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Author Topic: IS Newsletter - A collection of excuses  (Read 27800 times)

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« Reply #150 on: September 04, 2013, 07:40 »

...Of course after 4 months of independence I havent yet recovered my income from istock/getty. But I am uploading very slowly...

Not to derail the discussion...but is there a strategic reason why you are uploading "very slowly"?


To spread files over various best match systems in the different agencies. I have followed the success and frustration of other artists who went indie. And my observation was that as soon as they are indie they try to bring their portfolios to the agencies as soon as possible. So 4000,6000,or over 8000 files go online within a few months,sometimes weeks....

Now all agencies have a best match that among other things also includes a date stamp when the files are uploaded or accepted. Again, if you upload everything in the first few months, they all get the same time stamp. If best match decides to present files from another date, your whole portfolio might be out of luck. ...

This is why I am uploading a mix of new and old files and not more than 30 - 100 files a week.

Thanks for the detailed response. The "best match argument" seems like the most logical and compelling reason.


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #151 on: November 02, 2013, 14:53 »
hi all - just saying hello based on earlier comment. I do still read here regularly. I follow the iStock stuff but not as closely as I once did. Once I made the decision to go non-exclusive, it was after a long time preparing and considering my it wasn't a huge deal when I did it. I was a very big fan of iStock as it once was. I learned so much from peers and from the individuals that worked for iStock/Getty. some of those very good, talented people still work for iStock and Getty and they continue to have my respect. we all gotta decide what is best for us individually. but I haven't looked back with any regrets about dropping the crown.

it wasn't what it once meant to me, the business has changed and the opportunities are simply greater as a non-exclusive in today's industry. that is my point of view anyways. I don't 'miss' it in that I have continued my friendships and visits with friends I made via iStock. but I go weeks not logging in to iStock, so I definitely see the changes when I do log in. The site looks cheaper, more generic and certainly doesn't have the spirit it once did. it is what it is. my download numbers as a non-exclusive on iStock are great, the income from them is sad. lol. but it is what I expected.

if you have any specific questions about life as a non-exclusive, go for it. in the meantime, I keep reading iS threads to kind of stay on top of things.


« Reply #152 on: November 02, 2013, 15:20 »
Thanks for checking in Stacy.  It's nice to hear how things are going with you. Glad you are doing well and adjusting to non-exclusivity :)

« Reply #153 on: November 02, 2013, 18:38 »
Thanks for checking in Stacy.  It's nice to hear how things are going with you. Glad you are doing well and adjusting to non-exclusivity :)

Indeed! I was wondering where you had been. Keep up the good work Stacey, you are a true 'creative'.

« Reply #154 on: November 26, 2013, 00:05 »
It's only been about 3 months


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