They seem to be back on as far as I can tell. I don't pay too much attention to them at LO. I only get about 1 dl for 300 views. Elsewhere (IS, FT, DT, BS) I average about 1 per 50. I have been at LO for nearly a year - about twice as long as anywhere else - and that would explain some of it but I have to beleive they have a lot more contributers than buyers and the views are coming from commented photos and odditorium posts that are mostly frequented by contributors.
How are your sales? Mine are horrible - 11 over the year and none in the last two months with about 188 photos. Keep hearing that people are having good success but this seems only to come from those with an interest in the business (instigators, reviewers, forum moderators). Most contriubutors - small ones especially without the priveleges of the Sideshow - don't seem to be doing much better than me. fred