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Author Topic: iStock Royalty Change  (Read 130843 times)

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« Reply #400 on: November 10, 2016, 15:34 »
A bunch of us have been communicating with each other and offering and absorbing feedback from everyone.

« Reply #401 on: November 10, 2016, 15:35 »
We'll have a quick poll and adjust the petition.

« Reply #402 on: November 11, 2016, 04:07 »
Who wants a petition? Anyone?
Yes, please.
I have only one request: ask them to sink quickly. And if they could re-hire Kelly Thompson before it would be great.

« Reply #403 on: November 15, 2016, 11:03 »

I'm not signing that petition. For what, to beg for a pittance?

Have some dignity and self-respect, people.

« Reply #404 on: November 15, 2016, 13:29 »

I'm not signing that petition. For what, to beg for a pittance?

Have some dignity and self-respect, people.

« Reply #405 on: November 15, 2016, 13:45 »
I would rather sign a petition asking buyers to not use Getty/istock because we will no longer be able to afford to supply new images to them.

« Reply #406 on: November 22, 2016, 20:39 »
I've already had 6 USD 0.02 sales, all in a single day last month. I'm out after the next payment. These guys are not even wort the effort of signing a petition.


« Reply #407 on: November 23, 2016, 01:18 »

I'm not signing that petition. For what, to beg for a pittance?

Have some dignity and self-respect, people.

Well said Mike!!

« Reply #408 on: November 23, 2016, 01:34 »
I've already had 6 USD 0.02 sales, all in a single day last month. I'm out after the next payment. These guys are not even wort the effort of signing a petition.
It was supposed to start on november 25, am i wrong ?

« Reply #409 on: November 23, 2016, 07:15 »
I've already had 6 USD 0.02 sales, all in a single day last month. I'm out after the next payment. These guys are not even wort the effort of signing a petition.
It was supposed to start on november 25, am i wrong ?

Not sure, but I too have had an 0.02c and a 0.04c royalty from iStock in the last few days.

« Reply #410 on: November 23, 2016, 07:59 »
I've already had 6 USD 0.02 sales, all in a single day last month. I'm out after the next payment. These guys are not even wort the effort of signing a petition.

EPIX, correct me if I am wrong:
You have had 300 sales in a single day.

« Reply #411 on: November 23, 2016, 08:04 »
I asked them "nicely" to close my account and remove my portfolio on October 28th.  I think they have 30 days, which if I'm counting correctly will be on November 27th, since October had 31 days.  I'm quite sure I probably won't be the only one they will be in breach of contract with.  Would this be grounds for a class action lawsuit if my account is still open on November 28th?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 08:07 by Gel-O Shooter »

« Reply #412 on: November 23, 2016, 16:45 »
I've already had 6 USD 0.02 sales, all in a single day last month. I'm out after the next payment. These guys are not even wort the effort of signing a petition.

EPIX, correct me if I am wrong:
You have had 300 sales in a single day.

I think she wanted to say she had 6 sales of 0.02 USD each other. Pretty bad.
 I'm relief, I have deleted almost everything from them. I left only a few images, just in case they change their minds.

« Reply #413 on: November 23, 2016, 16:49 »
I just saw the email from them. Subscription licenses will have a minimum price per file will be 0.10c. Waww, a lot of money. I think the beggar how lives on the corner of my street feels better, now he knows I will not take his place. I will earn enough money with Istock, so I will not need to take his job  >:(

« Reply #414 on: November 23, 2016, 18:02 »
I'm getting out of there.  Sent a request to close my account.  The thought of still selling for almost nothing in 2017 was just too much.


« Reply #415 on: November 23, 2016, 19:44 »
I just saw the email from them. Subscription licenses will have a minimum price per file will be 0.10c. Waww, a lot of money. I think the beggar how lives on the corner of my street feels better, now he knows I will not take his place. I will earn enough money with Istock, so I will not need to take his job  >:(

So they raised it from 2 to 10? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, sorry....10 still doesn't cut it.

And now the new rates don't go into effect until December 23. More time to sign the (revised, if the 10 minimum is new) petition. ;)

« Reply #416 on: November 23, 2016, 20:16 »
ok, what i dont understand with some of you

this petition is mostly because of those insulting 2 cent per image

you dont care that you will earn 14 times less from subscription sales, but suddenly you care about 15% commission.(this not apply for those of you who deleted pictures when 15% cut happened)

i personally think that everything below 50% is unacceptable, that's why i upload to alamy even my sales are very small there, but if we can say something, even if that dont change anything, just to be heard I dont see anything bad in that.

for those who continue to upload images there for 15%, and don't what to sign petition but are signing that they agree with 15% and 2 cents royalty every time they upload new images there, how that makes sense to you?

Those who continue, well they deserve exactly what they get and it makes perfect sense to me :)

About istock...sooner they sink completely...the better :)


« Reply #417 on: November 23, 2016, 20:18 »
I just saw the email from them. Subscription licenses will have a minimum price per file will be 0.10c. Waww, a lot of money. I think the beggar how lives on the corner of my street feels better, now he knows I will not take his place. I will earn enough money with Istock, so I will not need to take his job  >:(

So they raised it from 2 to 10? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, sorry....10 still doesn't cut it.

And now the new rates don't go into effect until December 23. More time to sign the (revised, if the 10 minimum is new) petition. ;)

No, if I'm reading it correctly we would get 15% of 10. 10 is the minimum a customer can pay (price per file or ppf). 15% of .1 is .015. They are rounding up to 2. How generous...


« Reply #418 on: November 23, 2016, 20:24 »
I just saw the email from them. Subscription licenses will have a minimum price per file will be 0.10c. Waww, a lot of money. I think the beggar how lives on the corner of my street feels better, now he knows I will not take his place. I will earn enough money with Istock, so I will not need to take his job  >:(

So they raised it from 2 to 10? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, sorry....10 still doesn't cut it.

And now the new rates don't go into effect until December 23. More time to sign the (revised, if the 10 minimum is new) petition. ;)

No, if I'm reading it correctly we would get 15% of 10. 10 is the minimum a customer can pay (price per file or ppf). 15% of .1 is .015. They are rounding up to 2. How generous...

Oh yeah. Lol. "price," not "royalty." Doh! So it's just pushed back a month.


« Reply #419 on: November 23, 2016, 20:32 »
I just saw the email from them. Subscription licenses will have a minimum price per file will be 0.10c. Waww, a lot of money. I think the beggar how lives on the corner of my street feels better, now he knows I will not take his place. I will earn enough money with Istock, so I will not need to take his job  >:(

So they raised it from 2 to 10? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, sorry....10 still doesn't cut it.

And now the new rates don't go into effect until December 23. More time to sign the (revised, if the 10 minimum is new) petition. ;)

No, if I'm reading it correctly we would get 15% of 10. 10 is the minimum a customer can pay (price per file or ppf). 15% of .1 is .015. They are rounding up to 2. How generous...

Oh yeah. Lol. "price," not "royalty." Doh! So it's just pushed back a month.

No worries! They also made it overly complicated. At least they pushed it back a month.

« Reply #420 on: November 23, 2016, 23:53 »
I just saw the email from them. Subscription licenses will have a minimum price per file will be 0.10c. Waww, a lot of money. I think the beggar how lives on the corner of my street feels better, now he knows I will not take his place. I will earn enough money with Istock, so I will not need to take his job  >:(

So they raised it from 2 to 10? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, sorry....10 still doesn't cut it.

And now the new rates don't go into effect until December 23. More time to sign the (revised, if the 10 minimum is new) petition. ;)

I read the email and must  have missed the "raise " to min. 10 cents.  Not that it really makes a difference, but I  would like to know how much of an insult I will be quitting ovet.

So then it is still .02.  Pricks.  Here I was imagining the petition might have had an impact and maybe a slim possibility of improvements for us.  Glad I stopped uploading there a long time ago.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 23:58 by PixelBytes »

« Reply #421 on: November 24, 2016, 03:40 »
I never though I'd see the day when Dollar Photo Club would look like a GOOD deal....!


« Reply #422 on: November 24, 2016, 05:57 »
I just saw the email from them. Subscription licenses will have a minimum price per file will be 0.10c. Waww, a lot of money. I think the beggar how lives on the corner of my street feels better, now he knows I will not take his place. I will earn enough money with Istock, so I will not need to take his job  >:(

So they raised it from 2 to 10? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, sorry....10 still doesn't cut it.

And now the new rates don't go into effect until December 23. More time to sign the (revised, if the 10 minimum is new) petition. ;)

I read the email and must  have missed the "raise " to min. 10 cents.  Not that it really makes a difference, but I  would like to know how much of an insult I will be quitting ovet.

So then it is still .02.  Pricks.  Here I was imagining the petition might have had an impact and maybe a slim possibility of improvements for us.  Glad I stopped uploading there a long time ago.

Have you ever seen a petition having any impact on a public company?

« Reply #423 on: November 24, 2016, 06:04 »

« Reply #424 on: November 24, 2016, 06:26 »

How do you plan to spend them? :)


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