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Author Topic: Photo Plus Expo - Roll Call and Event Calender  (Read 18286 times)

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« on: October 05, 2009, 08:20 »
So who is going and who wants to meet up?  I'll be there for a few extra days so if anyone else is there then and wants to meet up or go out shooting, I'm game.

Who will be there
Rahul Pathak - Lookstat
Ellen Boughn - Author / industry analyst
Yuri Arcurs - Stock Photographer
Jack Hollingsworth (moderating) Travel & Lifestyle Stock Photographer
Catherine Gluckstein - iStockPhoto (Vice President)
Kara Udziela PR guru at iStockphoto
Daryl Lang - Business Journalist
Garth Johnson - Fotolia (Executive Vice President, North America)
Andres Rodriguez - Stock Photographer
Kelly Cline - Stock Photography (iStock exclusive)
Hugo Angelmar - iSyndica
Sebastien Coursol - iSyndica
AB Senior Director, Creative Content at Corbis
Brian OShea Product Manager Veer Marketplace at Corbis
Rachel Wright Creative Director, Illustration for Corbis and Veer
Shannon Fagan SAA President & Stock Photographer
Sylvie Fodor Executive Director at CEPIC
Klaus Plaumann Vice President at CEPIC
Craig Sanderson Managing Director at ImageSource
Luke Vines Technology & Development Director at ImageSource
Patricia Vargas Alcatel-Lucent
Offir Gutelzon CEO at PicScout
Amy Love Vice President Marketing & Business Development at PicScout
Mark Milstein  - Microstock Solutions
Tyler Olson (leaf) - Microstockgroup Oct 19-25

Here is what is going on.
Oct 20-21, 2009
Microstockgroup GTG and shoot

Oct 20-21, 2009
Another UGCX event like last spring except with very limited microstock content.  You can register for just the microstock part however (one session).
  • The Business of Microstock - October 21, 2009 - 6:15 pm to 9:00 pm

Oct 22-24, 2009
Photo Plus Expo
There is a ton of things going on, sessions and exhibit hall, but here are the sessions which seem most geared towards microstock
  • Oct 22, 2009 - 1:15 PM to 3:15 PM  - Tools for Selling Stock Direct
    Speakers: Fred Benenson, Ellen Boughn, Pam Fischer, Allen Murbayashi, Rahul Pathak
  • Oct 22, 2009 - 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM - Shooting Stock: Creating Exceptional Work & Making Your Ideas Profitable
    Speaker: Tyler Stableford
  • Oct 23, 2009 - 8:45 AM to 11:45 AM - Microstock: What We Learned in 2009
    Speakers:Yuri Arcurs, Catherine Gluckstein, Daryl Lang, Garth Johnson, Andres Rodriguez, Kelly Cline

October 22, 2009 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Togs Tweet-up -
This is a social event for photographers hosted by Jack Hollingsworth and Jennifer Shanks.

Anyone know of other things or meet ups going on during this time?  Post them in this thread and I will try and keep this first post up to day.  I will also update who is attending.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 15:52 by leaf »

« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2009, 12:01 »
Hugo and Seb from iSyndica, Veer (not sure who specifically - presumably Brian et al) and Mark from Microstock Solutions will also be there.

« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2009, 13:53 »
thanks Lee.

It's not too late to change your mind you know ;)

« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2009, 22:00 »
It became too late to change my mind 8.5 months ago.  ;)

« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2009, 15:52 »
I see that Lee just wrote his blog post on the event and managed to scrape a few more names out of the 'whose going' bin.  I have relentlessly copy and pasted the ones I was missing.

Here is the link to his post though

He also added fancy links in case you aren't aware of who some of the people or companies are.

I believe your still missing Daryl Lang though Lee, so feel free to copy and paste him from here ;)

edit: ahh shoot, I see you got him in the PDN area already.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 15:54 by leaf »

« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2009, 16:23 »
I'm not sure Daryl will be attending the panel as I imagine he'll be busy preparing for PPE which starts the following day.  Still, I'll ask him and add him to the list if he plans to attend.

« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2009, 16:37 »
No, Daryl is not attending. I guess managing the world's largest photography expo doesn't leave him with much free time, especially the night before.

« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2009, 22:46 »
Hey Tyler, do you think the UGCX event is worth going to for someone who is already fairly successful in Microstock? I know almost nothing about the event and was curious.

« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2009, 06:36 »
Hey Tyler, do you think the UGCX event is worth going to for someone who is already fairly successful in Microstock? I know almost nothing about the event and was curious.

yeah, I don't know really.  I think it is very hard to quantify the worth.  I think such an event is more worthwhile to successful microstockers than unsuccessful ones though.  Or more worthwhile to people who are working at it full time (or want to be full time)as apposed to a hobby.

I think networking is one of the best benefits of such an event.  Getting to meet and chat with the big names in microstock is encouraging and interesting.  By big names I mean the owners of most of the sites, the owners of third party applications like iSyndica and LookStat, and the really successful microstockers.  To answer if your $75 payment will translate into $75 more sales... who knows.  If you get one tip or new thing to try from the event it would quite easily translate into $75 worth of sales.  If you are already in New York I would recommend going as it will only cost you the $75 and not hotel / flight / meals / etc. etc. which makes the trip harder to rationalize. 

So in short, Yes I do think it is worth the entry.  Obviously, since I am going and paid my entry fee.  I think getting to meet all the people there is worth the fee.... and hopefully I will get something more I can put into practice.

« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2009, 22:05 »
Hey Tyler, do you think the UGCX event is worth going to for someone who is already fairly successful in Microstock? I know almost nothing about the event and was curious.

yeah, I don't know really.  I think it is very hard to quantify the worth.  I think such an event is more worthwhile to successful microstockers than unsuccessful ones though.  Or more worthwhile to people who are working at it full time (or want to be full time)as apposed to a hobby.

I think networking is one of the best benefits of such an event.  Getting to meet and chat with the big names in microstock is encouraging and interesting.  By big names I mean the owners of most of the sites, the owners of third party applications like iSyndica and LookStat, and the really successful microstockers.  To answer if your $75 payment will translate into $75 more sales... who knows.  If you get one tip or new thing to try from the event it would quite easily translate into $75 worth of sales.  If you are already in New York I would recommend going as it will only cost you the $75 and not hotel / flight / meals / etc. etc. which makes the trip harder to rationalize. 

So in short, Yes I do think it is worth the entry.  Obviously, since I am going and paid my entry fee.  I think getting to meet all the people there is worth the fee.... and hopefully I will get something more I can put into practice.

Also understand that the 'Business of Microstock' panel is in the same venue and same date (different time of day) to UGCX, but they're actually two separate events.  There's no photography track in UGCX this time like there was last time - there are no tracks at all - so the conference content is more 'media agnostic' than focused.  I don't want anyone paying the full registration fee for UGCX ($375) with the expectation of 1.5 days worth of photography specific content.  Read the conference schedule to see if it appeals to you. 

Also, just to confuse the separation, if you go to UGCX you get free entry into the Business of Microstock panel. 

In short, please do your due diligence and check out the websites of each event before committing to the event. 

Finally, there's a good list of attendees at the top of this thread and in the link that Tyler posted above. A few people who weren't on the list (the link) have mentioned in the comments that they're coming too. As Tyler says, the networking is fantastic and definitely among the most valuable parts of attending a conference like this.  The issues is that there's rarely conferences that are so focused on microstock, so if the $75 ticket price is all you'll lose, I doubt very much that you'll regret it. 

« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2009, 22:08 »
Thanks for all the info guys, I went ahead and forked over the $75 so I'm sure I'll see you there.

« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2009, 04:27 »
I just got back from UGCX and Photo Plus Expo in New York.  It was a great week with lots of shooting, lots of meeting new and old faces, and lots of interesting discussion.

My take-away from the conference:

Microstock has come a long way in the last few years and garnered a lot of acceptance, but there still a lot of confusion and general misunderstanding between the two camps (microstock / traditional stock) and very few photographers who have a successful business model taking advantage of both platforms.  Personally, I think the work flow, thought process, budget requirements and rewards are so different between micro and traditional stock that it is very challenging for shooters to succesfully do both.

There are those who feel the market is saturated both in terms of number of images already available and number of buyers.  I don't believe either case is true.  I have found  subjects that are totally uncovered in microstock, in addition to constantly changing styles and buyer needs, which continually create new holes.  There was a lot of talk about natural looking images at the conference - something that a lot of microstock imagery is not.  As for buyers, I feel the public knowledge of microstock is still virtually non-existent and until the average person knows what microstock is, I don't feel the buyer market will be saturated.

Here are a few of my favorite Quotes:

... That first page, that is super saturated, very colorful, very bright - people are tired of it, they want to use more authentic looking images, something that looks real, something that has real humans on them. - Yuri Arcurs

We have expanded massively both in terms of revenue and in terms of volume, I don't see us getting anywhere near saturation actually, we think there's massive opportunity still in this market. Catherine Gluckstein - iStockPhoto

The trends again, naturalistic imagery is really big for us, as is the green and spiritual imagery.  It's all about faster fresher more real imagery. - Catherine Gluckstein - iStockPhoto

More images do not equal more dollars for me.  My best images, that is what's turning out more dollars. - Kelly Cline

All the things that are already out there, you can take a concept but make it your own, make it fresh, make it your own.  That is going to bring a buyer to our images.  - Kelly Cline

I think there is a big demand for creative content ... there is a lot of people that just want a finished template, but it's rejected fairly often.  - Yuri Arcurs

It's about capturing people in their particular situation, as if you were not there.  You are just doing your thing and you just have to get the right angles, the right lighting to make it as natural as possible. - Andres Rodriguez


« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2009, 05:37 »
I think there is a big demand for creative content ... there is a lot of people that just want a finished template, but it's rejected fairly often.  - Yuri Arcurs

Couldn't agree more, there's a huge misconception that the majority of buyers are designers who want design element images, most aren't and they want an image they can use 'straight out of the can'


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