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Author Topic: PP Commissions for this month are now coming in  (Read 11742 times)

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« on: January 14, 2012, 13:44 »
Couldn't find an appropriate thread so I started one. Maybe we can use it every month?  8)

Saturday the 14th of Jan. and the first of the Dec. Partner Program sales are showing on my account.

Occupy iStock
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 20:51 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 14:07 »
Actually, they are for last month ...


« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2012, 19:13 »
Actually, they are for last month ...

Last month was December. That's what he said. How do I see where they sold if it was thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?

« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 19:38 »
How do I see where they sold if it was thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?

You can also see how individual images are performing on TS and under My Uploads by clicking one of the three DL links and then clinking the Partner Program link in the list of various types of sales. 


« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2012, 00:38 »
How do I see where they sold if it was thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?

You can also see how individual images are performing on TS and under My Uploads by clicking one of the three DL links and then clinking the Partner Program link in the list of various types of sales. 

Does that mean there are only two partners or that I only have sales with those two? I've never seen anything but Photos.Com or ThinkStock? Where do the other places get reported? Like Jupiter Images sales? Anyone seeing those?

« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2012, 01:47 »
There's only Thinkstock and  The old Jupiter Unlimited was transformed into Thinkstock.

« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2012, 02:36 »
Actually, they are for last month ...

Last month was December. That's what he said.

In the title...


« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2012, 17:01 »
I don't see anything to tell me that it is PP but my balance is slowly increasing 28 cents at a time.  Is that the norm?

« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2012, 17:13 »
I don't see anything to tell me that it is PP but my balance is slowly increasing 28 cents at a time.  Is that the norm?

You need to go back to look at December's stats page, that is where the action is. You will see green bars growing there on top of the normal ones.

« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2012, 17:59 »
This is the first time i have the forced PP downloads coming in... and there's something i dont get...
5 of my pics have been transferred so far, when i click 'partner program' on 'my uploads' it says that one has been downloaded 3 times, and another 2 times... the other 3 show(ed... i deleted them from istock a couple of days ago) zero downloads; yet on my december stats it shows daily downloads, around 20 so far.
I rather have it this way than the other one around, but i was wondering if you guys see the same inconsistency too?

« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2012, 18:03 »
Maybe the individual stats will show up in a day or two?  I don't know.  I have too many images in the PP to be able to keep track. 

The one thing I do know is September sales still have not been added to the individual image totals.  What a mess!

« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2012, 18:46 »
My PP sales have already exceeded my IS sales for Dec.  PP is on track to be $300 for dec.

« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2012, 19:00 »
Maybe the individual stats will show up in a day or two?  I don't know.  I have too many images in the PP to be able to keep track. 

The one thing I do know is September sales still have not been added to the individual image totals.  What a mess!
It must be that, single stats updating after sales come in; but then why does it show 'some' numbers already...? What a mess indeed  :-\


« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2012, 20:56 »
There's only Thinkstock and  The old Jupiter Unlimited was transformed into Thinkstock.

OK so only two partners? I thought there was something else going on.

Here's the list from the partner sticky, that's why I was confused.

Opt out possible? - It is messy. - independent contributors can no longer opt out.  Exclusives can opt out of the "partner program", but not from having their content moved to a "similar or higher priced collection"
Avery -
Campaigner -
Fedex office - Per post #63, free content managed by Stock.xchng which is owned by Getty
Getty - I've not followed very closely so not sure I could give a good summery/links
Getty Images/Motion (exclusive content) -
Jupiterimages -
Microsoft - -
Staples -
Stock.xchng   Per post #63, while site has free content, search results also return Istock content.  Site is part of Getty. 
Thinkstock - -

« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2012, 21:34 »
There's only Thinkstock and  The old Jupiter Unlimited was transformed into Thinkstock.

OK so only two partners? I thought there was something else going on.

Here's the list from the partner sticky, that's why I was confused.

Opt out possible? - It is messy. - independent contributors can no longer opt out.  Exclusives can opt out of the "partner program", but not from having their content moved to a "similar or higher priced collection"
Avery -
Campaigner -
Fedex office - Per post #63, free content managed by Stock.xchng which is owned by Getty
Getty - I've not followed very closely so not sure I could give a good summery/links
Getty Images/Motion (exclusive content) -
Jupiterimages -
Microsoft - -
Staples -
Stock.xchng   Per post #63, while site has free content, search results also return Istock content.  Site is part of Getty. 
Thinkstock - -

It goes back to the definition of "partner".  My criteria for including a "partner" in the list is anyone that has a relationship with a microstock company that results in that company appearing to have our images for sale or use.  I picked that definition to try and make a comprehensive list of third parties that appear to have our images for sale.   

Istock's definition of a partner in the "partner program" is Thinkstock and and nothing else.  They have other partners, but they are not considered part of the partner program.     

« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2012, 21:42 »
Forgot about all of those partners, because they don't include indies.

« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2012, 22:25 »
How do I see where they sold if it was thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?

You can also see how individual images are performing on TS and under My Uploads by clicking one of the three DL links and then clinking the Partner Program link in the list of various types of sales. 

I must be dense.  are you saying I can see the sales from TS and individually?  I only see a download page with total PP downloads for each image. 

« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2012, 22:40 »
How do I see where they sold if it was thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?

You can also see how individual images are performing on TS and under My Uploads by clicking one of the three DL links and then clinking the Partner Program link in the list of various types of sales.  

I must be dense.  are you saying I can see the sales from TS and individually?  I only see a download page with total PP downloads for each image.  

Don't's not you.   :)  There's just too many places to view our stats.

Go to My Uploads where regular sales are listed.  Don't go to the Partner Program page listed in the left column.  That page only shows the overall sales, but in order to see individual sales, you have to enter through the regular sales page on My Uploads.  Click on either Royalties, DLs/mo, or DLs for a particular image.  There you will see the list of all your regular sales.  Along the top of the list, there's a row of links to various types of sales (EL, PP, Old Credits), and at the end is a link called Partner Program.  Click on it, and that's where you can see each individual sale for a particular image.  


« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2012, 22:52 »
Thanks everyone for setting me straight, and YES... you can see which partner agency the last three downloads came from. I don't know which plugin it is, just that I have it installed and it works.

Here's the place to get them all.

Grease monkey Scripting from sjlocke

You go to IS - click, your name (upper right), then My Uploads (left lower) and then click Partner Program (left lower) and then you need to click "Add Sales Data" which is the plugin.

How do I see where they sold if it was thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?

You can also see how individual images are performing on TS and under My Uploads by clicking one of the three DL links and then clinking the Partner Program link in the list of various types of sales. 

I must be dense.  are you saying I can see the sales from TS and individually?  I only see a download page with total PP downloads for each image. 

« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2012, 23:00 »
FYI...I'm not using the plugin...can't get it to work anymore.


« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2012, 14:07 »
Dribbling in -- one and two at the time.  I'm watching my balance grow, gradually.  I know it is TS because they are in 28 cent increments.

Is this how TS (PP) payments are always reported?  How long does it take to complete reporting December (previous month)  Sales?

« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2012, 14:10 »
Yep...this is how it works, every single month.  It usually takes the weekend to report the first three weeks, and then another day for the last week...either Monday or Tuesday. 


« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2012, 14:18 »
Interesting ... Thanks


« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2012, 16:54 »
Hmmmm... just as I decided that I was destined to TS forever, a bowl of soup netted me $22.95.

There is no was for the LayPhotographer to understand microstock.   ::) ;D

« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2012, 17:00 »
How do I see where they sold if it was thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?

You can also see how individual images are performing on TS and under My Uploads by clicking one of the three DL links and then clinking the Partner Program link in the list of various types of sales.  

I must be dense.  are you saying I can see the sales from TS and individually?  I only see a download page with total PP downloads for each image.  

Don't's not you.   :)  There's just too many places to view our stats.

Go to My Uploads where regular sales are listed.  Don't go to the Partner Program page listed in the left column.  That page only shows the overall sales, but in order to see individual sales, you have to enter through the regular sales page on My Uploads.  Click on either Royalties, DLs/mo, or DLs for a particular image.  There you will see the list of all your regular sales.  Along the top of the list, there's a row of links to various types of sales (EL, PP, Old Credits), and at the end is a link called Partner Program.  Click on it, and that's where you can see each individual sale for a particular image.  

oh.. that's dumb.  I have to do it image by image.  what a pain!  Jakob Nielsen (father of "Designing Web USability") would be proud -- NOT!


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