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Author Topic: Paypal email changed by hackers and Getty don't give a x  (Read 2973 times)

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« on: June 29, 2024, 13:10 »
Hi Folks,

some weeks ago I realized (lately) that I had no payments from istock/Getty from sept 2022 to october 2023.
In november 2023, I had a warning message from Istock telling me that my account has been hacked and we had to deal with istock support to replace my password and make sure to have access to my account properly.
So recently I asked them about what happened to my missing payment.
After several days they have finally sent me a pdf file with the November 2023 Paypal transaction number and a paypal email they used which was not mine !
Guess what, istock did a payment at that exact time we were dealing with the security of my account of 2368$ for all the previous missing payment (sept 2022/oct 2023)! Without doing any verification with me !
So they did a big amount of payment in november at the same time that there was a security problem that we had to resolve.
This day I just received their answer to my claim about how to get back my payment : they say the security of my account was MY responsibility !
These people don't assume anything.
I'm so glad to leave them forever !


« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2024, 13:27 »
Sure it was real istock or just a scam email? "I had a warning message from Istock"

« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2024, 05:34 »
yes real istock warning and we did together the set up of new credentials (with id documents and phone verification), which we worked with then. The monthly payment were back to normal since november 2023 until now.
One year of earnings mysteriously disapeared in smoke.
What makes me very suspicious is that they did the payment of the addition of missing payments as if by chance on november...
So they indeed agree that there was missing payments during one year because of them, which is already a shame, but then they proceed to the payment without any verification, and exactly at the same time of the account hack...

« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2024, 10:49 »
That's a double whammy. Is there no confirmation e-mail sent to the original e-mail on file if that information changes? If not that's a flaw in their system.
Over $2,000 lost? I hope you get to see some or all of that money.
I would try leaving posts on their IG feed, Twitter, FB, and looking for e-mails of the top execs and e-mailing them.

« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2024, 09:03 »
Here is their last answer :
"Unfortunately, if the payment email/account selected has an issue, please contact the payment provider to address this issue. This is your responsibility to make sure that payment selections made by you are secure and safe to use to receive payment, and we cannot reimburse missing payments in cases like this.


As per our website terms, which govern both our contributor and client sites, Under the Registration Data and Account Security provision sections e and f:  In consideration of your use of the Site, you agree to (e) accept all responsibility for any activities that occur under your account, including but not limited to, all applicable taxes and any applicable third-party fees (including but not limited to credit card fees, foreign exchange fees and cross border fees); and (f) accept all risks of unauthorized access to the Registration Data and any other information you provide to Company."

The best is : "This is your responsibility to make sure that payment selections made by you are secure and safe"

=> Payment selections were precisely not made by me, because as you may know you genius iStock, your site is not safe and secure at all.


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