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Author Topic: iStock's Alexa Rank continues to drop  (Read 59689 times)

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« Reply #275 on: January 10, 2013, 11:57 »
Even with subs my RPD at DT is still over double and sometimes treble what it is at IS and my earnings are also over double what they are at IS. My RPD at fotolia is about the same as at IS as are the earnings.
My own experience is different. MY RPD at FT was 1/3 of what it was at DT, and DT's was about 20% below IS's (this is before the commission cuts, so I was earning 20%). 

My current IS RPD is over 3x what it was at DT, and 5x more than at FT.  And that's without a single Vetta or Agency file to skew the results.

« Reply #276 on: January 10, 2013, 12:10 »
Even with subs my RPD at DT is still over double and sometimes treble what it is at IS and my earnings are also over double what they are at IS. My RPD at fotolia is about the same as at IS as are the earnings.
My own experience is different. MY RPD at FT was 1/3 of what it was at DT, and DT's was about 20% below IS's (this is before the commission cuts, so I was earning 20%). 

My current IS RPD is over 3x what it was at DT, and 5x more than at FT.  And that's without a single Vetta or Agency file to skew the results.

Who cares about RPD? You can't pay your bills with 'RPD'. What's important is how much REVENUE your portfolio generates at any particular agency. For example my 'RPD' at DT is usually about 3x what it is at SS __ but SS generates about 5x more income. I'm getting the impression that RPD is an abbreviation for Ridiculous Pedantic Distraction.


« Reply #277 on: January 10, 2013, 12:26 »
Even with subs my RPD at DT is still over double and sometimes treble what it is at IS and my earnings are also over double what they are at IS. My RPD at fotolia is about the same as at IS as are the earnings.
My own experience is different. MY RPD at FT was 1/3 of what it was at DT, and DT's was about 20% below IS's (this is before the commission cuts, so I was earning 20%). 

My current IS RPD is over 3x what it was at DT, and 5x more than at FT.  And that's without a single Vetta or Agency file to skew the results.

Who cares about RPD? You can't pay your bills with 'RPD'. What's important is how much REVENUE your portfolio generates at any particular agency. For example my 'RPD' at DT is usually about 3x what it is at SS __ but SS generates about 5x more income. I'm getting the impression that RPD is an abbreviation for Ridiculous Pedantic Distraction.
I didn't bring RPD up, fotographer did. I was simply responding to his post.

I guess I shouldn't do that anymore.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #278 on: January 10, 2013, 13:22 »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 13:25 by ShadySue »


« Reply #279 on: January 10, 2013, 13:23 »
... am already accepted ( but with my portfolio locked) at the main alternative site.

So you've been able to upload your portfolio to SS, keyworded and ready to go without activating it, is that right? That's a huge time saver if that's possible for exclusive artists looking to jump from iStock if that's possible.
YEah, you can prepare all images, and save them for when you are ready to hit the submit button. Advice is to release your port over a period of time, and not 1000 images in one go. Its better to spread and build your presence. At least that what I have been told. It keeps your name on top of the new search.

« Reply #281 on: January 10, 2013, 16:39 »
Thanks to KB for answering my question about the timing of the price rises. It is slightly reassuring to know the $7 price was introduced in May, I was afraid is was more recent. At least with this timing, this isn't a new shock about to further reduce my sales, it's most likely already built in to the system (probably in two stages, when the credits went up in May and when prices were shown in September).

Working with iStock is a rollercoaster of nerves now, and we seem to be on it daily. Every day something negative crops up. Short term I can increase my output, but long term I don't know what to do. Going non-exclusive would be only a temporary solution, as ALL of the companies involved (including Alamy) are "technology companies", whose only real long term interest is to debase copyright into practical nonexistence, so they can position themselves as search engines offering access to free content.

I think the only real solution is to work truly independently, with a handful of select others, in a niche market, our own agency. But on this one I'm struggling, haven't been able to find a vision to success, not yet anyway.

« Reply #282 on: January 13, 2013, 07:04 »
525 today!

The Google Drive controversy, this sudden drop could be the cause.


« Reply #283 on: January 13, 2013, 08:33 »
So you've been able to upload your portfolio to SS, keyworded and ready to go without activating it, is that right? That's a huge time saver if that's possible for exclusive artists looking to jump from iStock if that's possible.

Yes it is possible, and my original plan was to upload all my images, keeping them locked, until I was ready to open the floodgates. Someone pointed out that doing that, ie. keeping accepted images locked, gave them a bad best match position, so I have my original 10 there, locked, and haven't uploaded any more yet.

« Reply #284 on: January 13, 2013, 15:52 »
I was lucky enough to keep the 50% and sales for me are getting better and better there.  They are now my 5th best earner.  This January's earnings are on line to double last January's.  Thank goodness as it is replacing some of the losses by IS and Fotolia.

« Reply #285 on: January 16, 2013, 20:03 »
525 today!

The Google Drive controversy, this sudden drop could be the cause.

Maybe smacks from H/F Greddy/IS find they own way how to drive more visits to be more pliant for sale to other greedy rapacious locust company/s.
Keep us on tracks with stats.
Finally we will maybe see on Alexa or other crawling sites jumps/downs because just from forum activity of dissatisfied contributors.

« Reply #286 on: January 19, 2013, 20:04 »
iStock is 537 today...

While its competitors who used to be below iS, are now... - 471 - 336

SS's number used to be the rank of iS prior 2011.

« Reply #287 on: January 19, 2013, 20:18 »
iStock is 537 today...

While its competitors who used to be below iS, are now... - 471 - 336

SS's number used to be the rank of iS prior 2011.

That's strange. Has something happened at Istock recently?

« Reply #288 on: January 19, 2013, 20:25 »
Ne, they meet expectations....

« Reply #289 on: January 19, 2013, 22:42 »
It's crazy to see the traffic rank go from 200 to 1000 in the last year.  It is over!!!!   Look at the reach dropped from .02 to .01 that is half as much buyers in that time.   Shutterstock has replaced IS in a total arse kicking.   I can't say I blame buyers.  Istock owners did get 4 billion in cash out of the place.  The carylse group must be pooping  their pants about now.  FT and DT will also pass them along with Yuris site. 
    RIP Istock!!!!!!!


We've been there before;

But history can be quite funny. Look what Vlad the Imp said back then:

The last update on iStock forums confirmed that they are one foot in the grave already.

I don't think so. They're moving upmarket and dumping a lot of amateur deadweight contributors. Look at the people who are making the most noise in the forums, non-exclusives and low selling amateurs mostly, making big noises about 'taking their clients with them when they leave'-yeah, right! They wish.

And look what happened since.

As a buyer I can remember quite a few comments like this on the MS & IS boards.

You tend not to forget those who do not value you over the dollars they are counting.

That will not change for most of us working in or with the companies who use MS on a regular basis, regarless where thier images may show up.

It is a small world after all and some of us work at very large international companies. We tend not to forget getting the wrong end of the stick on many levels.


« Reply #290 on: January 20, 2013, 11:23 »
So you've been able to upload your portfolio to SS, keyworded and ready to go without activating it, is that right? That's a huge time saver if that's possible for exclusive artists looking to jump from iStock if that's possible.

Yes it is possible, and my original plan was to upload all my images, keeping them locked, until I was ready to open the floodgates. Someone pointed out that doing that, ie. keeping accepted images locked, gave them a bad best match position, so I have my original 10 there, locked, and haven't uploaded any more yet.


« Reply #291 on: May 30, 2013, 05:00 »
616 now.  :(

« Reply #292 on: June 27, 2013, 17:32 »
Fast drop - 745


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