Hi Chris,
I'll just post the same answer here as I sent you to your e-mail, if anyone else reads this
Remember friends, I try to check this forum regularly but the easiest & quickest way of getting help is by e-mailing to
[email protected]Below is the info about images in series.
Best Regards,
SeriesSeries are created automatically when several images have the same keywords and title.
So if you want specific images to be in a series, just make sure they have the same keywords and title.
You do this by going to Upload/Mediacloud/Library. You can select several images at once, make the changes and click "save".
I would suggest that you select all the images you want to be in a series, click on "tags", delete all tags and titles and "save" and then , while the images are still selected, click "tags" again and add the tags you want, add the title you want and then click "save". This way they will all have the same title and tags and become a series.