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Author Topic: 500px  (Read 25436 times)

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« Reply #50 on: March 10, 2015, 05:08 »
I'm on 500pix and have sold two images when I had about 150 in my portfolio. I want to upload a lot more but I can't seem to find if you can upload directly to prime. I always upload via 500pix and submit then to license to sell. Is it possible to upload directly to 500prime? Does anyone know?

Semmick Photo

« Reply #52 on: March 11, 2015, 10:02 »
Hey hofhoek,

There's no way to upload directly to Prime right now - for the moment, you upload your images through your 500px account, then enable them in your store and submit them to Prime. If you're running into your 20 uploads per week limit, I'd be happy to upgrade you to a Plus account (unlimited uploads)  :) Just shoot me an email at adri [at] 500px [dot] com with your 500px user name.

Congrats on your sales btw - hopefully you have many more to come!
I had to pay for a plus account. Can i get my money back? I want a freebee too

« Reply #53 on: March 11, 2015, 10:23 »
Hey hofhoek,

There's no way to upload directly to Prime right now - for the moment, you upload your images through your 500px account, then enable them in your store and submit them to Prime. If you're running into your 20 uploads per week limit, I'd be happy to upgrade you to a Plus account (unlimited uploads)  :) Just shoot me an email at adri [at] 500px [dot] com with your 500px user name.

Congrats on your sales btw - hopefully you have many more to come!
I had to pay for a plus account. Can i get my money back? I want a freebee too

Yea give Semminick my $17 account since i closed mine right away due to inability to upload large batches over 20.

« Reply #54 on: March 12, 2015, 03:31 »
Thanks, but I already upgraded to a Plus account (and paid for it :P, no freebee here)

« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 03:33 by hofhoek »


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