy submit and which I better still do my own keywording. Even if I do it myself: Dont forget all the other benefits, if you upload via wirestock: more exposer comes clearer and clearer: Seen by much more sales than on the agencies. Higher revenue because of higher level. More ways of sales like instant pay, extra channel and now also via your portfolio on Wirestock. I am still curious about footages, but I know many using this also now with all these benefits.


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