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Author Topic: Description field not copied over  (Read 5164 times)

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« on: October 05, 2019, 02:40 »
I haven't used Stocksubmitter in a while and used it again just recently to submit some editorial content. And I just noticed that I got a rejection on Shutterstock for a video I sent through Stocksubmitter. This particular rejection was for the editorial caption. I checked the metadata of the file within SS and noted that the editorial caption which I had typed into the description field on Stocksubmitter was not copied over into the description area on SS. What happened instead was the title was copied over on to the description area - hence the rejection. This is quite surprising. Since SS uses descriptions rather than titles, I thought the description field from Stocksubmitter would be copied over. It's annoying too because Ive since submitted some other editorial videos and I guess they'll be rejected for the same reason. I guess the only thing I can do is copy and paste the description / editorial caption into both the title and description fields on Stocksubmitter.

« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2019, 04:14 »
Okay, I'm currently filling in the metadata for some more editorial videos within Stocksubmitter. And Ive copy and pasted the same editorial caption into both the title field and description field. Though with Pond 5, I'm getting an error message (80 characters.) In other words, the title is too long for this particular agency. Though what if I want to submit the same editorial videos to both Pond 5 and SS? It doesn't seem like that's possible.

With SS, it looks like I'll be forced to put the editorial caption in the title field within Stocksubmitter. However, it's likely that a typical editorial caption will be too long for P5 (when copied into the title field.) So I guess I'll have to submit one batch to say P5 and wait till it's submitted. Then after that, do another batch for SS. Would be good if I could submit editorial content to both agencies at the same time though.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 04:22 by dragonblade »

« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2019, 06:05 »
Please enable the "Use description instead of title" option in Shutterstock settings in the program :)


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