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Author Topic: Lookstat Giving it a try  (Read 49400 times)

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« Reply #100 on: July 17, 2009, 04:02 »
Without ShutterStock it's pointless. All we got by it was that stupid captcha when logging in at ShutterStock. I personally don't care for Fotolia since for some reason my port doesn't fly there, and I stopped uploading long ago. That leaves iStock and Dreamstime. But both offer a good statistics tool to check on the site itself.

Considering there was no news at all from Lookstat in a long time, I got worried and changed my passwords on the 3 microstocks supported, and I also changed my email to nonsense on Lookstat.

It was a great idea but I guess the microstocks don't like to spare resources on being compared to each other. But it's our stats and it's none of their business if someone comes up with a desktop application that logs in to the microstocks from our own PC and harvests the stats.

« Reply #102 on: July 31, 2009, 00:19 »
Keep up the good work.

newbielink:http://www.arcurs.com/ [nonactive]

« Reply #103 on: October 08, 2009, 19:02 »
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say hello and let you know that we have launched our Back Office services and there is currently an offer for the first 25 msg readers to respond who can get 25 images keyworded and uploaded to 10 sites at no charge, with no strings. We hope you'll continue working with us after that, but if not, that's fine too. That URL is :

We have also launched a stats API which and are privately beta testing a new analytics feature that we're pretty excited about which should be live very soon. (If you're a LookStat user and interested in trying it out, let me know.)

There are quite a few updates on our blog about recent goings on. Hope everyone is enjoying great sales in October.


PS: If you'll be at UGCX or PDN in NYC, let me know - would be great to connect in person.


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