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Author Topic: iStock royalty cut goes live  (Read 42388 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2011, 02:46 »

The new royalty structure is live, and in typical istock fashion, it's not working properly.

Way to go, istock.


Perfect and thanks I needed a laugh to go with the Default 15% non level that I will be likely to be at for life. :D

I could work hard and get serious, like some have suggested and with a 1% increase, Whoopee make $3 more a year! Or not...

« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2011, 03:51 »
Looks like with the new system I will miss out on 35% level by 155 credits or less than one fraudulent Vetta sale.  I have 36,845 credits or 99.581% of what I need to get to the next level.  This is outrageous that I will miss out on 16% of sales by .4% or again less than one fraudulent Vetta sale. 

I do wish that you had made your level. especially by such a small number.

Are these people actually able to do anything right ? Oh well we'll just run another script to correct another f__up.

Please direct any customers to agencies that operate smoothly, pay commissions greater than Istock and can consistently keep their shop open.

Come to think of it that's every other agency.

« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2011, 04:44 »
Image deactivation still works.  Seeing 17% commission motivates me to deactivate more.  I really hope this goes wrong for istock or I don't think it will be worth doing microstock soon.  I'm sure people will say whatever we do makes no difference but it feels really good not putting up with this.  I've had lots of career changes in the past and I'm not frightened of another one.


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2011, 06:53 »
The new royalty structure is live, and in typical istock fashion, it's not working properly.
Way to go, istock.

There must be something going on behind the scenes that's placing a priority on deadlines over everything else. I'm guessing executives are under pressure, or incentive, to roll all of these updates out regardless if they're ready or not.

IT Dept: "We're still testing and fixing bugs. It's not ready"
Exec: "Deploy it and we'll deal with the issues later"

I don't think the massive shift of their treatment of contributors and all of these rushed buggy updates are a coincidence. Something big is brewing.

« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2011, 07:57 »
If you are not exclusive and made 37.000 RC or more, but less than 120.000, then 18% is correct.

Unless, you're an illustrator, then it's 17%. Joy!  :)

Unless you're a lazy, non-professional, non-businesslike, non-exclusive contributor like me, then it's 16%!  ;)

« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2011, 07:58 »
Image deactivation still works.  Seeing 17% commission motivates me to deactivate more.  I really hope this goes wrong for istock or I don't think it will be worth doing microstock soon.  I'm sure people will say whatever we do makes no difference but it feels really good not putting up with this.  I've had lots of career changes in the past and I'm not frightened of another one.


« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2011, 08:02 »
I'm down to 11 images in my IStock port, it's not going to affect me, but I'm curious, where do you see those stats?
Since the introduction of Sexy F5 I've never even touched my contributor page. The scrolling drives me crazy, up the walls.
Where is that info? Where do you see your RC?
Can anyone help? I'm curious :)
Thank you,

UPDATE : Never mind, found it!
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 08:17 by Eireann »

« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2011, 08:20 »
I receive Contact crap from iStock today.
Best thing is where says:
You can read a complete explanation of the changes and how the new SYSTEM WORKS here.
Which System?
In they controled vocabulary System means Order, and they mess doesnt look like order at all.
Does it work?
Yes works like first versions of Windows and Intel chips which have glitch in addition.
My RC for vectors is 16%
Before for my 15 credit vectors I give 3$ and now I got 2$???
Where they learn maths? if they...
It is more than 33% cut and they give me 13% royalty????
F... naive *insult removed*

@ Ann
To see RC click on Balance at bottom of the page and you will find it under stats

« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2011, 09:29 »
The 3 larges i sold today were $1,90 for each (used to be $2.80- 3.30).
Looks more like a 30-40% paycut than a 3% one but all we can do is hope its correct, right? If i keep seeing these pathetic numbers passing by it'll be easier indeed to ditch them altogether.


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2011, 09:38 »
The 3 larges i sold today were $1,90 for each (used to be $2.80- 3.30).
Looks more like a 30-40% paycut than a 3% one but all we can do is hope its correct, right? If i keep seeing these pathetic numbers passing by it'll be easier indeed to ditch them altogether.

It's a 3% cut in your commission. So, reducing 20% to 17% is actually is about a 17% decrease which is how much less you'll earn.

« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2011, 09:53 »
Looks like with the new system I will miss out on 35% level by 155 credits or less than one fraudulent Vetta sale.  I have 36,845 credits or 99.581% of what I need to get to the next level.  This is outrageous that I will miss out on 16% of sales by .4% or again less than one fraudulent Vetta sale.  

I would leave the crown thats for sure.. IS, IS, IS shame on you, money is never enough! I had 1403 credits :)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 10:02 by luissantos84 »

« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2011, 10:44 »
The 3 larges i sold today were $1,90 for each (used to be $2.80- 3.30).
Looks more like a 30-40% paycut than a 3% one but all we can do is hope its correct, right? If i keep seeing these pathetic numbers passing by it'll be easier indeed to ditch them altogether.

It's a 3% cut in your commission. So, reducing 20% to 17% is actually is about a 17% decrease which is how much less you'll earn.
I'm very maths impaired (and thus still dont get why i shouldnt receive $3,00 - 0,09 (=3% of 3) = $2,91; making i'd miss out 15-17% in annual royalties).
But even when i take a 17% cut;  17% of 3$ = 0,51, would still make $2,49 commission...(ive checked, the smallest large ive sold before the cuts was $2,30, minus 17% makes $1,91) I guess ('cuz gussing is all we can do) i just got hit with a discount account.
I cant help but feeling im get getting ripped off twice, once openly and once under the table with untrackable shennanigans. (and i admit: good chance its not true and my feeble mathbrain just cant handle it, but this shouldnt be rocket science in the first place.)

« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2011, 10:48 »
I'm very maths impaired (and thus still dont get why i shouldnt receive $3,00 - 0,09 (=3% of 3) = $2,91; making i'd miss out 15-17% in annual royalties).
But even when i take a 17% cut;  17% of 3$ = 0,51, would still make $2,49 commission...(ive checked, the smallest large ive sold before the cuts was $2,30, minus 17% makes $1,91) I guess ('cuz gussing is all we can do) i just got hit with a discount account.
I cant help but feeling im get getting ripped off twice, once openly and once under the table with untrackable shennanigans. (and i admit: good chance its not true and my feeble mathbrain just cant handle it, but this shouldnt be rocket science in the first place.)

And that's the whole point...we shouldn't have to wonder about anything. Like jsnover (and the rest of us) have been saying, we should be getting an accounting of every single penny, every single sale, how much credits were sold for, the whole enchilada.

« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2011, 10:51 »
They have been handing out discounts to buyers like mad to try to make up for all the blunders and since our tiny % is based on the cost of the credits we take a hit for their blunders.

.13 for an XS . I'd say a new low, but I got one for .10 last month so I know there is lower to go.

« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2011, 10:52 »
oh how exciting.. cute new icons! 

(I have nothing else to be excited about).

Did you see how messed up they are too? Some people who don't have any Flash files have Flash icons and for some, their icon is incorrect to the number of downloads they have for that category. Man, what a bunch of TOTAL mess ups. LOLOL

I just went over there and noticed those! I have a Flash icon (no flash files) and I have sold over 10,000+ illustration files! Where is my money for that! I want the money for the sale of the 10,000+ illustration files!  ;) I have one illustration in my port and I'm pretty sure it hasn't sold over 10,000 times. Sheesh.

« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2011, 10:58 »
oh how exciting.. cute new icons! 

(I have nothing else to be excited about).

Did you see how messed up they are too? Some people who don't have any Flash files have Flash icons and for some, their icon is incorrect to the number of downloads they have for that category. Man, what a bunch of TOTAL mess ups. LOLOL

yeah, I have a flash icon though no flash uploads.. and I guess you need to clear your cache to see it.. or maybe the little icons just come and go.  

actually, everyone who was originally approved to upload photos was also approved for illustrations and flash even if you never actually uploaded any of those.  now that they separated them I think we are all just being grandfathered in.  it actually is not a bad move so that those of us originally approved can now upload to those categories if we want without having to go through an approval process.  the only weird thing is that they didn't separate out my total downloads between photos and vectors.  which is fine as far as upload limits go, because if they do split them I would most surely drop below the "diamond" level for the two as separate categories.

« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2011, 15:42 »
I just have to repost this immortal quote from that gorgeous "contact sheet":

"And I must say, thank you to everyone for helping iStock with an exceptional year. With your hard work, we continue to meet and exceed our goals."

Hell will freeze, and thaw, and go through countless more climate cycles before these people get another photo from me based on the commission structure listed in that document. 

+ 1

« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2011, 17:10 »
ArtPuppy's latest Not sure if I've done the link right

« Reply #43 on: January 12, 2011, 17:24 »
ArtPuppy's latest Not sure if I've done the link right

Too funny! I can't believe that doesn't get deleted. Goes along with what lisafx suggested in another thread...nobody's minding the store.


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2011, 22:13 »
Looks like with the new system I will miss out on 35% level by 155 credits or less than one fraudulent Vetta sale.  I have 36,845 credits or 99.581% of what I need to get to the next level.  This is outrageous that I will miss out on 16% of sales by .4% or again less than one fraudulent Vetta sale.  

I don't know if it would be possible to bump you up, or not. but in your case, I'd definitely be contacting contributor relations.


« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2011, 22:30 »
The new royalty structure is live, and in typical istock fashion, it's not working properly.
Way to go, istock.

There must be something going on behind the scenes that's placing a priority on deadlines over everything else. I'm guessing executives are under pressure, or incentive, to roll all of these updates out regardless if they're ready or not.

IT Dept: "We're still testing and fixing bugs. It's not ready"
Exec: "Deploy it and we'll deal with the issues later"

I don't think the massive shift of their treatment of contributors and all of these rushed buggy updates are a coincidence. Something big is brewing.

Agree 100%...been there, done that

« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2011, 00:35 »
It could be something big, but is it big for the contributors?

It's hard to trust iStock these days.


« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2011, 00:37 »
ArtPuppy's latest Not sure if I've done the link right

Link was right and so was the cartoon.

« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2011, 01:54 »

« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2011, 01:57 »


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