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Author Topic: iStock changing royalty structure  (Read 387212 times)

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« Reply #850 on: September 24, 2010, 11:11 »
This may not be really related to this topic (on the other hand it can be). Just read at IS forums that Rob Sylvan left the admin (official staff) team


I wonder if it has to do anything with the changes or if he leaving at this time is just coincidence.

« Reply #851 on: September 24, 2010, 11:38 »
^^^ Rob leaving now, 2 weeks after this bombshell, is a bit too much of a quinky-dinky for me __ whatever the offical line might be. Maybe Rob will pop in here to explain things.


« Reply #852 on: September 24, 2010, 11:45 »
Lobo said he will be making an official announcement soon.


« Reply #853 on: September 24, 2010, 11:54 »
Oh that is a shame.  He's such a complete star.  I think, out of respect for him, I won't speculate, and will wait for his statement.


« Reply #854 on: September 24, 2010, 11:57 »
If he left out of principle due to recent changes....RESPECT!


« Reply #855 on: September 24, 2010, 12:01 »
If he left out of principle due to recent changes....RESPECT!
I think it's safe to assume that is not what his official announcement will say, but the timing makes you wonder. I had nothing but the greatest respect for Rob before this, so nothing will change there, regardless of his reasons.

« Reply #856 on: September 24, 2010, 14:00 »
This is starting to look like a falling house of cards. Contributors, buyers and admins leaving.


« Reply #857 on: September 24, 2010, 14:33 »
Wow.  Really sorry to hear Rob's left.  He was always a calm and reassuring presence.  He will really be missed. 

« Reply #858 on: September 24, 2010, 14:36 »
Rob has always been a class act and I will miss him too.

I think its safe to assume that Rob's departure is linked to the compensation structure change.  Note that he stopped posting shortly after the initial announcement, though his departure was not confirmed until today.  If it was anything else, I think it is quite likely he would have delayed his departure by a few weeks to avoid the appearance of them being linked. Obviously there are things like a family illness that might also necessitate a quick exit.

I'm sure Rob will never say they are linked, much like Peabert never said why he left either.  

On the assumption that they are linked, I do tip my hat to him for having the guts to stand up for what he believes is right.

I'm guessing a number of inspectors will also depart over the next few months, as many of them will be taking a big hit, and they can't drop exclusivity and remain inspectors.

« Reply #859 on: September 24, 2010, 14:51 »
^^^ Good post Sadstock (and welcome!). My sources tell me that several inspectors are leaving too. Lots going on behind the scenes at the moment.

Is Istockphoto imploding before our eyes? They've lost their way, plenty of buyers, the confidence and the trust of their contributors and now it's looking like a mass-exodus of staff to boot. The greedy exploitive *insult removed* are getting their come-uppance.

Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

« Reply #860 on: September 24, 2010, 15:19 »
But without the good guys we can only expect an acceleration of the rape and pillage.

« Reply #861 on: September 24, 2010, 15:27 »
I have as hard a time believing that Rob's departure is unrelated to the recent announcements as I do that anyone will acknowledge that that's the reason.

It took me a while with Google to find this, but here's a post from Rob when the Partner Program was introduced. We asked if those who opted out would see their best match placement worsened. In case the text goes away at some point, he said:

 "What would the point of negatively affecting best match placement for people who opt-out but not telling them? That isn't consequence or punishment that is just being mean. If you see me quit then perhaps you can assume that is how they are running things.

I know of no consequence currently or in the future for people who choose to not include their files in the partner program."

Speaks volumes to me.

Rob, you will be sorely missed. You have made a huge difference to the operation of the iStock forums. I can't fathom how you found the patience to deal calmly with all the situations you did. Perhaps you just ran out of patience. Perhaps all your work with books and NAPP was just taking up more time and paid you better. Perhaps you just couldn't stand behind the cash grab and defend the indefensible.

iStock is the poorer for your departure. I hope they realize that. Any other organization that gets you is lucky indeed :)

« Reply #862 on: September 24, 2010, 15:30 »
Yeah, it's a sad shocker, alright. No matter the reason he might give for leaving, people are going to chalk it up the commission restructuring - it's the natural thing to do.


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #863 on: September 24, 2010, 15:31 »
Wow.  Really sorry to hear Rob's left.  He was always a calm and reassuring presence.  He will really be missed. 

exactly my feelings. he's just released a new book and I'm certain his own photography has been harder to shoot as a result of his work as an admin. I'm sure it will be too good to be true for everyone hoping this is out of protest, but that is not Rob's style AFAIK.

I hope he is simply going onto other things and happy about the decision.

« Reply #864 on: September 24, 2010, 15:38 »
^^^ Good quote Jo Ann. Reflecting on Rob's words back then, in the light of today's news, it kind of looks as if this thing might have been building for some time.

I wonder if Rob increasingly found himself unable post in support of the management's policies?

(NB: Just had an idea __ I know someone who can post in support of the management no matter what they do to us. She'd be ideal.)

« Reply #865 on: September 24, 2010, 15:41 »
Yeah, it's a sad shocker, alright. No matter the reason he might give for leaving, people are going to chalk it up the commission restructuring - it's the natural thing to do.

Soooo __ are you giving up exclusivity now? I wasn't expecting to have a drink on you quite this soon!

« Reply #866 on: September 24, 2010, 15:45 »
i wouldn't want to speculate on why Rob is leaving.  He has a lot of other things going on besides iStock - in fact he just came out with a new book "Taking Stock" and is a trainer for lightroom along with other things.  

Perhaps he has a lot of things going on in his life and it's just time for him to move on.  We don't know and really shouldn't speculate.  It will be a great loss, for sure.  he has been rock there and a constant calm in the iStock forums.  
« Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 15:47 by jamirae »

« Reply #867 on: September 24, 2010, 15:46 »
Soooo __ are you giving up exclusivity now? I wasn't expecting to have a drink on you quite this soon!

I can't make up my mind: Are you counting your chickens before they hatch, or are you simply trying to gloat? Hmm, maybe both.


« Reply #868 on: September 24, 2010, 15:49 »

It took me a while with Google to find this, but here's a post from Rob when the Partner Program was introduced. We asked if those who opted out would see their best match placement worsened. In case the text goes away at some point, he said:

 "What would the point of negatively affecting best match placement for people who opt-out but not telling them? That isn't consequence or punishment that is just being mean. If you see me quit then perhaps you can assume that is how they are running things.

I know of no consequence currently or in the future for people who choose to not include their files in the partner program."

Good find on that quote JoAnn.  I am trying to resist speculating, but this does make one think.

Whatever the reason, I wish him nothing but the best.  I hope the book is a runaway bestseller for him and he can retire to some tropical island somewhere on the proceeds.  :)

« Reply #869 on: September 24, 2010, 15:50 »
oh, and FWIW - he may not be gone completely, I see from his profile page that he still has the Admin and Moderator badges.  I would think once he leaves those positions and the privileges are removed, those will be gone as well.

« Reply #870 on: September 24, 2010, 15:52 »
^^^ Good post Sadstock (and welcome!). My sources tell me that several inspectors are leaving too. Lots going on behind the scenes at the moment.

My sources tell me that Rob will stay on as a contributor. As to whether this will be in an exclusive capacity or a non-exclusive capacity, I couldn't say. Because I don't know :)

« Reply #871 on: September 24, 2010, 15:52 »
I can't make up my mind: Are you counting your chickens before they hatch, or are you simply trying to gloat? Hmm, maybe both.

Istockphoto's heading south mate __ seriously. The good old days are history. Trust Uncle Gostwyck.

« Reply #872 on: September 24, 2010, 15:55 »
Istockphoto's heading south mate __ seriously. The good old days are history. Trust Uncle Gostwyck.

Oh brother. I hope I don't have to listen to you go on like this for a year and a half.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 15:57 by sharply_done »

« Reply #873 on: September 24, 2010, 15:58 »
I have as hard a time believing that Rob's departure is unrelated to the recent announcements as I do that anyone will acknowledge that that's the reason. [snip] iStock is the poorer for your departure. I hope they realize that. Any other organization that gets you is lucky indeed :)

I wholeheartedly concur :)


« Reply #874 on: September 24, 2010, 16:24 »
oh, and FWIW - he may not be gone completely, I see from his profile page that he still has the Admin and Moderator badges.  I would think once he leaves those positions and the privileges are removed, those will be gone as well.

Remember how long it takes for canister changes to update? I'd guess it's probably the same lag time as that.


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