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Author Topic: Nippyish note from Rebecca Rockafellar  (Read 81084 times)

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« Reply #250 on: December 10, 2012, 15:47 »
Futile! no matter what we say or wish. Our voices wont be heard.  Wont even be read. Their 100% top priority are all their exclusives. Thats their life-blood and frankly quite rightly so.

is Sean independent? ::)

Well Luis by the look at his graph, yeas one would really think so. Unbelieavable.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #251 on: December 10, 2012, 15:48 »

I thought "Mary and the engineers" were the latest sensational rock group.
With a nod to Florence and the Machine
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 15:53 by ShadySue »

« Reply #252 on: December 10, 2012, 15:51 »

« Reply #253 on: December 10, 2012, 15:52 »

could you please keep your hatred of women to yourself? You are really just making a fool of yourself, as if youre uncontrolled hormones are in complete overdrive.

Gender has got nothing to do with the quality of a manager. Neither does their religion, their skin color, their age or their body height. Or any other sizes.

Leadership comes from proving yourself and getting results.

Hatred and uncontrolled emotion can never bring results.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #254 on: December 10, 2012, 15:55 »

could you please keep your hatred of women to yourself? You are really just making a fool of yourself, as if youre uncontrolled hormones are in complete overdrive.

Gender has got nothing to do with the quality of a manager. Neither does their religion, their skin color, their age or their body height. Or any other sizes.

Leadership comes from proving yourself and getting results.

Hatred and uncontrolled emotion can never bring results.

And of course, the people making the real decisions which shaft us all, are, wait for it, MEN.


« Reply #255 on: December 10, 2012, 16:03 »

could you please keep your hatred of women to yourself? You are really just making a fool of yourself, as if youre uncontrolled hormones are in complete overdrive.

Gender has got nothing to do with the quality of a manager. Neither does their religion, their skin color, their age or their body height. Or any other sizes.

Leadership comes from proving yourself and getting results.

Hatred and uncontrolled emotion can never bring results.

And of course, the people making the real decisions which shaft us all, are, wait for it, MEN.


Whether intended or not, splintering the discussion into personal interest groups is just what GI/iS would like.

« Reply #256 on: December 10, 2012, 16:07 »
"That said, the #1 priority for today, as it has been all weekend, is Best Match, which Mary and the engineers are looking at and working on as we speak.  Please stay tuned."

What a farce.
An IT/ICT illiterate female announcing that another female (Mary) will take over the Best Match issue aided by their eunuch engineers.

I've seen first hand what kind of disasters females in management can do, you better leave the ship before it sinks like the Titanic.

And she must be really desperate to ask for help in the forum as it's backfiring big time.

I thought "Mary and the engineers" were the latest sensational rock group.


« Reply #257 on: December 10, 2012, 16:09 »
Hatred and uncontrolled emotion can never bring results.

Sure they can - just not good ones.

« Reply #258 on: December 10, 2012, 16:11 »
"That said, the #1 priority for today, as it has been all weekend, is Best Match, which Mary and the engineers are looking at and working on as we speak.  Please stay tuned."

What a farce.
An IT/ICT illiterate female announcing that another female (Mary) will take over the Best Match issue aided by their eunuch engineers.

I've seen first hand what kind of disasters females in management can do, you better leave the ship before it sinks like the Titanic.

And she must be really desperate to ask for help in the forum as it's backfiring big time.

I thought "Mary and the engineers" were the latest sensational rock group.

I thought it was "Mary and the eunuch engineers"

« Reply #259 on: December 10, 2012, 16:22 »
"That said, the #1 priority for today, as it has been all weekend, is Best Match, which Mary and the engineers are looking at and working on as we speak.  Please stay tuned."

What a farce.
An IT/ICT illiterate female announcing that another female (Mary) will take over the Best Match issue aided by their eunuch engineers.

I've seen first hand what kind of disasters females in management can do, you better leave the ship before it sinks like the Titanic.

And she must be really desperate to ask for help in the forum as it's backfiring big time.

What has this got to do with anything you nitwit. As a father of two daughters this kind of casual sexism really gets my goat.


« Reply #260 on: December 10, 2012, 16:53 »
There was a massive new ingestion of Getty Agency images over the last few days and the first page (200) of searches supposedly by Best Match are larded with those. Clearly new images and Getty transfers - or both - are currently considered "best" to the exclusion of just about anything else but a pink flame

Oh *!!  You couldn't make this shiznit up. 

This is a much more accurate reflection of Getty's intentions toward contributors than any platitudes spouted in the forums. 
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 16:55 by lisafx »


  • Those that don't stand up to evil enable evil.
« Reply #261 on: December 10, 2012, 16:55 »
Back in B-school while working on my MBA, we were introduced to the psychological concept that money was referred to as a "maintenance factor."  That is, money, by itself, was not sufficient to motivate people.  However, if the level of money an individual received was below what he/she perceived as the amount necessary to "maintain" them, then no amount of other benefits, promises, working conditions, etc. would satisfy them or motivate them to higher achievements.  In this case, it actually became a de-motivator.  If it were at or above the maintenance level, then other issues became relevant and could be used to motivate people to work harder, better and so on.  This is what iS/Getty seem to have forgotten.  By lowering commissions, changing the RC levels, etc. they are pulling everyone's maintenance levels below the point necessary to satisfy basic needs.  Thus all the anger and frustration.  And until this situation is corrected, no amount of window dressing or communications will satisfy the contributors, exclusive and non-exclusive alike.


« Reply #262 on: December 10, 2012, 17:08 »
"That said, the #1 priority for today, as it has been all weekend, is Best Match, which Mary and the engineers are looking at and working on as we speak.  Please stay tuned."

What a farce.
An IT/ICT illiterate female announcing that another female (Mary) will take over the Best Match issue aided by their eunuch engineers.

I've seen first hand what kind of disasters females in management can do, you better leave the ship before it sinks like the Titanic.

And she must be really desperate to ask for help in the forum as it's backfiring big time.

What has this got to do with anything you nitwit. As a father of two daughters this kind of casual sexism really gets my goat.

Exactly what it was intended to do. 

Read over this guy's posting history.  He's just a troll.  He's not even amusing anymore. 

Once again, Thanks to Tyler for the ignore feature :)

« Reply #263 on: December 10, 2012, 17:20 »
"That said, the #1 priority for today, as it has been all weekend, is Best Match, which Mary and the engineers are looking at and working on as we speak.  Please stay tuned."

What a farce.
An IT/ICT illiterate female announcing that another female (Mary) will take over the Best Match issue aided by their eunuch engineers.

I've seen first hand what kind of disasters females in management can do, you better leave the ship before it sinks like the Titanic.

And she must be really desperate to ask for help in the forum as it's backfiring big time.

What has this got to do with anything you nitwit. As a father of two daughters this kind of casual sexism really gets my goat.

Exactly what it was intended to do. 

Read over this guy's posting history.  He's just a troll.  He's not even amusing anymore. 

Once again, Thanks to Tyler for the ignore feature :) .

thanks.. i was going to add my irate at that sexist post as well, but I'll just leave it to the ignore feature.  :)

« Reply #264 on: December 10, 2012, 17:34 »
istock needs to stop running the business like Walmart and instead be more like Costco.

« Reply #265 on: December 10, 2012, 17:37 »
Uh-oh. Rebecca (for it is she) has just spoken again on her 'Communication" thread;

"Hello all, just a brief note to let you know that I am still in here, reading and listening.  You have raised a myriad of issues, both big and small, so we're trying to get our arms around how to address them.

That said, the #1 priority for today, as it has been all weekend, is Best Match, which Mary and the engineers are looking at and working on as we speak.  Please stay tuned."

Is it just me or does anyone else notice a completely different tone to her last compared to how she started the thread?

She sure got herself some 'communication' going in that thread! I'd love to be a fly on the wall when her bosses at Getty phone her whilst reading it.

Sure they will get a handle on it as soon as the prime sales season is over!  Reminds me of subprime lenders.


« Reply #266 on: December 10, 2012, 17:44 »
istock needs to stop running the business like Walmart and instead be more like Costco.
  I get your point, but lowering the prices is not beneficial to us either. Giving away images also makes 0 dollar

« Reply #267 on: December 10, 2012, 17:58 »
istock needs to stop running the business like Walmart and instead be more like Costco.
  I get your point, but lowering the prices is not beneficial to us either. Giving away images also makes 0 dollar

My point is not about lowering prices - I was more thinking on the ways that Costco pays its employees better, treats them better and thus has less turn-over and higher profit per employee.  Tho possibly not higher in all aspects - but my point is more that if a big company like istock took better care of its employees and contributors, they could potentially see better review in the long run as more contributors would be (or go back to) also customers and (once again) provide the kind of social-network marketing ("word of mouth") that a company cannot do all on its own.

here's a more recent article which is what actually got me thinking about the comparison:

« Reply #268 on: December 10, 2012, 17:59 »
I'm tired of all the discussion about istock, I think the general consensus is that they're never going to be able to admit to and fix all their problems.  What about the sites that have followed their demotivating strategies?  Are FT going to end up in the same mess or will they be able to see where this is going and do something about it?  It might be too late for them already.  Will DT carry on ignoring their contributors concerns until its too late?  I don't really care about 123RF, they're insignificant.

« Reply #269 on: December 10, 2012, 18:07 »
123rf must surely be watching this unfold with interest...

« Reply #270 on: December 10, 2012, 18:10 »

could you please keep your hatred of women to yourself? You are really just making a fool of yourself, as if youre uncontrolled hormones are in complete overdrive.

Gender has got nothing to do with the quality of a manager. Neither does their religion, their skin color, their age or their body height. Or any other sizes.

Leadership comes from proving yourself and getting results.

Hatred and uncontrolled emotion can never bring results.

Agree on all counts


« Reply #271 on: December 10, 2012, 18:11 »
123rf must surely be watching this unfold with interest...

Yes, I think all the other stock sites should be paying attention to this.  Istock's been a cautionary tale for awhile, but to have this tacit admission by the person in charge of the site is an eye opener that I hope the other sites take note of. 


« Reply #272 on: December 10, 2012, 18:42 »
More graphs posted but I have to warn you, its R-rated and could upset you

« Reply #273 on: December 10, 2012, 19:04 »
More graphs posted but I have to warn you, its R-rated and could upset you

I am fine and I love to see them!

« Reply #274 on: December 10, 2012, 19:48 »
I'm tired of all the discussion about istock, I think the general consensus is that they're never going to be able to admit to and fix all their problems. 

Agreed. Stirring all of this up again is pointless, annoying and cruel to those newly-minted bronze exclusives who think they've got a future.


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