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Author Topic: All You Can Stock - brand new royalty free stock agency  (Read 69853 times)

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« Reply #175 on: February 22, 2012, 19:10 »
oh boy.. thats true.. but I believe we should quit stock if we think of all that possibilities, again I think thats not the case

I hope so. I liked the pay to upload that other agencies did, I liked the money and the fact that the details of their upload offers were clearly written on the websites for everyone to see. That's just me, everyone's different.


« Reply #176 on: February 23, 2012, 08:30 »
Any start up stock agency needs to have a huge amount of working capital and faces enormous costs for probably the first 2 or 3 years of operation. Dedicated servers, massive bandwidth requirements, staff, promotional budget etc. Plus, they need a catalog that can compete with every other agency online which takes time. With less than 100,000 images AYCS is not in a good position to generate revenue yet. If they "fake" a couple of sales to motivate and inspire contributors to upload their ports I would say that's just smart business. They need another million images yet before they can really strut their stuff.

I hope they make it. It's going to be a hard climb, especially paying 75% commission.

« Reply #177 on: February 27, 2012, 16:29 »
Hello Everybody,

Based on the growing demand we are now rolling out our referral program for both buyers and artists.

If you would like to join please read the agreement (http://www.allyoucanstock.com/static/AllYouCanStock_ReferralProgramAgreement.pdf) and enable it in myAccount settings.
Once it is enabled you can go to the "Referral" tab and choose a banner in any size you like and publish it to your website.If you need a different size please contact us.
Buyers or artists who come through this link and register will be linked to you. The linkage will remain active for 365 consecutive days and you will earn 12% of all purchases or sales the referred member is making during this time.

Thank you,

All You Can Stock team


« Reply #178 on: February 27, 2012, 16:32 »
12% on top of 75% is a very good rate, thanks

But I have some doubts that could make your referral program less than attractive:

- why should we "undertake" to display a banner? can't we just agree and then you provide a link that we display when/if we like to?

- why should we use your banner? e.g., on my site (www.microstockphoto.co.uk) I have a list of all sites, with small icons all of the same size; your favicon is perfect for my site; I am not going to put a larger banner for a minor site; please consider giving a simple text link

- 365 days is a short time, especially for a new site; we risk referring a lot of contributors (i.e. competitors) that will earn next to nothing for the first year, and then earn a lot more when your site will hopefully grow;
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 16:50 by microstockphoto.co.uk »

« Reply #179 on: February 27, 2012, 16:40 »
75%+12%= 87%

thats like IS share :D

Paulo M. F. Pires

  • "No Gods No Masters"
« Reply #180 on: February 27, 2012, 16:57 »

- why should we use your banner? e.g., on my site (www.microstockphoto.co.uk) I have a list of all sites, with small icons all of the same size; your favicon is perfect for my site; I am not going to put a larger banner for a minor site; please consider giving a simple text link

Isn't something like: http://www.allyoucanstock.com/index.jsp?ref=xxxx

where xxx is our ref. id?

« Reply #181 on: February 27, 2012, 17:00 »
- why should we use your banner? e.g., on my site (www.microstockphoto.co.uk) I have a list of all sites, with small icons all of the same size; your favicon is perfect for my site; I am not going to put a larger banner for a minor site; please consider giving a simple text link

banner, only if you want lol you can have a href simple as that, not understanding, use the favicon


« Reply #182 on: February 27, 2012, 17:10 »
Yes, many smaller players have come and gone. Sort of like a double edged sword. If you don't jump on board first and this start up company hits it big time you have missed the boat. On the other hand if you dumped all your pics to them and they disappear over night you are now wondering where these pics are now.  If this site promotes these companies should it police them as well? Lot's of questions to ask on this topic...

« Reply #183 on: February 27, 2012, 17:13 »
Yes, many smaller players have come and gone. Sort of like a double edged sword. If you don't jump on board first and this start up company hits it big time you have missed the boat. On the other hand if you dumped all your pics to them and they disappear over night you are now wondering where these pics are now.  If this site promotes these companies should it police them as well? Lot's of questions to ask on this topic...

what?? MSG??

« Reply #184 on: February 27, 2012, 17:25 »

- why should we "undertake" to display a banner? can't we just agree and then you provide a link that we display when/if we like to?

- why should we use your banner? e.g., on my site (www.microstockphoto.co.uk) I have a list of all sites, with small icons all of the same size; your favicon is perfect for my site; I am not going to put a larger banner for a minor site; please consider giving a simple text link

There is no constraint on the size or type of banner, icon etc. we have also posted our logo option on the "Referral" site as well but can be anything else as long as it has the proper link which is either pointing to the main site or directly to your portfolio. We can provide that. Hope it helps.

Thank you,

All You Can Stock team

« Reply #185 on: February 27, 2012, 20:52 »
testing it, one of the positive things is the founder of the site is always improving and updating the features of the site, with the request of contributors, hope client side will be fulfilled too. 

here are my referral link:

« Reply #186 on: March 06, 2012, 10:51 »
We just reached 100 000 images!!!

Thank you for all the supportive and constructive feedback. This is a major milestone.

Thank you all 100 000 times,


All You Can Stock team 


« Reply #187 on: March 06, 2012, 11:03 »
Now all we need is for some sales to start happening  ;) and I'm sure the next 100,000 will be a breeze...

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #188 on: March 07, 2012, 22:41 »
Congrats Zsolt! And the affiliate program works, already got 1 for you! :)

« Reply #189 on: March 08, 2012, 13:28 »
Congrats Zsolt! And the affiliate program works, already got 1 for you! :)

Thank you!

« Reply #190 on: March 08, 2012, 13:40 »
next target 500000!
Have uploaded my small port there, and hopefully the customers will start to come in, but patience is the key here, so long term I hope this site does well!

« Reply #191 on: March 08, 2012, 14:53 »
congrats as well!
Had my first sale today, for a new agency with such a small overall image number that's quite impressive!
And I have to say I love the 75% commission! $1.58 for a small resolution is a nice change to the "established" agencies. Let's hope sales will rise!

« Reply #192 on: May 09, 2012, 04:32 »
its not so much about the number of pictures.
There are always 1000 lost that are never viewed.

I like the business model with no financial department, and money being paid directly from the buyer to the photograper.
thats plain and simple, and I will suport that. letting financial institutiotions like pay pal, work out the procedures and security.
Also then there is no need for accountants (+ wages at the agencies HQ).

Now, what if we all uploaded our ten best pictures to them.
Then they might not have the market leading pool of pop images, but they might have the best of them all.
it would be easy for us contributers, and it might pay so well back, that we could delete the best images from the other stock sites....

and then it would begin to look like something.


« Reply #193 on: May 09, 2012, 05:48 »
congrats as well!
Had my first sale today, for a new agency with such a small overall image number that's quite impressive!
And I have to say I love the 75% commission! $1.58 for a small resolution is a nice change to the "established" agencies. Let's hope sales will rise!

On the contrary, sales have stopped!

« Reply #194 on: May 09, 2012, 06:00 »
congrats as well!
Had my first sale today, for a new agency with such a small overall image number that's quite impressive!
And I have to say I love the 75% commission! $1.58 for a small resolution is a nice change to the "established" agencies. Let's hope sales will rise!

On the contrary, sales have stopped!

I have to agree, looks like a little teaser in the beginning - followed by nothing more...


« Reply #195 on: May 09, 2012, 08:09 »
Woops, wrong agency, I thought we were talking about Photodune, my apologies  :-\
I'm not with AYCS anymore.

« Reply #196 on: May 09, 2012, 08:16 »
Woops, wrong agency, I thought we were talking about Photodune, my apologies  :-\
I'm not with AYCS anymore.

They all become indistinguishable after a while.   :-\
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 08:44 by Microstock Posts »


« Reply #197 on: May 09, 2012, 10:18 »
Woops, wrong agency, I thought we were talking about Photodune, my apologies  :-\
I'm not with AYCS anymore.

They all become indistinguishable after a while.   :-\

LOL indeed! especialy the small ones :)

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #198 on: May 10, 2012, 22:29 »
Zsolt - know you take a look at this forum so hoping I can catch your attention...

I uploaded files via ftp days ago and they haven't shown up. Have emailed you to process them but no response.

Can you take a look please? User: THPStock.


« Reply #199 on: May 11, 2012, 01:47 »
Zsolt - know you take a look at this forum so hoping I can catch your attention...

I uploaded files via ftp days ago and they haven't shown up. Have emailed you to process them but no response.

Can you take a look please? User: THPStock.


It is done. Sorry for the delay.



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