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Author Topic: Zoonar with new, fresh design  (Read 11116 times)

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« on: December 07, 2015, 05:21 »
I like the new design of Zoonar and I wish, it should run well for Zoonar. From time to time I achieve very good sales there.


« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2015, 07:04 »
I tried uploading to them a few years ago but found the process to be huge PITA. Have they improved it at all? Can you delete images, see what you've uploaded/ is being processed? How do they compare to the other low earners in terms of income nowadays?


« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2015, 08:42 »
I tried uploading to them a few years ago but found the process to be huge PITA. Have they improved it at all? Can you delete images, see what you've uploaded/ is being processed? How do they compare to the other low earners in terms of income nowadays?

Like you I am curious to know.
I was with them some years ago but I was so desperate that I have deleted all my portfolio two years ago.
I am thinking to upload again if they have changed their behavior

« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2015, 09:32 »
They pay at least 50/50 , untill now it was 60/40. But I think 50 % is pretty fair. For me Zoonar is a better earner than all the other low earners.  I check my income 12 times a year, during first days of a month, because eranings are updatet once per month. In november my earnings were about 100 (with just 900 pics) and I am satisfied!

« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2015, 09:58 »
I tried uploading to them a few years ago but found the process to be huge PITA. Have they improved it at all? Can you delete images, see what you've uploaded/ is being processed? How do they compare to the other low earners in terms of income nowadays?

Like you I am curious to know.
I was with them some years ago but I was so desperate that I have deleted all my portfolio two years ago.
I am thinking to upload again if they have changed their behavior

Hi Chichikov,

of course you can delete Photos, but we have an six months deletion time. This is quite normal, many agencies have the same rules. For example: If a publishing house loads a photo, they will hav a pre-production time of 3-6 months until the magazin is printed. We get the fee after the magazin is printed. Without the deletion time we could not pay your fee, because the photo would be already deleted. Another reason is the deletion time at our partners. We sent deletion lists every quarter to all distributors and the partners needs time to do the deletions. That`s why we could not offer or guarantee a faster image deletion. The third reason is, that we have high costs at our distrubution system. We do translations of keywords and titles. We choose categories and we check the photos for the requirements of our partners. This is expensive. Normally six months are enough to earn this costs.

So I think the six months deletion period is quit fair. If you want to delete a single photo faster (maybe for a buyout) we would help you.

Kind regards,

« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2015, 09:58 »
They pay at least 50/50 , untill now it was 60/40. But I think 50 % is pretty fair. For me Zoonar is a better earner than all the other low earners.  I check my income 12 times a year, during first days of a month, because eranings are updatet once per month. In november my earnings were about 100 (with just 900 pics) and I am satisfied!
Where do most of your sales come from?  My sales are very low with Zoonar but I might of opted out of sites they supply but I am already with.  They seem to get most of their sales through the third party sites, so we are getting quite a low commission when two sites take a cut.  Would be great if they did get more sales direct, 50% seems fair to me.


« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2015, 10:03 »
I am not super interested in having (yet) another distributor, I mainly want to know how direct sales are going

« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2015, 10:07 »
They pay at least 50/50 , untill now it was 60/40. But I think 50 % is pretty fair. For me Zoonar is a better earner than all the other low earners.  I check my income 12 times a year, during first days of a month, because eranings are updatet once per month. In november my earnings were about 100 (with just 900 pics) and I am satisfied!
Where do most of your sales come from?  My sales are very low with Zoonar but I might of opted out of sites they supply but I am already with.  They seem to get most of their sales through the third party sites, so we are getting quite a low commission when two sites take a cut.  Would be great if they did get more sales direct, 50% seems fair to me.

This is exactly the reason for our changes and the Relaunch. We will start more marketing action in the future. Thats why we need a 50/50 sharing. For example Google AdWords advertising is not worthwhile if we get just 25% percent of the income. I don`t believe in wonders, but I believe, that we can raise up our direct sales if we start marketing because Zoonar is currently not very known. Now we have enough photos and a competitive website so we should be able to get a piece of the cake. This will needs time, but we have a long wind and the possibility to do more new implementations with our developers.

« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2015, 13:52 »
They pay at least 50/50 , untill now it was 60/40. But I think 50 % is pretty fair. For me Zoonar is a better earner than all the other low earners.  I check my income 12 times a year, during first days of a month, because eranings are updatet once per month. In november my earnings were about 100 (with just 900 pics) and I am satisfied!
Where do most of your sales come from?  My sales are very low with Zoonar but I might of opted out of sites they supply but I am already with.  They seem to get most of their sales through the third party sites, so we are getting quite a low commission when two sites take a cut.  Would be great if they did get more sales direct, 50% seems fair to me.

In my case most sales are partner sales. But I have exactly as you did opted out partners, where I deliver directly to.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 13:56 by roede-orm »


« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2015, 02:34 »
 :o Got 70/100 of rejections with the completely inconsistent reason:

"There are unwanted objects in your photo
There are unwanted objects such as tree branches or random people in your photo. You can try to remove these objects in software using the retouching tools."


« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2015, 02:50 »
I have 1400 images with Zoonar and barely make one payout per year.

I only keyword in English though... Roede-orm probably keywords in German, right?

@Michael: You say you translate keywords before sending the images to the partners. But you probably only add English keywords? Or do you translate from English to German as well?

« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2015, 04:07 »
I have 1400 images with Zoonar and barely make one payout per year.

I only keyword in English though... Roede-orm probably keywords in German, right?

@Michael: You say you translate keywords before sending the images to the partners. But you probably only add English keywords? Or do you translate from English to German as well?

My keywords, description and title are both in English and German. I agree, it's time-consuming and inconvenient. But I'm contributor in a few other German agencies too, so the German keywords are necessary in any case. I would prefer English keywords only, but Germany is a strong market for stockphotographs.


« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2015, 06:58 »
Okay, a couple of feature requests.

Can we specify a default license type? By default everything seems to start as RM.

Would it be possible to allow keywords to be separated by ";" as well as ","

Bridge for example store them with a semi-colon, so if you need to copy paste into the Zoonar kws box this would make life a lot easier


« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2015, 05:09 »

Can we specify a default license type? By default everything seems to start as RM.

I am interested by this too.
I have tried to change the kind of licence but apparently it does not work (or I did not understood how to do it - Edit image, change RM to RF, save. But the image continues to appear as RM in the Manage pictures page).
It could be good to have the possibility to change the kind of licence in batch too.

« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2015, 05:32 »
I think I remember seeing that their RM is more like RF.  It's confusing and if it also confuses buyers, that might explain why they sell so little directly.


« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2015, 05:34 »

Can we specify a default license type? By default everything seems to start as RM.

I am interested by this too.
I have tried to change the kind of licence but apparently it does not work (or I did not understood how to do it - Edit image, change RM to RF, save. But the image continues to appear as RM in the Manage pictures page).
It could be good to have the possibility to change the kind of licence in batch too.

You need to make sure the release fields are set to not required or something before you can get the changes to stick, or something like that.


« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2015, 06:16 »

Can we specify a default license type? By default everything seems to start as RM.

I am interested by this too.
I have tried to change the kind of licence but apparently it does not work (or I did not understood how to do it - Edit image, change RM to RF, save. But the image continues to appear as RM in the Manage pictures page).
It could be good to have the possibility to change the kind of licence in batch too.

You need to make sure the release fields are set to not required or something before you can get the changes to stick, or something like that.

It works!
Thank you.
(But why to do simple when you can do more complicated? To give the possibility to set some general user preferences could be a good option, no?)

« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2015, 06:34 »
I have 1400 images with Zoonar and barely make one payout per year.

I only keyword in English though... Roede-orm probably keywords in German, right?

@Michael: You say you translate keywords before sending the images to the partners. But you probably only add English keywords? Or do you translate from English to German as well?

Yes, we transfer your keywords into german language, if you release your photos for DDP or Fotofinder or our API. (German Channels). But these translations are automatic (like at all agencies I know) and not the best. 

« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2015, 06:36 »
I think I remember seeing that their RM is more like RF.  It's confusing and if it also confuses buyers, that might explain why they sell so little directly.

Our RM is a normal RM.

For our RF Photos we also offer a "single using buy" with RM License. This make sense because we have higher RF prices then many Microstock agencies and why you should buy all rights if you only need one single using?
This is because we offer RF/RM Online.

If we submit photos to partners we only set RF...

« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2015, 06:46 »

Can we specify a default license type? By default everything seems to start as RM.

I am interested by this too.
I have tried to change the kind of licence but apparently it does not work (or I did not understood how to do it - Edit image, change RM to RF, save. But the image continues to appear as RM in the Manage pictures page).
It could be good to have the possibility to change the kind of licence in batch too.

We will discuss that. The reason for an non-automatic setting was, that RF is a legal important choice and some Photographers had choose it, but upload everything into RF. For example: People, Trading Sings, Cars...

« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2015, 06:48 »
:o Got 70/100 of rejections with the completely inconsistent reason:

"There are unwanted objects in your photo
There are unwanted objects such as tree branches or random people in your photo. You can try to remove these objects in software using the retouching tools."


The reason in your Mail was "QUALITY" (please take a look into it). This qoute is from a text with examples of what it COULD mean... Maybe i will write a better text for that...


« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2015, 07:56 »

Can we specify a default license type? By default everything seems to start as RM.

I am interested by this too.
I have tried to change the kind of licence but apparently it does not work (or I did not understood how to do it - Edit image, change RM to RF, save. But the image continues to appear as RM in the Manage pictures page).
It could be good to have the possibility to change the kind of licence in batch too.

We will discuss that. The reason for an non-automatic setting was, that RF is a legal important choice and some Photographers had choose it, but upload everything into RF. For example: People, Trading Sings, Cars...

If the contributor could have the possibility, under his profile setting, to set some general rules, as the default licence, the default releases setting, etc. it would be a plus.
Imagine a landscape photographer only interested by RF and never needing any kind of release, or, instead, imagine a portrait photographer always needing a model release, if they would have the possibility to set it as default it will considerably ease the all process.

« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2015, 11:42 »

Can we specify a default license type? By default everything seems to start as RM.

I am interested by this too.
I have tried to change the kind of licence but apparently it does not work (or I did not understood how to do it - Edit image, change RM to RF, save. But the image continues to appear as RM in the Manage pictures page).
It could be good to have the possibility to change the kind of licence in batch too.

We will discuss that. The reason for an non-automatic setting was, that RF is a legal important choice and some Photographers had choose it, but upload everything into RF. For example: People, Trading Sings, Cars...

If the contributor could have the possibility, under his profile setting, to set some general rules, as the default licence, the default releases setting, etc. it would be a plus.
Imagine a landscape photographer only interested by RF and never needing any kind of release, or, instead, imagine a portrait photographer always needing a model release, if they would have the possibility to set it as default it will considerably ease the all process.

I understand your point and will discuss that with our team.


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