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Author Topic: Microstockr - iPhone app for contributors  (Read 110886 times)

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« Reply #300 on: June 16, 2016, 11:09 »
Same here, crash on launch.

« Reply #301 on: June 16, 2016, 14:54 »
I contacted them. They say the fix has been done and the update available later today or tomorrow.


  • Microstock analytics tools for the 21st century.
« Reply #302 on: June 16, 2016, 15:02 »
Hey guys,

Update that will fix this issue was already uploaded yesterday to App Store, it's going to take 1-2 days until will get approved

Sorry for inconvenience

« Reply #303 on: June 16, 2016, 17:26 »
Update is already available. I just updated and the crash is fixed. Thank you for the quick response!

« Reply #304 on: June 17, 2016, 10:45 »
Quick update.   Good job.  App works now.

« Reply #305 on: July 10, 2016, 08:56 »

I downloaded the app for Android last week and paid for a subscription but I don't seem to be getting notifications, would there be any obvious reason why?

I had a sale on DT yesterday and it never showed up in the app, even though my phone has been on WiFi since 10pm yesterday. I aslo has a couple of sales during the week which didn't show up


  • Microstock analytics tools for the 21st century.
« Reply #306 on: July 18, 2016, 04:05 »

For notifications you need to leave the app running in background and it will check all agencies accounts for change in balance, if you check it your serf and you will see the new earnings the app won't notify you because you already checked all the balances

Hope this helps

« Reply #307 on: July 25, 2016, 04:21 »
After last update can't see shutterstock overtime the app tell me Shutterstock connection problem, what's happ?
 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

« Reply #308 on: September 21, 2017, 04:19 »
Canstock, pond5, alamy and pixta no way to see something.... i pay for subscription since 2 years... what's app with the support?


  • [<o>] Brasil

« Reply #309 on: November 20, 2017, 15:59 »
I miss the following agencys:

 Room - whttp://www.roomtheagency.com
 Aboutpixel - http://www.aboutpixel.com

Do you get to access http://aboutpixel.de from there? It seems that the site is gone. I can't access it from here.

« Reply #310 on: October 11, 2018, 09:48 »
Hi Microstockr, I have just downloaded your app in Ios and pay for 3 months.

Now, I can't log in my Pond5 account and I don't know the app support AdobeStock and Alamy or not ? I have sent email for support but I don't receive any response  :( :(

« Reply #311 on: October 25, 2018, 15:30 »
Pond5 Alamy Storyblock don'T work for me on mobile app.

« Reply #312 on: October 28, 2018, 05:10 »
Same issue here, adobe stock, pond5 and videohive don't work on the iphone version of the app.
Would also be nice to have Alamy back, think it's been removed from the list.

« Reply #313 on: October 28, 2018, 06:18 »
this morning I can't run microstockr desktop app. I got that error : You can only run Microstockr Pro on 1 computer at a time. I reboot and I still can get it working properly. I only have one app.

« Reply #314 on: November 22, 2018, 18:45 »
Hello. I have the app in my Android phone but the login in Depositphotos is not working. Anyone has the same problem? Is the "username" the mail account? Thank you.

« Reply #315 on: November 22, 2018, 19:30 »
this morning I can't run microstockr desktop app. I got that error : You can only run Microstockr Pro on 1 computer at a time. I reboot and I still can get it working properly. I only have one app.

You probably have it running on a different computer.  I have to quit MSr on my desktop before I can launch it on my laptop, for instance.

« Reply #316 on: November 22, 2018, 19:32 »
Hello. I have the app in my Android phone but the login in Depositphotos is not working. Anyone has the same problem? Is the "username" the mail account? Thank you.

In the case of DepositPhotos, it is your username, like it says.  When you created your account there, you created a user name. 

Basically, go log onto DP directly.  Whatever text you put in the first field is the text you want on MSr for DP.  (It might be your email I suppose. in my case, it is not though.)

« Reply #317 on: November 22, 2018, 19:34 »
Hi Microstockr, I have just downloaded your app in Ios and pay for 3 months.

Now, I can't log in my Pond5 account and I don't know the app support AdobeStock and Alamy or not ? I have sent email for support but I don't receive any response  :( :(

Open the MSr app. Click on the "3 bars" in the upper-left.  You will be presented with a list of agencies that MSr supports.

And yes, both Alamy and Adobe are on the list, and MSr tracks both for me.

« Reply #318 on: November 23, 2018, 06:07 »
Hello. I have the app in my Android phone but the login in Depositphotos is not working. Anyone has the same problem? Is the "username" the mail account? Thank you.

In the case of DepositPhotos, it is your username, like it says.  When you created your account there, you created a user name. 

Basically, go log onto DP directly.  Whatever text you put in the first field is the text you want on MSr for DP.  (It might be your email I suppose. in my case, it is not though.)
It seems like it's a depositphotos.com problem. When I sign in I use my email and it seems like my email is also my username. I'm going to contact them.

Enviado desde mi ALP-L29 mediante Tapatalk

« Reply #319 on: November 23, 2018, 06:08 »
Hi Microstockr, I have just downloaded your app in Ios and pay for 3 months.

Now, I can't log in my Pond5 account and I don't know the app support AdobeStock and Alamy or not ? I have sent email for support but I don't receive any response  :( :(

Open the MSr app. Click on the "3 bars" in the upper-left.  You will be presented with a list of agencies that MSr supports.

And yes, both Alamy and Adobe are on the list, and MSr tracks both for me.
Really? In the Android app there is no Adobe nor Alamy...

Enviado desde mi ALP-L29 mediante Tapatalk

« Reply #320 on: December 14, 2018, 20:34 »
Hi Microstockr, I have just downloaded your app in Ios and pay for 3 months.

Now, I can't log in my Pond5 account and I don't know the app support AdobeStock and Alamy or not ? I have sent email for support but I don't receive any response  :( :(

Open the MSr app. Click on the "3 bars" in the upper-left.  You will be presented with a list of agencies that MSr supports.

And yes, both Alamy and Adobe are on the list, and MSr tracks both for me.

I checked many time and I don't see Alamy or Adobe on my MSr app for Ios. Can you check it again ?


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