Really, though there is no way of making an accurate comparison. Some people cull their non-selling files after so long, so their RPI would be much higher than those who left everything up. (Unless they could actually remember how many they'd deleted from where).
There are so many imponderables, the most important being the actual content of ports, otherwise you're comparing apples with oranges. If apples are more popular, my port of 20 apples might outperform your port of 100 oranges.
Also there's acceptance policy.
Let's say you have a port with subjects A, B, C, D, E which sell moderately at site 1.
Site 2 however, isn't interested in subjects B, D and E, so will reject them.
Clearly that means buyers of subjects B, d and E will son lean not to bother with site 2.
Or it could be that both agencies take all, but competition in subjects A and D is much fiercer on one site.
Or ...
So IMO, comparison charts are only for fun and vague interest, and don't give any useful help to those pondering what to do with their files.