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Author Topic: iStock royalty cut goes live  (Read 42393 times)

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« on: January 11, 2011, 18:23 »

The new royalty structure is live, and in typical istock fashion, it's not working properly.

Way to go, istock.


« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 18:24 »

The new royalty structure is live, and in typical istock fashion, it's not working properly.

Way to go, istock.


Fingers crossed hoping for bank error in my favor.  ;D

« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 18:26 »
Oh look, it's in iStock's favor too.  :-\

« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2011, 18:27 »

The new royalty structure is live, and in typical istock fashion, it's not working properly.

Way to go, istock.


hahahah, funny. Bug gives financial advantage to IS, obviously.

Never ends...


« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2011, 18:31 »
Wonderful!  I have accrued redeemed credits in categories where I don't even have images  :D

« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 18:35 »
Mine says 17% when it should say 50%. Do you think they'll adjust it?

Seriously though, it's comically sad that it isn't working right. If I had a nickel for every time something broke at IS, I wouldn't have to create stock images anymore.  ;D

« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2011, 18:36 »
I suppose it would be too much to ask for them to fix all the other problems before screwing us. It could have been years before I dropped from my 20%.


« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2011, 18:38 »
If I had a nickel for every time something broke at IS, I wouldn't have to create stock images anymore.  ;D

ROFLMAO!  Exactly right!!

So far my (pitiful) royalty amount is showing correctly.  Hope they don't screw it up in trying to fix the system...
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 18:41 by lisafx »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2011, 18:46 »
Don'tcha love iStock's flexitime.
Andrew said he's have the live link to the new ASA in 'one second', but that was times 17 minutes ago.
Of course, it will be live by the time I post this!  :P


« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2011, 19:01 »
How do you work this crap out???  RC, etc,?  am I stupido or have I missed something?  mine says 18%, is that supposed to be right?


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2011, 19:05 »
How do you work this crap out???  RC, etc,?  am I stupido or have I missed something?  mine says 18%, is that supposed to be right?

some of the percentages showing (for each contributor on the stats pages) are incorrect. they're looking into it...


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2011, 19:20 »
So in my Stats it says Photo: 317 credits (yeah, the buyers are boycotting me too) and on the next line it says Vetta/Agency: 317 credits. I haven't have a Vetta sale since 19th December -essentially the price hike killed my Vettas and the sale doesn't help. So why is it saying Vetta/Agency: 317 credits?
It's obviously 'a bug'. Hope they're looking into this one too.
Can't they do anything right first time?

« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2011, 19:26 »
Oh boy...
mine says illustration 16%...
so we will make less money this year?

« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2011, 19:41 »
So in my Stats it says Photo: 317 credits (yeah, the buyers are boycotting me too) and on the next line it says Vetta/Agency: 317 credits. I haven't have a Vetta sale since 19th December -essentially the price hike killed my Vettas and the sale doesn't help. So why is it saying Vetta/Agency: 317 credits?
It's obviously 'a bug'. Hope they're looking into this one too.
Can't they do anything right first time?

Its not a bug.  Main and V/A royalty %s, while are separate, are determined by the combined total of all photos.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2011, 19:44 »
So in my Stats it says Photo: 317 credits (yeah, the buyers are boycotting me too) and on the next line it says Vetta/Agency: 317 credits. I haven't have a Vetta sale since 19th December -essentially the price hike killed my Vettas and the sale doesn't help. So why is it saying Vetta/Agency: 317 credits?
It's obviously 'a bug'. Hope they're looking into this one too.
Can't they do anything right first time?

Its not a bug.  Main and V/A royalty %s, while are separate, are determined by the combined total of all photos.
It's meant to be like that? H*ck, whose bright idea was that?

« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2011, 21:01 »
Just had my first $.16 XS download!  Where's the Woo Yay thread again?  :-\

« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2011, 21:35 »
I just have to repost this immortal quote from that gorgeous "contact sheet":

"And I must say, thank you to everyone for helping iStock with an exceptional year. With your hard work, we continue to meet and exceed our goals."

Hell will freeze, and thaw, and go through countless more climate cycles before these people get another photo from me based on the commission structure listed in that document. 

« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2011, 21:43 »
How do you work this crap out???  RC, etc,?  am I stupido or have I missed something?  mine says 18%, is that supposed to be right?
If you are not exclusive and made 37.000 RC or more, but less than 120.000, then 18% is correct.

« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2011, 21:54 »
Newb question, guys. It says 15% illustration royalty on my stats page, but how come I received $3 for a 10-credits vector image today? Last time I checked, I only got like $2.4 for the same image.  ???

« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2011, 22:02 »
oh how exciting.. cute new icons! 

(I have nothing else to be excited about).

« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2011, 22:13 »
oh how exciting.. cute new icons! 

(I have nothing else to be excited about).

For some reason, I can't see the icons. It's just a blank white space.

« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2011, 22:20 »
If you are not exclusive and made 37.000 RC or more, but less than 120.000, then 18% is correct.

Unless, you're an illustrator, then it's 17%. Joy!  :)

« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2011, 22:59 »
I just have to repost this immortal quote from that gorgeous "contact sheet":

"And I must say, thank you to everyone for helping iStock with an exceptional year. With your hard work, we continue to meet and exceed our goals."

Hell will freeze, and thaw, and go through countless more climate cycles before these people get another photo from me based on the commission structure listed in that document. 


« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2011, 01:47 »
oh how exciting.. cute new icons! 

(I have nothing else to be excited about).

Did you see how messed up they are too? Some people who don't have any Flash files have Flash icons and for some, their icon is incorrect to the number of downloads they have for that category. Man, what a bunch of TOTAL mess ups. LOLOL


« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2011, 02:40 »
Looks like with the new system I will miss out on 35% level by 155 credits or less than one fraudulent Vetta sale.  I have 36,845 credits or 99.581% of what I need to get to the next level.  This is outrageous that I will miss out on 16% of sales by .4% or again less than one fraudulent Vetta sale. 


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