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Author Topic: September numbers...  (Read 17409 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2019, 14:19 »
The rates are indeed an insult. However, like most of us, I do microstock for a profit, so I have a look at the numbers.

In terms of revenue, IS is the second highest earner. In terms of RPI, it's the first, ex-aequo with SS. In terms of RPD, it fluctuates, but it's usually the second or the third, after Alamy and SS.

So, yes, I have the feeling IS is taking a lot from me, and that the way they treat us is outrageous. However, there are some financial reasons explaining why I'm staying... more or less the same reasons that push me to have a main job where I'm not very well treated...

same for me

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« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2019, 22:37 »
The earnings are low, but that's supply and demand.  A lot of people take pictures for fun without expecting to make money from it.  My microstock earnings will never be enough to retire on, but they pay for my photo gear and photo trip travel expenses.  That's more than I hoped for in the old pre-internet, pre-microstock days.   With so many free pics available on the internet, I'm kind of grateful that anybody is actually paying even a few pennies for my photos.

It's tough on those for whom photography is not a labor of love, and actually hope to make a significant amount of money on the side.

Istock earnings are indeed down this year, but Adobe is up, so it evens out.  Adobe is paying better, and their upload policy is better, so I upload more to them than istock. 

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2019, 08:54 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult

I'm not uploading, but I have left what was there. Sometimes I doubt that I should be doing that, but these are not my finest and what I get is just "free money".

It works different for each person. My RPD this month was 0.76. Higher tan SS and AS.

I don't spend RPD I spend money.  ;)

Besides = 0.26 average for the last period on IS is terrible. No I don't have any video there, and my images are old. If there was a way to disable individual images, I'd remove a few that sell much better on SS and AS. just in case?  ;D

But since you mentioned it, I'll play along. Sept to Oct, so it's the same period, RPD AS .90 & SS was $1.11 I guess you must have something that IS buyers like? While I uploaded what SS and AS buyers wanted for more?

I was ignoring last month like many others because the refunds and resale at the proper rate was skewing the results.

One DL on DT last month it was $2.20 so there's the best RPD? LOL DT has my SS and AS rejections, always uploaded as exclusive. Good news, some actually sell. Fun to watch.

But the point is, IS is the worst and remains the worst at 15% and down.

« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2019, 09:12 »
I agree with you. I have always thought that my pictures do better in iS.

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« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2019, 12:00 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult

Because, despite the rates, they are still 25% of my income.  And do you have suggestions for sites that are going to make me more money than that?  I see people saying all the time that they are no longer going to upload to iStock/Getty, Shutterstock, etc.  Those are my biggest earners after Adobe. Unless someone knows of some secret site that is making a ton of money, why leave the biggest earning sites?

« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2019, 12:13 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult

Because, despite the rates, they are still 25% of my income.  And do you have suggestions for sites that are going to make me more money than that?  I see people saying all the time that they are no longer going to upload to iStock/Getty, Shutterstock, etc.  Those are my biggest earners after Adobe. Unless someone knows of some secret site that is making a ton of money, why leave the biggest earning sites?

I absolutely agree with you!!!


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