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Author Topic: Istock Deactivation Notice -- Similars  (Read 7521 times)

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« on: February 26, 2011, 00:35 »
Just got a bunch of "deactivation notices" for images being too similar.  This is new for me on istock.  The files in question have been up for several years and most sold at least a few times.  They are from two shoots with one model--different themes, different poses, different angles but suddenly that's not good enough.  It's ironic that they are all accepted by DT which is notorious for rejecting similars.

Anyone else getting these?  All over the site there are sets of photos with similars even more alike than the ones I've had deactivated.  I'm just wondering if this is some new istock "we hate you and just wish you'd go away" signal.

« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2011, 00:57 »
Once or twice I've had a rejection for a newly uploaded image being too similar to others in the series, but never a deactivation of old images for that reason. Perhaps they're doing some cleanup of older files that don't meet new criteria and you're just on the leading edge?

Of course it could be some weird bug that caused it - perhaps a support ticket to ask for clarification might make sense.

« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2011, 03:51 »
I had a spate about a month back

« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2011, 17:37 »
I doubt it's any "we hate you" thing.  they have been known to have people on "special assignment" who go through the collection to check old files to see if they match with today's standards.  I would guess it's something like that and nothing personal.  Although I would really think they have better things to do with their time, but apparently this is one of those priorities they seem to think is more worthy of checking than other things. 

« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2011, 17:43 »
... Perhaps they're doing some cleanup of older files that don't meet new criteria and you're just on the leading edge?...
OMG, how could iStock ignore similars all over the years. EMERGENCY.

[loudspeakers at IS HQ:] All personnel to the reviewing stations and disable similar files. Drop all your semi-important tasks of fixing F5, video processing etc. and focus on disabling files. If you don't do that IS won't exist next week [loudspeakers at IS HQ *click*]

IS never ceases to amaze me when it comes to surprising contributors with phenomenal ongoing tasks for their bored staff.


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