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Author Topic: Really great reporting by Mostphotos...really...  (Read 10356 times)

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« on: June 23, 2011, 00:27 »
Ok, that's sarcasm. (Shocker, I know)

« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2011, 01:27 »
Matt, obviously there are just so many sales on the site, your email was in the queue for a full 3 weeks.  ::)

« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2011, 10:01 »
Wow, you got some sales. I thought this site was only for collecting of "likes" and "praiseful comments"


« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 10:15 »
....Mostphotos is really picking up on sales for me! I even resumed uploading to them!

« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 10:15 »
they have a nice feature they allow you to download your portfolio from there, so a nice backup, regarding sales I am there for 2 months and had a sale for 0.17EUR

payout is on the 10EUR too

« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2011, 12:20 »
Oh, I get sales (plus the full backup feature) but yeah, I'd like to know about the sales before 3 weeks have passed! lol


« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2011, 20:56 »
Oh, I get sales (plus the full backup feature) but yeah, I'd like to know about the sales before 3 weeks have passed! lol

Front page stats are cooked too. The new photos and things, don't update properly.

I may upload my whole micro collection, minus the ones that sell well, just for a nice little backup. I have low expectations, turned off subs on MP and have used the backup, just because it works, Kind of fun and friendly site. Subs might be the answer to making a few more pennies, but I'm not interested in competing with myself. IS and SS are just fine.

No sales.

The whole "if you build it they will come" theory of microstock is in action and proven to be false by MP.


« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2011, 13:52 »
Extra bolagsstmma stlls in
Som annonserats den 3:e juni 2011 kallade styrelsen till en extra bolagsstmma fr
att erhlla aktiegarnas godknnande att genomfra en nyemission.
Den planerad extra bolagsstmman stlls in p grund av att styrelsen behver
ytterligare tid fr att utvrdera flera alternativ fr kommande kapitalanskaffning.

Extraordinary General Meeting is set
As announced June 3, 2011 the Board called an Extraordinary General Meeting
to obtain shareholder approval to implement a new share issue.
The planned extraordinary general meeting is canceled because the board needs
additional time to evaluate several options for future fundraising.

(blatant spam of a Motophotos referral link now follows)

Mostphotos Membership

Just in case someone wants to sign up and support my wayward ways.

I wonder if they will be offering stock in Mostphotos MicroStock and anyone here can play from the other side, which is supposed to be "so profitable"  ??? Then there's the advantage that I could go to the annual meeting, take photos, understand nothing, but call it a business trip?  :D

The previous notice says this:

The Board proposes that the Meeting resolves to adopt new Articles of Association of the Company,
resulting in (i) that the provision on the share capital ( 4) changed from being the lowest
SEK 1,000,000 and not more than 4 million SEK to be at least 1.5 million dollars and a maximum of 6,000,000 SEK,
and (ii) that the provision on the number of shares ( 5) has changed from being the lowest
10 million and not more than 40 million pieces to be less than 15,000,000 and not more than 60 million
Item 8. Proposal for a new issue
The Board proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting decides on a new issue with more than 3.6 million
to authorize the Board to decide on the share capital shall be increased, number of
shares to be issued and the amount to be paid for each share. The Board's proposal to
presented no later than five days before the record date. The record date will be
presented no later than two weeks before the EGM.
Documentation for the Meeting
The complete proposal in accordance with paragraphs 6-7 above will last from June 16
2011 will be available on the Company website and on the Company
office. The documents will be sent to those shareholders who so request and state their
Mostphotos AB (publ)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 14:06 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2011, 04:50 »
Sales reports are delayed if the buy was a subscription sale.. as the price is calculated when the buyers montlhy subscription end... then the buy is reported back in time


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