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Author Topic: iStockphoto Support Ticket - Answers Maybe?  (Read 5825 times)

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« on: January 10, 2017, 10:08 »
Thank you for your message and I apologize for the delay in my response. We are currently experiencing higher than normal contact volumes and appreciate your patience.

Please be assured that we do understand the concern that the Unification changes are causing our contributors. The developers have made massive efforts to minimize the disruption caused, but we are looking to see if we can make the process a little less disruptive. It's important to state again though that we are in the middle of a huge undertaking with regards to how contributors work with iStock.

Almost everything is changing for contributors over the next few weeks, from how you upload files to how you access your sales stats, it's all getting a giant makeover. It's basically the biggest change to how iStock and contributors interact since iStock started charging money for downloads. It's important to stress that this is a temporary and transitional phase for the site.


One thing that is not changing though is when you will be paid. If you had $100 or more in your account balance on the last day of December then you will be paid as normal i.e. on or before the 25th of January, just as in other months.

Stats charts & CSV files

Regarding your stats charts, those can still be accessed. You will need to be signed in to the iStock site, but they are still available here - it's possibly worth you bookmarking this link: http://www.istockphoto.c...;DownloadsGraphFileType=

That linked page above also allows you to click back and forth to see the charts for other months.

You can still access your CSV files from the links on that page or by using this link:


That link above will show you your 2016 stats but, If you change the number for the offset value by 12, you can look back at previous years. You just add twelve to the value to look back an additional 12 months e.g. This would look back to 2015:



We appreciate that not being able to see your live account balance is inconvenient, to say the least. It would certainly have been ideal if we had been able to seamlessly move from the old system to the new but the sheer scale and complexity of the changes mean that unfortunately this just wasn't possible. We are working through the process as quickly as we can.

For now though, it's still possible to check your account balances with DeepMeta or for those who already have the iOS contributor app iLucidata installed. We will try to bring some further clarity to things tomorrow (Monday) regarding the contributor account balances and which sales data pages and stats etc will be accessible throughout the transition month of January."

Please keep an eye out  for unification updates on this forum:



« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2017, 10:43 »
Good to know. Thank you for posting.

« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2017, 10:46 »
Just curious.....I axed my IS account when they started talking about 2 cents last year.  Have they really screwed up the site so much that now you can't even see what you're actually making on your pics?  They could be paying you 2 cents per download and you wouldn't even know it for weeks or even months?  I thought they were going to start reporting sub sales in real time like everyone else (yeah right).
I'm thinking that I probably made the right decision.  In case anyone is wondering about it, I haven't seen an uptick in SS sales since I pulled the plug on IS, but FT, and 123 seem to be up slightly.  DT is a whole different ballgame and seems to be in a long slow decline for everyone, including me. It's hard to tell much since it's only been a month (December) and I have very few holiday pics.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2017, 10:51 »
Just curious.....I axed my IS account when they started talking about 2 cents last year.  Have they really screwed up the site so much that now you can't even see what you're actually making on your pics?  They could be paying you 2 cents per download and you wouldn't even know it for weeks or even months?  I thought they were going to start reporting sub sales in real time like everyone else (yeah right).
Nope, they are going to report all sales once a month. We were emailled that info months ago.

There was a three week spell in December when they were reporting sub sales more quickly (at the old rates) but that was only in preparation for unification.


« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2017, 18:16 »
We are currently experiencing higher than normal contact volumes and appreciate your patience.
I wonder how they define 'higher than normal', when they have been including that identical phrase in every reply for so many years?


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