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Author Topic: New Contributors Public Offer on PressFoto  (Read 8908 times)

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« on: June 01, 2016, 08:12 »
Dear Contributors,
We want to thank you for being a part of the PressFoto team and for all the hard work that we did together last year!
We made our Content Submission Policy more demanding but you didnt give up and kept on uploading more and more images. So we have considerably increased our content collection especially due to vector illustrations. Feeling blue some of you wanted to leave us. But we believe that loyalty and devotion to what we are doing together as well as strong faith in each other allowed us to keep our team together. We appreciate your loyalty and support! As a response, we scaled our sales team and it resulted in the increase of sales and number of customers.
We completely updated the design of our website and now were working at 100% update of the contributors accounts. We switched to paying royalties in U.S. dollars. And recently weve updated our Public Offer. From this day on the first time you log in, please, accept new Public Offer. Otherwise, you will no longer be able to use our site.
Please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,
Maria Terentyeva-Galitskikh
Head of Contributors Department
+7 916 529 4059
[email protected]
Skype: maria.galitskikh
LinkedIn Profile

« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2016, 13:05 »
Not a site I've uploaded to .....any thoughts as to whether they are worth a punt? Why did people leave?

btw "we scaled our sales team" the sort of Corporate gobbledegook I hate presumably they mean "increased"

« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2016, 14:01 »
Not a site I've uploaded to .....any thoughts as to whether they are worth a punt? Why did people leave?

btw "we scaled our sales team" the sort of Corporate gobbledegook I hate presumably they mean "increased"

Thats what i would assume, but you know a scale tips both ways. So you can say it one way while actually meaning the opposite.

Anywho, i also would like to hear from contributers experience with them

« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2016, 09:08 »
In the poll they have a rating of 14, which would put them between DT and 123rf based on today's numbers.  However, there were only 10 responses so likely to be skewed.

I'm not sure what their pricing is but they seem to pay 40 to 70% if I understand their ranks correctly.  It also seems like their system doesn't read embedded IPTC data so you have to add it afterwards - that is a nonstarter for me and I assume most of us here.

I would give them a try if I knew more about:

1) Pricing.  How much do they charge for images?  50% of 20 cents won't get me too excited but if prices are decent then it becomes more attractive.  Also it sounds like they have subscriptions but I wasn't clear about what they charge (or how much you earn) for those either (I did not look at the buyer side - I assume that information is easily available but it would be nice to mention it on the contributor side to save us the trouble of searching for it).

2) Ability to read embedded IPTC data.  If we have to add titles and keywords afterwards, even using a csv file, it is probably too much trouble to bother.  Is it possible to read embedded information or is that planned for the near future?

If PressFoto could answer those questions it would be a big help in making a decision on whether to give them a try.  (of course I'm not asking the obvious questions about marketing and sales, but with a rating of 10 some people must be having some success there).

« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2016, 10:59 »

As they put USD next to the 0.40 to 0.70, I assumed they paid 40 cents to 70 cents a download - which is hardly enough to create a stampede of suppliers

Their pricing is here, but it seems their "subscriptions" are so much higher than anywhere else - $650 a month for 750 images for a one-month subscription versus $249 at SS - why would anyone buy from them?

They have 10 million images, 700K vectors according to their about page. I see YayMicro and Zoonar content in search results, so not all of that is uploaded to PressFoto directly. Their sales rating is based on 10 replies - I wouldn't put much weight on anything with so few responders.

It could be that they do well in select markets (a bit like Fotolia in Germany) but even if they were looking promising, the fact that they don't read IPTC data and want a CSV file in a particular format would make uploading a portfolio to them so discouraging that I'd hold off. The time commitment would be too great.

« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2016, 11:53 »
-As they put USD next to the 0.40 to 0.70, I assumed they paid 40 cents to 70 cents a download -

- their "subscriptions" are so much higher than anywhere else - $650 a month for 750 images for a one-month subscription versus $249 at SS - why would anyone buy from them?

- I see YayMicro and Zoonar content in search results, so not all of that is uploaded to PressFoto directly.

-It could be that they do well in select markets (a bit like Fotolia in Germany)

-they don't read IPTC data and want a CSV file in a particular format would make uploading a portfolio to them so discouraging that I'd hold off. The time commitment would be too great.

i hold off anything that has not come into the 80 ratings on the right column
before even considering uploading again to any one other than ss

but i welcome a new site who shows me that everyone can make money and reach payout regularly like ss, instead of growing old before reaching the 1st payout.
(i still have crestock, dt, etc which i joined at their inception all 22 sites when i first found leaf's forum, all of which as i said have not reach payout even till today.
...and i make more with ss in a single day to a single week or even a single lifetime with crestock,etc)

as for the prices being higher than ss, i don't think that is a bad thing.
i welcome any site daring enough to increase prices and of course offer a better percentage
share with us,
i shoot enough to be able to give them a different portfolio or a niche
so that is not impossible for a new site to succeed charging more
as i don't cannibalize my work with ss anyway.
but i do like to encourage a new site that would be a viable tangent to ss
so we can have more clout to negotiate with ss in terms of better earnings.
there is nothing bad in avoiding a monopoly,

except that till this day i see nothing producing anything like ss
where everyone can make money, not just a handful of people
who no doubt are the ones who owns or conglomerate with the agency.
iow, i don't care if you have a 200 rating if only your elites handful make 90% of it
..that would not impress me much (as Shania says)
as it would be like Brazil being rich by on most of the wealth coming from one state.
no whoopy dink for me.

give me another shutterstock and i will upload to you

« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2016, 21:45 »
but i welcome a new site who shows me that everyone can make money and reach payout regularly like ss, instead of growing old before reaching the 1st payout.
(i still have crestock, dt, etc which i joined at their inception all 22 sites when i first found leaf's forum, all of which as i said have not reach payout even till today.
newbielink: [nonactive]


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