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Author Topic: iStock changing royalty structure  (Read 387313 times)

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  • Photographer
« Reply #675 on: September 10, 2010, 17:02 »
"Contributors who don't sell exclusively will get a maximum 20 percent royalty instead of a minimum 20 percent royalty in the previous payment scheme."

« Reply #676 on: September 10, 2010, 17:15 »
"Contributors who don't sell exclusively will get a maximum 20 percent royalty instead of a minimum 20 percent royalty in the previous payment scheme."

To be more accurate, "Contributors who don't sell exclusively will get a maximum 20 percent royalty instead of exactly 20 percent royalty in the previous payment scheme." 

And since the quota to get to that maximum is unachievable by all (or nearly all), "Contributors who don't sell exclusively will get less than 20 percent royalty and as little as 15 percent instead of exactly 20 percent royalty in the previous payment scheme."

« Reply #677 on: September 10, 2010, 17:19 »
Most will get between 15% and 18%, just like most exclusives will get between 25% and 35%.

« Reply #678 on: September 10, 2010, 17:25 »
But I ask again -- how can we trust the accuracy when it shows 105 base level exclusive contributors?

Just a wild guess, but it seems the canisters shown on iStockCharts are determined after the # of downloads. But the # of DL are given by the API in ranges, not exact numbers. Contributors with >200 downloads seem to be at base canister, while contributors with >300 are bronze. Maybe the API doesn't deliver the canister info ?
Thanks! That wild guess sounds exactly correct to me.

Not exactly.  The multimedia charts don't use the API.

But you're basically right, the charts show everyone with less than 300 as base, but if you check through some they are actually bronze, and some are exclusive so they must really have >250 downloads.

« Reply #679 on: September 10, 2010, 17:45 »
They just updated everyone again.  They are sticking to their previous statements:

« Reply #680 on: September 10, 2010, 17:48 »
Not really a surprise. There are about three more months left before the changes will affect my royalties. For so long I will not upload anything and then start deleting my portfolio. It's sad but I am not accepting a commission below 20%.

« Reply #681 on: September 10, 2010, 17:48 »
They just updated everyone again.  They are sticking to their previous statements:

Then I guess that's it. I have no motivation (or sound business reasoning) to upload there anymore.

Another one bites the dust.  :-[


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #682 on: September 10, 2010, 18:10 »
Wow. Three replies and nothing has changed. Brutal.

« Reply #683 on: September 10, 2010, 18:18 »
""""But money isnt going to be what makes you all happy. You want to know that this is still the best place to be, to hang out, and sell your work. You may not be convinced today like you were last week, but its our job to make sure you feel that way again soon."""

Ha ha ha ha ha ah...... Goood to get f*ed

They don't think the contributers need money to run their businesses!

Epic fail = end of Istock. Period!

I'll give them max 2 years before folding, and they are no longer no 1 in one year


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #684 on: September 10, 2010, 18:22 »
^ you will be wrong, I'm almost certain

« Reply #685 on: September 10, 2010, 18:25 »
(from the iStock forums)

"I remember standing around with Bruce in 2004, agonizing over this new idea exclusivity for our contributors. It was excruciating. It looked great on paper, but would it fly? Would they really leave competitors to come sell only at tiny little iStock? We had only ever paid out 20% royalties. "

If they thought that 20% was only a little, then WHY . are they trying to give us even less?

« Reply #686 on: September 10, 2010, 18:28 »
Whats really bevildering, is that those guys don't understand, that it is not them paying the contributers, but it is the coutributers that are paying them.

It so so so so stupid, that I in my 35 years in sales and marketing advisory life have never ever seen anything like it.

It like at piece of comedy at the theater - or should I say tragedy?

« Reply #687 on: September 10, 2010, 18:47 »
What a mess, and Istock doesn't change the decision. It's amazing how we thought we can change things in past when similar (but less tragic) changes happened on different sites. Now Istock is showing us that they don't really care even now with so many contributors whining and leaving the site. They probably follow the numbers and see that nothing radical is changing on the economic side of the business, so they are not even trying to talk with us.
I wonder, after all, if we are able to change anything about our future in microstock business. If this thing with Istock goes unnoticed on the money side for Istock, I'm afraid all agencies will start to screw us in the same way. Why not? If they all do it there will be no more space for us to run away, no more agencies with fair deal.
Capitalism..... Marx had right... It's rotten.

« Reply #688 on: September 10, 2010, 18:54 »
Something just occurred to know how since F5 we don't seem to be able to opt-out of subs? I'm guessing that non-exclusives will not be able to do that...meaning we are going to be shuffled over to ThinkStock. No choice anymore to opt-out. Anybody else thinking this?

« Reply #689 on: September 10, 2010, 19:00 »
It's not over yet, and it won't be until iStock's changes go into effect and its suppliers and buyers take whatever action they see fit.  I'm still optimistic, although not about iStock changing its mind.  I'm more and more convinced they feel they have no choice, whether because of greed higher up the chain or because they're overleveraged and can't survive on less.  But all that means is that they can't and won't survive.  And maybe that's good for the industry as a whole.  Maybe it'll show the Get Rich Quick VCs that microstock is a good place to avoid.

As for me, I'm going to keep to my plan.  No more uploading, and remove existing images a few at a time.  If iStock reverses their changes regarding independents, I'd consider reversing mine.

« Reply #690 on: September 10, 2010, 19:01 »
They just updated everyone again.  They are sticking to their previous statements:

BS, more BS and nothing but BS. (Not going to elaborate here since many people did that extensively on original istock thread)

« Reply #691 on: September 10, 2010, 19:05 »
Something just occurred to know how since F5 we don't seem to be able to opt-out of subs?
You are right, all we can do at the moment is to opt in/out from partner program (TS is one, I believe).

And in fact I can't see how to change that.  I click in "All Off", it asks me to confirm, but I don't see any change in the profile. I mean, I can't even know if I am part of the partner program or not (I should not, I am almost sure I opted out before).  If I unselect "Opt-in to Partner Program", nothing happens either.

« Reply #692 on: September 10, 2010, 19:05 »
Not sure if this already was posted...

The end of iStockphoto at Ember Studio: :(

This is nice. Too bad I can't leave a comment thanking them - getting an error.

« Reply #693 on: September 10, 2010, 19:08 »
Wow. Three replies and nothing has changed. Brutal.

The strange thing is they never should have sent message #2 or #3.  The first announcement told us where they stood, and the 2nd and 3rd got everyone's hopes up for a concession for no good reason at all.  Why does Kelly keep announcing what he has already said?  I prefer not to hear anything again, except "We are reconsidering..."

« Reply #694 on: September 10, 2010, 19:09 »
If this thing with Istock goes unnoticed on the money side for Istock, I'm afraid all agencies will start to screw us in the same way.
You bet.  That's what's coming.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #695 on: September 10, 2010, 19:11 »
Wow. Three replies and nothing has changed. Brutal.

The strange thing is they never should have sent message #2 or #3.  The first announcement told us where they stood, and the 2nd and 3rd got everyone's hopes up for a concession for no good reason at all.  Why does Kelly keep announcing what he has already said?  I prefer not to hear anything again, except "We are reconsidering..."
Except that last time they 'reconsidered', they made promises (grandfathering) that they are not going to keep.

« Reply #696 on: September 10, 2010, 19:11 »
Something just occurred to know how since F5 we don't seem to be able to opt-out of subs?

You are right, all we can do at the moment is to opt in/out from partner program (TS is one, I believe).

And in fact I can't see how to change that.  I click in "All Off", it asks me to confirm, but I don't see any change in the profile. I mean, I can't even know if I am part of the partner program or not (I should not, I am almost sure I opted out before).  If I unselect "Opt-in to Partner Program", nothing happens either.

It was reported earlier in the week (before the big debacle) that there was a bug with this opt-in/opt-out check the time I thought it weird that IT can't even get that I'm beginning to think it's all on purpose.

See this thread:


« Reply #697 on: September 10, 2010, 19:13 »
Wow. Three replies and nothing has changed. Brutal.

The strange thing is they never should have sent message #2 or #3.  The first announcement told us where they stood, and the 2nd and 3rd got everyone's hopes up for a concession for no good reason at all.  Why does Kelly keep announcing what he has already said?  I prefer not to hear anything again, except "We are reconsidering..."

Yes, that's exactly what I've been thinking also.  Why on earth pre-announce these statements as though they'll deliver something useful when they don't?   Bizarre.

« Reply #698 on: September 10, 2010, 19:15 »
Except that last time they 'reconsidered', they made promises (grandfathering) that they are not going to keep.

It really is a very sad day.  I still hold a glimmer of hope that these conditions will improve before 12/1/10, the day I assume a large percentage of exclusives will click the cancel button.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #699 on: September 10, 2010, 19:15 »
Not sure if this already was posted...

The end of iStockphoto at Ember Studio: :(

This is nice. Too bad I can't leave a comment thanking them - getting an error.

That's Helix 7 site. He's a member here


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