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Author Topic: Micromanaging the istock Forums  (Read 32820 times)

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  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2011, 21:40 »
closing that thread was ridiculous. I felt like I got put in the hall out of kindergarten class. I gotta say that I loved seeing Sean's effort at getting it reopened this morning.

I think it's generally in poor taste to discuss specific people, even here. but I have to disagree with Kelvin's name getting thrown around too. of course you're all entitled to your opinions, but I think he's the same old Kelvin. funny, irreverent and succinct. he just has a new badge. I don't think it's accurate to include him in this context. I just wanted to throw that in the mix.

ETA: surprised about Goldmund. hadn't heard about that. and Rob's change of tone is certainly apparent. guess there's always a changing of the guard as companies grow. but when very public figures--in a company that has cultured itself as a community--leave, seemingly badly, it can't help but make people very uneasy.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 21:47 by SNP »

« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2011, 22:00 »

More like sledgehammers wielded by the new team who've 'gone native' very quickly.

And what on earth does this mean :- "Perhaps, I'll get enough honest feedback that I will reopen the thread."

I was writing her a sitemail to ask what 'dishonest' feedback may be but didn't bother sending it as having seeen her implementation of changes to the weekly pimping thread she will obviously do what she has in mind regardless of any feedback, 'honest' or otherwise.
There is an old proverb in my country:
"Give a nightstick to a peasant and he is going to think he is a policeman and has to hit somebody"

« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2011, 22:05 »
I didn't know about Goldmund either.  Interesting to see people taking a stand.

« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2011, 22:08 »

More like sledgehammers wielded by the new team who've 'gone native' very quickly.

And what on earth does this mean :- "Perhaps, I'll get enough honest feedback that I will reopen the thread."

I was writing her a sitemail to ask what 'dishonest' feedback may be but didn't bother sending it as having seeen her implementation of changes to the weekly pimping thread she will obviously do what she has in mind regardless of any feedback, 'honest' or otherwise.
There is an old proverb in my country:
"Give a nightstick to a peasant and he is going to think he is a policeman and has to hit somebody"

Good thing you are not from St. Petersburg, Florida (my former and future home).  In St. Pete, "Give a cop a gun and he is going to shoot someone"

« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2011, 22:19 »
Good for Sean for bringing that up.  One of the few people who is high enough up the food chain to be able to post without (too much) fear or reprisal.  

Hardly see hide nor hair of the other top exclusives.  I am sure they must have opinions about what's going on, but you wouldn't know it by the Istock forums.  Or these either, for that matter.

I think there are many of them. They do express their thoughts but discreetly, like Sylvanworks. Or like this person (ex inspector) in his istock's blog page:
"I just don't agree with the way iStock is heading and the decisions being made so I couldn't stay officially affiliated with the company."
Why do you think the review time is so long?

Wow. Good catch.

You know, this second round of clawbacks gives closing the February stats thread a different perspective. Maybe they didn't want people complaining about their negative balances in there once they are done taking the money away.

« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2011, 22:20 »
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 10:04 by gostwyck »


« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2011, 22:51 »
They do express their thoughts but discreetly, like Sylvanworks. Or like this person (ex inspector) in his istock's blog page:
"I just don't agree with the way iStock is heading and the decisions being made so I couldn't stay officially affiliated with the company."

As someone pointed out to me, it is perhaps not coincidental that Rob said almost the exact same thing. They both talked about where iStock is heading -- not about the changes that have already taken place.

So do they know something even worse is soon to happen?

« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2011, 22:57 »

I think there are many of them. They do express their thoughts but discreetly, like Sylvanworks. Or like this person (ex inspector) in his istock's blog page:
"I just don't agree with the way iStock is heading and the decisions being made so I couldn't stay officially affiliated with the company."
Why do you think the review time is so long?

Thanks for posting.  It will be interesting to see how long before his blog post is gone


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2011, 23:05 »
closing that thread was ridiculous. I felt like I got put in the hall out of kindergarten class. I gotta say that I loved seeing Sean's effort at getting it reopened this morning.

I think it's generally in poor taste to discuss specific people, even here. but I have to disagree with Kelvin's name getting thrown around too. of course you're all entitled to your opinions, but I think he's the same old Kelvin. funny, irreverent and succinct. he just has a new badge. I don't think it's accurate to include him in this context. I just wanted to throw that in the mix.

ETA: surprised about Goldmund. hadn't heard about that. and Rob's change of tone is certainly apparent. guess there's always a changing of the guard as companies grow. but when very public figures--in a company that has cultured itself as a community--leave, seemingly badly, it can't help but make people very uneasy.

With several inspectors resigning this might actually be the opportunity for you (YES YOU!) to finally become AN INSPECTOR!!! Then maybe you wouldn't have to keep arse-licking (like the above) or at least you could reduce the frequency of your usual buttock-clenching, sycophantic warblings in praise of Istock (whilst they reduce the commission levels you have worked hard for so many years to achieve).

They OWE you to make you an inspector don't they? At least they know there's absolutely no danger of you making a stand on principle and resigning because of their behaviour.  ;D

I stated clearly that the moderation was ridiculous. I just didn't like seeing Kelvin getting pulled into it IMO unfairly. I loved Sean's attempt to reopen the thread and I loved that he said so, which I told him this morning.

FWIW, I wouldn't take a badge if it was offered believe it or not, which it hasn't been and probably never would be. I wouldn't want to work for the company and end up hating what I do. I also like the flexibility of being able to go independent whenever I so choose, if ever it comes up again.

« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2011, 23:06 »
I didn't know about Goldmund either.  Interesting to see people taking a stand.

Sensor Spot is the only one I was aware of. Who are the other (now) ex-Inspectors (taking a stand)?



  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2011, 23:11 »
I didn't know about Goldmund either.  Interesting to see people taking a stand.

Sensor Spot is the only one I was aware of. Who are the other (now) ex-Inspectors (taking a stand)?


I didn't know about him either. when did that one happen? was he public about it? interesting stuff. hard not to worry these days.

« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2011, 23:28 »
I didn't know about Goldmund either.  Interesting to see people taking a stand.

Sensor Spot is the only one I was aware of. Who are the other (now) ex-Inspectors (taking a stand)?


I didn't know about him either. when did that one happen? was he public about it? interesting stuff. hard not to worry these days.

Not sure exactly when, and no. I don't think it was public, so to speak. The little I do know I'd rather not share here because it may not be meant for public consumption.

What are you worried about? The wheels have *been* coming off thIS bus. It's just so refreshing to see badges starting to bail in various ways and stand up to HQ/Getty, too. As they've been effectively muzzled from speaking up/out publicly, in the forums.


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2011, 23:32 »
no worries, I wouldn't expect you to divulge a source. I just wondered if he had made a public statement like Goldmund clearly has on his profile. I was just being nosy. ;-)

« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2011, 23:35 »
no worries, I wouldn't expect you to divulge a source. I just wondered if he had made a public statement like Goldmund clearly has on his profile. I was just being nosy. ;-)

I didn't think you were asking me to divulge a source (you may be bi-winning, but I know you'd know better than to ask that in your right mind :D). I thought you were digging for details. But as to his profile or elsewhere in IS, I'm not aware of any public post. There may be one. I just don't know (I don't frequent the forums nearly enough to have that sort of 411 these days), but I doubt it.

« Reply #39 on: March 09, 2011, 23:37 »
Wonder if the days of the inspectors badge are numbered?  Makes it easier to see when somebody leaves so they might do away with it since there might be more.


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2011, 23:47 »
no worries, I wouldn't expect you to divulge a source. I just wondered if he had made a public statement like Goldmund clearly has on his profile. I was just being nosy. ;-)

I didn't think you were asking me to divulge a source (you may be bi-winning, but I know you'd know better than to ask that in your right mind :D). I thought you were digging for details. But as to his profile or elsewhere in IS, I'm not aware of any public post. There may be one. I just don't know (I don't frequent the forums nearly enough to have that sort of 411 these days), but I doubt it.

ETA: BI-WINNING = Charlie Sheen reference for anyone who cares ;-)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 01:31 by SNP »

« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2011, 23:49 »
I didn't know about Goldmund either.  Interesting to see people taking a stand.

Sensor Spot is the only one I was aware of. Who are the other (now) ex-Inspectors (taking a stand)?


I didn't know about him either. when did that one happen? was he public about it? interesting stuff. hard not to worry these days.

Not sure exactly when, and no. I don't think it was public, so to speak. The little I do know I'd rather not share here because it may not be meant for public consumption.


Aww darn, i love that sort of juicy gossips; dying to find out now!  PM me! i wont tell anybody! ;)

Feels like a heart under the belt to see not all badges are yeppering whoo yaying cheerleaders :)

« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2011, 07:37 »
Let's try this again...

« Reply #43 on: March 10, 2011, 08:32 »
Let's try this again...

Such a sad state of affairs that it was even necessary for you to have to post that. I'm sure a lot of contributors appreciate your doing that. 


« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2011, 09:16 »
   Having never drunk the istock kool-aid, i find it sad and a little amusing at the shock expressed here at the high handed way contributors are treated on the forums. There is only one thing going on here. That is a systematic dressing up of Istock for a sale. In order for the present owners to get rid of a bad bet at the best price, they need to be able to show the new buyers ( read: suckers) that revenue at istock is increasing ( higher prices ), profits are increasing ( lower payout costs ), and the source of images will continue without a problem ( delete anything negative and fill the forums with happy talk). So far I think they're executing this strategy pretty well. Buyout firms tend to want to roll over a acquisition in a 3 or 4  year time frame at the most. That time is here. The market is almost back to the old levels, the economy is improving, and despite the crash of 2008 investment banks have been bailed out, and business and profits are better than ever. If the stock goes public, there will be at least a few quarters of good numbers to get all the insiders out. After that, they could care less what happens- they'll be gone. Then you can post all you want in the forums, and watch the company fade away. This is, of course, just my opinion. But from the perspective of someone who has worked with financial firms since 1978, I can truly say I've seen it all before. Enron, MCI, a ton of dotcoms- I've worked for them all. They all look great to the investor, because there are people out there whose job it is to make them look good- to sell a story. I know- i did it.This time we all get to watch it from the inside ;D


« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2011, 09:49 »

Good thing you are not from St. Petersburg, Florida (my former and future home).  In St. Pete, "Give a cop a gun and he is going to shoot someone"

Wow.  Never heard that one, and I live close by.  Not surprising though. 


« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2011, 09:55 »

ETA: BI-WINNING = Charlie Sheen reference for anyone who cares ;-)

I caught that.  He's my new favorite unapologetic, highly entertaining sociopath, replacing Rod Blagojevich.  :D

Charlie's meltdown is even more entertaining than Istock's, and has the added bonus of not directly affecting me ;D

« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2011, 10:53 »
Let's try this again...

Success - let's see for how long though!


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2011, 10:56 »

ETA: BI-WINNING = Charlie Sheen reference for anyone who cares ;-)

Charlie's meltdown is even more entertaining than Istock's, and has the added bonus of not directly affecting me ;D

Charlie Sheen. lol. his rants are priceless, when they make sense. he should have climbed into Lade Gaga's egg at the Grammys. THAT would have been funny.

« Reply #49 on: March 10, 2011, 10:56 »
Let's try this again...

... and the winner is ... Mr S J Locke! The thread was duly re-opened.

If we could only replace Kelly Thompson with Sean the microstock world would be a much happier place. I'm pretty sure we'd all be making a lot more money too, including Istock themselves.


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