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Author Topic: September numbers...  (Read 17413 times)

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« on: October 17, 2019, 14:22 »
Looks like they are out.


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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2019, 14:55 »
Looks like they are out.

nt even the time to upload some files they are worth...simple with 15% royalty and that level of royalty you cannot earn money even selling 2000 files per months... soon stock will be a dead industry...i thought less soon that actually it's going down...i thought we had more time to collect money. i was wrong...s

« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2019, 15:20 »
'bout the same as last month.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2019, 15:28 »
Downloads up 11% on last month, and 8% up on last September.
However, lack of good value Getty sales meant my average rpd was very poor ($1.34) so earnings are down 14% on August and down 17.5% compared to last Sept.
 :( :'(
« Last Edit: October 17, 2019, 16:47 by ShadySue »

« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2019, 15:33 »
good month  :)

« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2019, 16:45 »
Compared to previous month, slightly more images licensed, $ sale is down. So I'm disappointed.

« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2019, 16:52 »
September numbers are 'average', but I want to write details of 2 specific sales i have in my september list:

Sale: gross earning $0.00067 - license fee $0.00449 - IStockphoto - Price per Image - USA - California
->Which means someone bought my image for '1/2 cent'?!

Sale: gross earning $-0.60000 - license fee $-4.00000 - IStock Editorial - Premium Access Time - USA - New Jersey
-> So the IStock customer got paid $4.00 for buying the image?! (The image is not THAT bad ;-)

« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2019, 16:54 »
Worst month for earnings in several years.  Hundreds of downloads at very small royalty rates of $0.10 or less.  They are giving away our stuff for pennies.  Insulting.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2019, 17:03 »
September numbers are 'average', but I want to write details of 2 specific sales i have in my september list:

Sale: gross earning $0.00067 - license fee $0.00449 - IStockphoto - Price per Image - USA - California
->Which means someone bought my image for '1/2 cent'?!
That's a pay per view scheme which is difficult for non-buyers to get any info about.

Sale: gross earning $-0.60000 - license fee $-4.00000 - IStock Editorial - Premium Access Time - USA - New Jersey
-> So the IStock customer got paid $4.00 for buying the image?! (The image is not THAT bad ;-)
Well, no. 60c is 15% of $4, so the buyer paid $4, you got 60c, but it looks like the sale was refunded.

« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2019, 17:07 »
Sale: gross earning $-0.60000 - license fee $-4.00000 - IStock Editorial - Premium Access Time - USA - New Jersey
-> So the IStock customer got paid $4.00 for buying the image?! (The image is not THAT bad ;-)
Well, no. 60c is 15% of $4, so the buyer paid $4, you got 60c, but it looks like the sale was refunded.
Thats what i thought too when looking at the entry - but it doesn't say "RF Image" - somehow strange, but you are right, I don't really unterstand how the number are done at IStock :)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2019, 17:12 »
I don't really unterstand how the number are done at IStock :)
Don't worry, it's all smoke and mirrors. None of the figures seem to correspond.  ::)

« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2019, 19:19 »
A video save the month lol. Also I have a small section of the pie called "under threshold". What is that? It is not credit, subscription or premium access

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« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2019, 01:38 »
avg month here, but much down than previous month.

« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2019, 06:04 »
Worst month for earnings in several years.  Hundreds of downloads at very small royalty rates of $0.10 or less.  They are giving away our stuff for pennies.  Insulting.

I agree ! and that's the reason I quit last month and I'm very happy with my decision ! Sales are rising on other places instead !


« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2019, 06:37 »
I upload Pro Res video files because H264 files are rejected.
That takes overnight.
And then I get $0.50?
Its just madness!

« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2019, 07:32 »
Compared to last month, it's slightly better. If we take in account the fact that I got some refunds in August, the performance is more or less the same.

September (and october), however, are usually pretty bad months for me. If I compare the performance to last year, my revenue has been multiplied by 2.6. I checked a bit the reports, and I did not detect any outstanding sale during the month (the highest was around $4.

Therefore, I can't say this is an amazing month, but considering the season and the overall number, it is just fine.

« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2019, 08:20 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult

« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2019, 08:30 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult
It works different for each person. My RPD this month was 0.76. Higher tan SS and AS.

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« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2019, 09:22 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult

The rates are indeed an insult. However, like most of us, I do microstock for a profit, so I have a look at the numbers.

In terms of revenue, IS is the second highest earner. In terms of RPI, it's the first, ex-aequo with SS. In terms of RPD, it fluctuates, but it's usually the second or the third, after Alamy and SS.

So, yes, I have the feeling IS is taking a lot from me, and that the way they treat us is outrageous. However, there are some financial reasons explaining why I'm staying... more or less the same reasons that push me to have a main job where I'm not very well treated...

« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2019, 10:04 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult

The rates are indeed an insult. However, like most of us, I do microstock for a profit, so I have a look at the numbers.

In terms of revenue, IS is the second highest earner. In terms of RPI, it's the first, ex-aequo with SS. In terms of RPD, it fluctuates, but it's usually the second or the third, after Alamy and SS.

So, yes, I have the feeling IS is taking a lot from me, and that the way they treat us is outrageous. However, there are some financial reasons explaining why I'm staying... more or less the same reasons that push me to have a main job where I'm not very well treated...

For me the last drop was when with this new ESP system all transparency about sales seems to have been lost, and also the inability to remove images or managing online files in any way. I have the feeling that after uploading they can do with my images whatever they want, selling them at any conditions, not caring that i'm still the copyright owner


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2019, 11:39 »
I have the feeling that after uploading they can do with my images whatever they want, selling them at any conditions, not caring that i'm still the copyright owner

So that would be like:
1c "Shutterstock shall have the right, but not the obligation, to license all Content through any of Shutterstocks brands and platforms to its customers for use in perpetuity in accordance with license agreements entered into by Shutterstock, including but not limited to Shutterstock, Inc. Terms of Service License Agreements "

(won't let me copy and paste, but it's clause 5.1)

"8.1 Alamy offers Custom Pricing to some of its Customers in relation to Rights Managed Images with or without exclusivity and Royalty Free Images i.e. pricing contracts entered into with Customers where Images are licensed for set amounts, dependent upon usage or dependent upon volumes of Images purchased. These licence prices may vary from those of the Alamy licence calculator and you agree that your Images can be licensed at these rates without Alamy having to consult you.
8.2 Alamy offers its Customers the ability to price up all Images on its site by using a licence calculator. You agree that Alamy can sell Images at the prices from this calculator without Alamy having to consult you.
8.3 Promotion - Alamy shall have the right to offer Customers promotions on Images to promote the Alamy service without Alamy having to consult you, including, but not limited to acquiring new Customers or stimulating buying from existing Customers by offering discounts."

Please remind us where you submit which has lots of sales at better prices and no conditions like that.


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« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2019, 11:56 »
stop uploading to stock they are killing micro sock together with unspalsh....connect is a scum make to just kill the sale of other site like adobe and ss....
a lot of small blog site pay nothing with connect and just ink the image in stock and avoid subs of ss or adobe or buy on's a fraud to kill other sites, nobody knows why they did this, it's for killing the competition giving free the content to small buyers while keeping strongly the enterprise side of business.
s personally i don't upload anymore nothing and i'm planning to cancel mu account...i will lost something but i'm sure i will gain from other sites. royalty of 2 4 cent are an insult to photography. giving thousand of connect image for 0,01 cent is even worst..

« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2019, 12:08 »
The rates are indeed an insult. However, like most of us, I do microstock for a profit, so I have a look at the numbers.

In terms of revenue, IS is the second highest earner. In terms of RPI, it's the first, ex-aequo with SS. In terms of RPD, it fluctuates, but it's usually the second or the third, after Alamy and SS.

So, yes, I have the feeling IS is taking a lot from me, and that the way they treat us is outrageous. However, there are some financial reasons explaining why I'm staying... more or less the same reasons that push me to have a main job where I'm not very well treated...

same for me

« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2019, 13:17 »
The rates are indeed an insult. However, like most of us, I do microstock for a profit, so I have a look at the numbers.

In terms of revenue, IS is the second highest earner. In terms of RPI, it's the first, ex-aequo with SS. In terms of RPD, it fluctuates, but it's usually the second or the third, after Alamy and SS.

So, yes, I have the feeling IS is taking a lot from me, and that the way they treat us is outrageous. However, there are some financial reasons explaining why I'm staying... more or less the same reasons that push me to have a main job where I'm not very well treated...

same for me

This is very sad to read that you guys keep job that your are not very well treated... !  :'(  Those company won't stop to act like that if your stay, for financial reason only. You deserved better. Everybody deserved better.

« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2019, 13:55 »
The rates are indeed an insult. However, like most of us, I do microstock for a profit, so I have a look at the numbers.

In terms of revenue, IS is the second highest earner. In terms of RPI, it's the first, ex-aequo with SS. In terms of RPD, it fluctuates, but it's usually the second or the third, after Alamy and SS.

So, yes, I have the feeling IS is taking a lot from me, and that the way they treat us is outrageous. However, there are some financial reasons explaining why I'm staying... more or less the same reasons that push me to have a main job where I'm not very well treated...

same for me

This is very sad to read that you guys keep job that your are not very well treated... !  :'(  Those company won't stop to act like that if your stay, for financial reason only. You deserved better. Everybody deserved better.

Busisness choices. it's all about business and moneys. I agree, i deserve better...if you know how to achieve it, please, let me know. iI'm on my 56, freelancer since 1991, but i'm ready to learn something new! Feel free to give some good advice!  :)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 02:11 by MotionDesign »


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