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Author Topic: iStock will start accepting digital releases (from smart phone apps)  (Read 9103 times)

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« on: July 12, 2012, 16:24 »
Digital Releases
We are happy to announce that effective immediately iStock will accept model and property releases generated electronically by approved applications. This means you will be able to capture the necessary release information on an iPhone or Android app and shoot it directly to us with your upload. All digital, no paper.

There are several different digital release applications out there. We will accept Easy Release and VM Release. We strongly advise that our contributors use Easy Release. This app is available on iPhone/iPad and Android and works in all of our supported language. It contains all the information we require so you don't need to add anything.

We still require the same information about the model, as well as signatures and a witness. The difference is that you can now capture this information on a digital application.

We have prepared a FAQ page on digital releases including reference images which you can view here.


I'm a big fan of apps and love using my phone for everything, and see the benefit of having everything electronic... but... there's something about having a piece of paper the models signs that makes me feel a little more 'protected' .. perhaps I'm just old fashioned

« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2012, 16:37 »
They said it will be available in the next few weeks -- much like .png files and logo submissions, ya think?  ;) :D


« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2012, 17:31 »
I can't really imagine how can you sign anything using your finger on a phone. Using Samsung Note for that is the only realistic option (it has a stylus and the biggest screen)


« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2012, 17:32 »
On top of that the app costs 8 :o (the one IS recommends). Are they insane?!?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2012, 17:57 »
It won't affect me, but my signature on any of these electronic things I have to sign (e.g. for registered post items) never looks a bit like my actual signature, and in fact looks like it was signed by a drunk , sub-normal chicken on speed. It's a mystery how these can have legal standing.
I guess you won't 'have' to use an electronic release if you don't want to: apart from anything else, that would be forcing model shooters to have a smartphone. Though for all I know, the overlap of these two subsets might be 100%.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 18:52 by ShadySue »

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2012, 18:10 »
what's the point if only iStock accepts it? we'd still have to do a standard paper one for everyone else. I'm still in a discussion with DT "support" over the need for a resi address for my 19yo model. It's just so pointless. In the future we'll be finding people through google and facebook, oh wait, I mean NOW that's he we stalk find people.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2012, 18:15 »
apart from anything else, that would be forcing model shooters to have a smartphone. Though for all I know, the overlap of these to subsets might be 100%.
It took me a while to work out what you meant..."forcing" someone to have a smartphone, lol. people still have phones that are only phones?? :) even my parents have smartphones now, surely there's no more stragglers after them.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2012, 18:49 »
apart from anything else, that would be forcing model shooters to have a smartphone. Though for all I know, the overlap of these to subsets might be 100%.
It took me a while to work out what you meant..."forcing" someone to have a smartphone, lol. people still have phones that are only phones?? :) even my parents have smartphones now, surely there's no more stragglers after them.
I don't; I vaguely wondered about getting one for the fast news upload to Alamy, but decided against it. I hardly use my vanilla cellphone other than to tell people my train is late; I do usually carry it in case of an 'emergency', but suspect if I had one, the battery would be empty. I know very few people who have smartphones, in fact, two, and one of them is my sister who only got it last week, as she has disposed of her computer.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 04:11 by ShadySue »

« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2012, 03:08 »
The phone culture is crazy different from country to country.  In canada lots of people don't have a cell phone and if they do, they certainly don't carry it with them all the time.  In Norway EVERYONE has a cell phone (at least one), most people under 40 don't have a regular house phone and most kids over the age of 8 have their own phone (many younger as well).. with many of those kids having a smart phone.  You wouldn't see that in Canada.... and least not where I was from.


« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2012, 04:09 »
Leaf, I think it's like that all around Europe. I just remembered something, watching movies and TV shows (new ones) it looks like everybody in the states still has a landline phone and wait for it, an answering machine :o
 Is it still really like that in reality? I haven't seen one of those in over 10 if not 15 years and the only one still having a phone at home is my granny, that also has a cell for 10 years or so. I just can't see the logic in someone leaving you a msg on your answering machine if you have a mobile phone and can be reached anytime anyplace. If you don't want to talk to someone you just send a sms


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2012, 04:37 »
Leaf, I think it's like that all around Europe. I just remembered something, watching movies and TV shows (new ones) it looks like everybody in the states still has a landline phone and wait for it, an answering machine :o
 Is it still really like that in reality? I haven't seen one of those in over 10 if not 15 years and the only one still having a phone at home is my granny, that also has a cell for 10 years or so. I just can't see the logic in someone leaving you a msg on your answering machine if you have a mobile phone and can be reached anytime anyplace. If you don't want to talk to someone you just send a sms
In many cases a landline is cheaper, and certainly for those without computers (you'd be surprised, and not just what you consider 'old' people) who can't, or those with computers who don't want to, spend hours researching deals, which change with monotonous regularity.
Hey, guess what? My sister downloaded the app for a festival we're going to, and you can't get the Friends 2 for 1 deal  you can get from their website or by phone. Woot for old technology!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 04:42 by ShadySue »

« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2012, 05:10 »
Leaf, I think it's like that all around Europe. I just remembered something, watching movies and TV shows (new ones) it looks like everybody in the states still has a landline phone and wait for it, an answering machine :o
 Is it still really like that in reality? I haven't seen one of those in over 10 if not 15 years and the only one still having a phone at home is my granny, that also has a cell for 10 years or so. I just can't see the logic in someone leaving you a msg on your answering machine if you have a mobile phone and can be reached anytime anyplace. If you don't want to talk to someone you just send a sms

Yeah, I agree with you wut.. I'm sure it's the same is all (or at least most) of Europe. I was just using Norway as an example because that's what I know.

Answering machines.. haha.. yep.  Both my parents have and use an answering machine (although it's built into the phone service).  If you can't reach someone on a cell, you just send a text.

I think prices may have a big thing to do with it.  It is very very cheap (sometimes free) to own a cell in Europe, in Canada any plan will still cost you an arm and a leg.


« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2012, 06:10 »
I can't really imagine how can you sign anything using your finger on a phone. Using Samsung Note for that is the only realistic option (it has a stylus and the biggest screen)

you can use a stylus on iphones, ipads and android phones.


« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2012, 06:56 »
I can't really imagine how can you sign anything using your finger on a phone. Using Samsung Note for that is the only realistic option (it has a stylus and the biggest screen)

you can use a stylus on iphones, ipads and android phones.

It's just to handy, you have to carry it separately. I'd rather use a toothpick from a bar :)


« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2012, 07:10 »
I have a cell phone, only to call and text. 39 euro simple nokia. Why do I need anything else?


« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2012, 15:10 »
I have a cell phone, only to call and text. 39 euro simple nokia. Why do I need anything else?

You don't. You're free to continue with paper releases  ???


« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2012, 15:13 »
I can't really imagine how can you sign anything using your finger on a phone. Using Samsung Note for that is the only realistic option (it has a stylus and the biggest screen)

you can use a stylus on iphones, ipads and android phones.

It's just to handy, you have to carry it separately. I'd rather use a toothpick from a bar :)

Actually most either fit securely into the earphone socket of your device and stay there until you pull them out, or they are magnetic and stick to the device.  Sounds like there's a whole stylus technology world out there for you to discover  :)

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2012, 02:26 »
i love how there's 3 different conversations going.


« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2012, 02:37 »
I have a cell phone, only to call and text. 39 euro simple nokia. Why do I need anything else?

You don't. You're free to continue with paper releases  ???

I know, Rhetorical question

« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2012, 04:16 »
I can't really imagine how can you sign anything using your finger on a phone. Using Samsung Note for that is the only realistic option (it has a stylus and the biggest screen)

you can use a stylus on iphones, ipads and android phones.

It's just to handy, you have to carry it separately. I'd rather use a toothpick from a bar :)

But you'd have to visit a bar then? Oh wait ...


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