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Author Topic: 15 reasons you should consider joining Mostphotos ?  (Read 32545 times)

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« on: February 07, 2008, 00:59 »
I joined MostPhotos recently and here are the reasons why I will put my time and effort into them in the long run:

Here is referral link if you find my posting has influenced you to consider checking out the site:

#1 I've done my homework  ;)

#2 The Website is slick, silky smooth, loaded with useful features for both buyers and seller ... basically the most powerful and all around useful site that I've seen so far ...

#3 Established Swedish Website that is going global and is starting to attract a strong  a strong following to its existing client base

#4 Sweden is becoming a technology mecca (I've traveled to Gothenburg on business before)

#5 I believe that ultimately "Midstock" companies will prevail over time as the microstocks debate the entire subscription issue

#6 Their pricing imodel is such that it can support paying the photographer a decent commission

#7 Their algorithm's for the MP Index ACTUALLY work really well which drive the best images to the top

#8 The default "Top Rated" photos window showcases the highest MP Index photos for the last 3 days. You can apply different settings for while your browsing or searching, but the settings always go back to 3 days for the first search. This allows new images to be shown to anyone that is searching for the "Top Rated" photos fairly often

#9 The Photo Community concept really works. In my first few days there I have had plenty of feedback on my images that has been entirely useful. Those Swedish photographers that have been on that site from the beginning really know their stuff ! I am starting to see some familiar names that I've seen here on MSG if that's any sign ...

#10 There is member point system that encourages the ranking of your fellow photographers. You also get points for commenting on other's photos. All in all ... the point system is geared towards making MostPhotos an interactive community that works together to QC itself. From what I can tell so far ... this seems to work

#11 "Portfolio Summary" will show you things like you point total, and the distribution that you are receiving from the voting that has been done on your images, and the votes that you have given as well.

#12 "Request Critique" on an image is an incredible feature. New members are allowed to have 1 image listed with a request for critique which lists temporarily lists it in its own high traffic area of the website. As you earn more points helping others ... you can have more images per week listed in this area

#13 There is a "Members Online" feature

#14 There is a "Hall of Fame" page which appears to be those with the highest Point Totals from all of the rating, and feedback that I spoke of earlier which generates points.

#15 Finally ... aside from checking it out for yourself ... it has a pretty nice referral program paying you $1 Euro for every image sold by a referred member or bought by a referred customer

I hope you found this information informative. When you see me logged "online" (denoted by a green dot) on MostPhotos ... please feel free to shoot me message anytime.

Here is referral link if you find my posting has influenced you to consider checking out the site:

« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 01:51 by mwp1969 »

« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 03:11 »
I like mostphotos but I am not yet convinced that midstock will take off.  The problem is most of us are uploading our microstock images to these sites.  Anyone can find most of these images selling at lower prices.  If we upload new images that aren't on the micros, midstock might have a chance but that is taking a risk, as midstock sales are tiny compared to microstock.

Then there are established sites like alamy selling at higher prices than  mostphotos.  Should I upload my non-microstock photos there?  I think that is a better option at the moment because there are good sales there.

« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 03:46 »
I believe midstock will become the new macrostock, while macrostock will develop into premium stock, RM only. Inthat way, mostphotos makes sense.


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« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2008, 06:40 »
Could this be any more of an advertisement? You give 15 reasons to join and then post your referral link twice?

« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 07:00 »
i can give you one reason you shouldn't joining MP:
waist of time!!!
After a few months and zero sales! At the same time same pics have been made a few $100's
in the big 6.

« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2008, 07:30 »
Peer ratings should be kept to non-sales related sites.

« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2008, 07:38 »

#8 The default "Top Rated" photos window showcases the highest MP Index photos for the last 3 days. You can apply different settings for while your browsing or searching, but the settings always go back to 3 days for the first search. This allows new images to be shown to anyone that is searching for the "Top Rated" photos fairly often

#9 The Photo Community concept really works. In my first few days there I have had plenty of feedback on my images that has been entirely useful. Those Swedish photographers that have been on that site from the beginning really know their stuff ! I am starting to see some familiar names that I've seen here on MSG if that's any sign ...

#10 There is member point system that encourages the ranking of your fellow photographers. You also get points for commenting on other's photos. All in all ... the point system is geared towards making MostPhotos an interactive community that works together to QC itself. From what I can tell so far ... this seems to work

#11 "Portfolio Summary" will show you things like you point total, and the distribution that you are receiving from the voting that has been done on your images, and the votes that you have given as well.


And the result of the above is a set of images akin to those on similar pages of or photo:sig, which are often far removed from useful saleable commercial stock.


« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2008, 07:46 »

#8 The default "Top Rated" photos window showcases the highest MP Index photos for the last 3 days. You can apply different settings for while your browsing or searching, but the settings always go back to 3 days for the first search. This allows new images to be shown to anyone that is searching for the "Top Rated" photos fairly often

#9 The Photo Community concept really works. In my first few days there I have had plenty of feedback on my images that has been entirely useful. Those Swedish photographers that have been on that site from the beginning really know their stuff ! I am starting to see some familiar names that I've seen here on MSG if that's any sign ...

#10 There is member point system that encourages the ranking of your fellow photographers. You also get points for commenting on other's photos. All in all ... the point system is geared towards making MostPhotos an interactive community that works together to QC itself. From what I can tell so far ... this seems to work

#11 "Portfolio Summary" will show you things like you point total, and the distribution that you are receiving from the voting that has been done on your images, and the votes that you have given as well.


And the result of the above is a set of images akin to those on similar pages of or photo:sig, which are often far removed from useful saleable commercial stock.

Right.  And unless all of this adds up to sales, then it just doesn't matter.  Seems everyone has to have a strange angle.  I don't need a community rating system.  If anybody should be doing the ratings, it should be the buyers and reviewers.

As far as I'm concerned, there are the Big 6, plus 2 or 3 slow but worthy players, and a few very small sites worth taking a shot at just in case they take off.  Other than that, I don't understand the constant search for new places to upload to.  If you contributed to every site listed under the "New Sites/Low Earners" section, you would be considered lucky if your combined monthly earnings for all those sites was 1/2 of a month at Dreamstime.


« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2008, 07:50 »
Peer ratings should be kept to non-sales related sites.


How do you feel about iStock ratings?  I've never seen it done, but I know you can actually give someone a "1" rating.  I never really liked the idea, but I think iStock does it about as well as anyone.  I've given you a few "5's" before.  Was tempted to give you a "1" for that picture of 3 Sean's putting up a Christmas tree, because 1 Sean is really enough...   :D

« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2008, 08:19 »
I have been with them a few months and I have had two sales but they have paid me $18 each.  That is like having an EL on some sites.  They also let me withdraw that money straight away.  No waiting for $50 or $100 like I have to with most of the other sites.

This is one of the sites I am uploading to in the hope that the earnings will one day be good.  They might make it or they might not but the worst case scenario should be that I will make a few $18 sales.  I can live with that.

« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2008, 09:01 »
The programming of the site is slick but too heavy. Try to login on a phone dialup in the jungle and you have to restart your PC because that useless large front page picture has to load. The site's programming is too heavy all over. Of course, that doesn't matter if you are on broadband in an industrialized country.

I uploaded about 500 last week, and got comments and ratings on a few since you should apply the Flickr-strategy: upload a few constantly to keep yourself in the attention. The rating and "community" thing is a big waste of time. My artsy shots are on top now, but not my sellers at the big 6. I guess it's a site for forum-whores that spend more time in browsing and commenting than in actual shooting and postprocessing.

Wait and see...

« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2008, 15:30 »
I like mostphotos but I am not yet convinced that midstock will take off.  The problem is most of us are uploading our microstock images to these sites.  Anyone can find most of these images selling at lower prices.  If we upload new images that aren't on the micros, midstock might have a chance but that is taking a risk, as midstock sales are tiny compared to microstock.

Then there are established sites like alamy selling at higher prices than  mostphotos.  Should I upload my non-microstock photos there?  I think that is a better option at the moment because there are good sales there.

I agree with you entirely. When I see a trend towards midstock, I forecast that people will migrate towards midstock in stages. The first stage being a "safe" test with material from their microstock sites. There will be sales in both places initially from those that don't "shop around." Then those few sales $$$ amounts will amount to more than the $$$ from the low end producers in the microstock community. That will ultimately gain some traction and people will ultimately realize that perhaps they should stop uploading to those sites that are less profitable for their images.

Yes they will probably still stay at the Big 5 or 6 for awhile ... and why not? I'd would cetainly stay at any site that is a good producer for myself.

The ultimate goal, should be the migration of microstocks to midstock level commissions. As images start to be removed from "microstock" to be posted exclusively at "midstock" en masse then there will be real change.


« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2008, 15:48 »
The programming of the site is slick but too heavy. Try to login on a phone dialup in the jungle and you have to restart your PC because that useless large front page picture has to load. The site's programming is too heavy all over. Of course, that doesn't matter if you are on broadband in an industrialized country.

I uploaded about 500 last week, and got comments and ratings on a few since you should apply the Flickr-strategy: upload a few constantly to keep yourself in the attention. The rating and "community" thing is a big waste of time. My artsy shots are on top now, but not my sellers at the big 6. I guess it's a site for forum-whores that spend more time in browsing and commenting than in actual shooting and postprocessing.

Wait and see...


The plumbing is more complex so it definitely takes more memory to load and browse the pages. However, I use a wireless (not wired) broadband card and am able to make multiple image uploads in very reasonable amounts of time.


« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2008, 15:50 »

#8 The default "Top Rated" photos window showcases the highest MP Index photos for the last 3 days. You can apply different settings for while your browsing or searching, but the settings always go back to 3 days for the first search. This allows new images to be shown to anyone that is searching for the "Top Rated" photos fairly often

#9 The Photo Community concept really works. In my first few days there I have had plenty of feedback on my images that has been entirely useful. Those Swedish photographers that have been on that site from the beginning really know their stuff ! I am starting to see some familiar names that I've seen here on MSG if that's any sign ...

#10 There is member point system that encourages the ranking of your fellow photographers. You also get points for commenting on other's photos. All in all ... the point system is geared towards making MostPhotos an interactive community that works together to QC itself. From what I can tell so far ... this seems to work

#11 "Portfolio Summary" will show you things like you point total, and the distribution that you are receiving from the voting that has been done on your images, and the votes that you have given as well.


And the result of the above is a set of images akin to those on similar pages of or photo:sig, which are often far removed from useful saleable commercial stock.

Right.  And unless all of this adds up to sales, then it just doesn't matter.  Seems everyone has to have a strange angle.  I don't need a community rating system.  If anybody should be doing the ratings, it should be the buyers and reviewers.

As far as I'm concerned, there are the Big 6, plus 2 or 3 slow but worthy players, and a few very small sites worth taking a shot at just in case they take off.  Other than that, I don't understand the constant search for new places to upload to.  If you contributed to every site listed under the "New Sites/Low Earners" section, you would be considered lucky if your combined monthly earnings for all those sites was 1/2 of a month at Dreamstime.


I agree. If it turns out that there are never any sales then you will be correct, but from my previous research here on the forums, people are starting to get sales and those sales are amounting to more than 6mths worth of work on time that has been spent on lesser producing sites such as CS.


« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2008, 16:00 »
Could this be any more of an advertisement? You give 15 reasons to join and then post your referral link twice?


Right I did give 15 reasons to join as that was the title of the article ... and as soon as I see anything wrong with the site, or reasons not to, I will post them as well (especially the lack of sales after say 6mths to a year).

When I have something meaningful to contribute that might benefit others ... I will do it.

I have no problem promoting a site that I feel will ultimately benefit the photographers and contribute in a significant way to their earnings. Likewise, I have no problem saying what I dislike about a sight ...

This is an open Forum and continues to be the #1 place for us to share are viewpoints, promotions, and demotions of the various sites.



« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2008, 19:01 »
How do you feel about iStock ratings?  I've never seen it done, but I know you can actually give someone a "1" rating.  I never really liked the idea, but I think iStock does it about as well as anyone.  I've given you a few "5's" before.  Was tempted to give you a "1" for that picture of 3 Sean's putting up a Christmas tree, because 1 Sean is really enough...   :D

Ha!  I think the consensus is that they should go away with a feel good thumbs up the only option available.  I give 5's, I like getting 5's.  I used to give out other ratings with a short critique until I learned nobody really wanted to hear they had bad images.


« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2008, 19:13 »
I'll wait and see before I make any calls

« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2008, 17:54 »
I just landed my first sale at MP :) 

Its more than I've made at CS, FP, 123rf, and BigStock combined for the last two months. I've been a member there a little over a month now ... I hope to see more sales soon :)


« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2008, 02:13 »
Just got first sale last week (12,5e).  I hope there is more to come in this month.

br, MJP

« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2008, 12:09 »
I like MP. The more of you that join the site and dare I say 'Vote' the better ... that would help get the best stock pictures to the top and perhaps more sales.

« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2008, 00:51 »
i just joined and loaded my first 3. I like the look and feel of the site

« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2008, 11:40 »
There is 16-th and 17-th reason to join MP.
16 - proven sales
17 - Euros

« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2008, 11:53 »
18-th reason: I just joined them :). the only thing i do not like about mostphotos - black interface. I wish them best of luck.

« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2008, 21:52 »
lol to all 16th, 17th, 18th ...

and now 19th !

Immediate payouts as one RF sale puts you over the minimum :)


« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2008, 03:56 »
do they take editorial?

what? no ftp? doh, I really don't want to get 1000 pictures up in batches of 3
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 04:28 by vikavalter »


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