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Author Topic: PP Earnings for November have started.  (Read 15169 times)

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« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2012, 14:23 »
Surprising that PP can sell this much. The last three months have been really good.
What's surprising about it?  That's like saying that it's surprising that SS sell so much.

« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2012, 14:24 »
My PP sales for Nov. are updated to the 15th and are now twice my Dec. earnings at iS (and I am still missing 80 images not mirrored on the PP sites).  Dec. iS earnings are pathetic so far, on track to be only about 25% of what my Nov. earnings were so it wasn't all that hard to surpass my iS earnings.

Also seeing updates thru 15th.  Unlike last month, all are 28 cent sales.  Still a few days to get credit sales.
My port is very small at iS but most have been transferred (mirrored).
Where do you see the individual sales?

« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2012, 16:00 »
You can't easily find them, but when I saw one day that was about $20 higher than the ones around it I went to the my_uploads page and the partner program list and then sorted my sales by $$. Looking at the ones where the download numbers (at the PP) were much lower than those around them with similar $$ amounts I went to the individual download record for that file and saw a Thinkstock sale for $26.01

I've had a variety of non-subs numbers show up. I think those for $24.02 and $26.01 must be extended licenses. The ones for $3.96 or $1.83 or $6 must be image packs.

The CSV file just shows a daily total and a number of downloads. You could use that to flag any days when the total exceeded .28 x #DLs but tracking down which files is a lot harder as you can't sort the partner program list by sale date.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2012, 16:37 »
phew, only showing up til the 14th as well. there's still a chance to make November not so sad.

« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2012, 18:37 »
You can't easily find them, but when I saw one day that was about $20 higher than the ones around it I went to the my_uploads page and the partner program list and then sorted my sales by $$. Looking at the ones where the download numbers (at the PP) were much lower than those around them with similar $$ amounts I went to the individual download record for that file and saw a Thinkstock sale for $26.01

I've had a variety of non-subs numbers show up. I think those for $24.02 and $26.01 must be extended licenses. The ones for $3.96 or $1.83 or $6 must be image packs.

The CSV file just shows a daily total and a number of downloads. You could use that to flag any days when the total exceeded .28 x #DLs but tracking down which files is a lot harder as you can't sort the partner program list by sale date.
Thanks.  Sounds complicated :D

« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2012, 23:25 »
Not sure why they just stopped this morning - they could have finished the rest of the month today if they'd kept going. They really aren't in any hurry at all when it comes to paying contributors the money we are owed...

« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2012, 14:47 »
Not sure why they just stopped this morning - they could have finished the rest of the month today if they'd kept going. They really aren't in any hurry at all when it comes to paying contributors the money we are owed...

no and I've been waiting almost 3 months for an explanation on a refund that was given on one of my files - for an amount that was more than the file has ever even made me in royalties!  They're quick to take the money from us and always sloooooww to give it up to us. 


« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2012, 14:53 »
Not sure why they just stopped this morning - they could have finished the rest of the month today if they'd kept going. They really aren't in any hurry at all when it comes to paying contributors the money we are owed...

no and I've been waiting almost 3 months for an explanation on a refund that was given on one of my files - for an amount that was more than the file has ever even made me in royalties!  They're quick to take the money from us and always sloooooww to give it up to us.
Are you sure it was more than it's ever sold, once it's refunded the sale gets erased.  Don't expect anything specific about why your file was refunded, they always tell me customer changed their mind.  At least that's what they said on the 5 or so I asked about.


« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2012, 18:15 »
Not sure why they just stopped this morning - they could have finished the rest of the month today if they'd kept going. They really aren't in any hurry at all when it comes to paying contributors the money we are owed...

still getting a few this afternoon.  None later than 15th, however. 

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #34 on: December 17, 2012, 19:22 »
do they slow it down on purpose, to coincide with avoiding the payout dates? Are they going to hold off until after the 21st?

« Reply #35 on: December 17, 2012, 19:30 »
got just one dated on 15th

« Reply #36 on: December 17, 2012, 19:37 »
do they slow it down on purpose, to coincide with avoiding the payout dates? Are they going to hold off until after the 21st?

No, they're not that clever. They're just trying not to overload their crappy system. Every other agency can provide sales and stat's in real-time ... except the 'leading microstock agency by far on revenue'.

« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2012, 20:12 »
They've finished the 15th and are now adding to the 16th, so I'm glad to see we won't have to wait until next weekend. There's another payout request on the 24th with payout the 31st (for PayPal) I think, so we may yet see November's income in 2012 :)

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2012, 05:00 »
i've got up to the 19th. $6 shy of payout, limping home.


« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2012, 11:14 »
do they slow it down on purpose, to coincide with avoiding the payout dates? Are they going to hold off until after the 21st?

No, they're not that clever. They're just trying not to overload their crappy system. Every other agency can provide sales and stat's in real-time ... except the 'leading microstock agency by far on revenue'.

Gets a heart for truth, insight and ironic humor!   :)

« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2012, 17:36 »
Not sure why they just stopped this morning - they could have finished the rest of the month today if they'd kept going. They really aren't in any hurry at all when it comes to paying contributors the money we are owed...

no and I've been waiting almost 3 months for an explanation on a refund that was given on one of my files - for an amount that was more than the file has ever even made me in royalties!  They're quick to take the money from us and always sloooooww to give it up to us.
Are you sure it was more than it's ever sold, once it's refunded the sale gets erased.  Don't expect anything specific about why your file was refunded, they always tell me customer changed their mind.  At least that's what they said on the 5 or so I asked about.

not to drag this completely off topic, but yes I'm sure.  The file is nothing too special - a lizard on a rock.  and it's sold 2x and I got 75cents each back in 2005 (I was exclusive then.  The refund stated this:

We regret to inform you that a refund of $1.05 has been issued for the purchase of
your file #536437. This file was purchased from the Vetta or Agency Collection on
Getty Images. This transaction has now been voided from your GI sales.

I'm not exclusive (for 2 years now) so it could not have been a vetta or agency image.  And even when I was exclusive, this file was never in either of those collections - I had very few that ever made it to Getty.  I think I had a dozen on Getty through the original "quit your day job" program that never worked and had maybe a handful of images moved to Vetta but definitely not this one.  And I never, ever had anything in the Agency collection.

Anyhow, they are still investigating this issued apparently. 

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2012, 05:10 »
Is it done? I've got sales up to the 26th. just $1 short of my payout... not sure how many sales will continue on past this Friday. surely ... none til the new year?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2012, 05:45 »

not to drag this completely off topic, but yes I'm sure.  The file is nothing too special - a lizard on a rock.  and it's sold 2x and I got 75cents each back in 2005 (I was exclusive then.  The refund stated this:

We regret to inform you that a refund of $1.05 has been issued for the purchase of
your file #536437. This file was purchased from the Vetta or Agency Collection on
Getty Images. This transaction has now been voided from your GI sales.

I'm not exclusive (for 2 years now) so it could not have been a vetta or agency image.  And even when I was exclusive, this file was never in either of those collections - I had very few that ever made it to Getty.  I think I had a dozen on Getty through the original "quit your day job" program that never worked and had maybe a handful of images moved to Vetta but definitely not this one.  And I never, ever had anything in the Agency collection.

Anyhow, they are still investigating this issued apparently.

Please post back if you get a reply!

I once queried a potted answer which was irrelevant to my query (total non-sequitur), but it was disappeared, unanswered, from my open tickets queue.

« Reply #43 on: December 19, 2012, 07:21 »
If I enable the PP on a file, will it still be available in iStock?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #44 on: December 19, 2012, 07:37 »
If I enable the PP on a file, will it still be available in iStock?
If you're independent, yes.
If you're exclusive, yes if the file is over 18 months old, no if it's younger than 18 months.

"Partner Program
The iStockphoto Partner Program lets you make your files available to Getty Images partner sites, such as Thinkstock and

Adding Files to the Partner Program
Use the checkboxes to make files available at our Partner Program sites. Your availability options for each file depend on when it was uploaded.
    New content (less than 18 months old): Any new Exclusive content that you add into the Partner Program will no longer be available for sale here at iStock.
    Old content: After 18 months, you have the option to make any Partner Program files available on iStock as well as partner sites.

You can add or remove a file from the Partner Program at any time, though it can take up to 30 days to take effect.

The iStockphoto Partner Program allows your files to be licensed on Getty Images partner sites, such as Thinkstock and, in addition to appearing on iStockphoto. All files by non-exclusive artists are automatically a part of this program, while exclusive artists can choose which files are included. "


« Reply #45 on: December 19, 2012, 09:12 »
Is it done? I've got sales up to the 26th. just $1 short of my payout... not sure how many sales will continue on past this Friday. surely ... none til the new year?

No, they aren't done.  Mine only go to the 26th too.  Looks like that's just where they stopped the transfer.  I am sure they will finish the xfer by the end of this weekend, if not  before. 

« Reply #46 on: December 19, 2012, 12:13 »
Is it done? I've got sales up to the 26th. just $1 short of my payout... not sure how many sales will continue on past this Friday. surely ... none til the new year?

No, they aren't done.  Mine only go to the 26th too.  Looks like that's just where they stopped the transfer.  I am sure they will finish the xfer by the end of this weekend, if not  before.

I'm seeing files added to the 27th this morning, so they're still going...

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #47 on: December 20, 2012, 05:59 »
all done? either way, got my payout this month

merry christmas :)


« Reply #48 on: December 20, 2012, 06:03 »
I'm hoping a few more get added (which usually happens as the month goes on) because my stats are looking a little low

« Reply #49 on: December 20, 2012, 06:28 »
I'm hoping a few more get added (which usually happens as the month goes on) because my stats are looking a little low
I hope so as well as mine are  the lowest since March.


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