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Author Topic: Is it just me...  (Read 15105 times)

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« on: December 21, 2008, 23:46 »
... or do others find it difficult reading the forums over at iStock. I always figure there is something to learn but the level of smarminess on the posts there can really get to a guy.



« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2008, 02:19 »
Well i am banned from posting on the istock forum.I still read some of the important posts and hopely i will be able to post again in febuary 2009.


« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2008, 03:03 »
The IS forum is nowdays utterly depressing and boring. Once it was full of knowledge and know-how.
WOOYAAJ  is the most intelligent you read there now.


« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2008, 05:14 »
... or do others find it difficult reading the forums over at iStock. I always figure there is something to learn but the level of smarminess on the posts there can really get to a guy.

I read them because i read all forums. But my feelings are exactly the same as yours. I simply don't understand the joy of sticking my head up in someones back even it is just a company  ::)

« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2008, 07:13 »
There is plenty of useful commentary in the critique forum for those who ask.  Same for any of the technical forums, like photography, etc.

Believe it or not, some people are actually excited about new developments, and are not just * up to a company.  And some aren't, and you can find those too.

« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2008, 07:56 »
What I miss is the humor in the forums, there used to be a lot of give and take there and that seems to have gone. The information is good but a bit dry now.

« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2008, 08:49 »
Well i am banned from posting on the istock forum.


« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2008, 11:11 »
The forums were what first attracted me to the site. Over time they've changed though. I won't post in the critique forum anymore. The last time I asked for advice there I was basically told "Duh!" and that was it. I never did get a critique or advise about the image.

« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2008, 11:24 »
There is plenty of useful commentary in the critique forum for those who ask.  Same for any of the technical forums, like photography, etc.

Believe it or not, some people are actually excited about new developments, and are not just * up to a company.  And some aren't, and you can find those too.

Sure there is good advice there but every time I visit I spend too much time cleaning off my boots afterwards. As with a lot of sites the masses of non experts or those with nothing to say make it unreadable.


« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2008, 11:24 »
The forums were what first attracted me to the site. Over time they've changed though. I won't post in the critique forum anymore. The last time I asked for advice there I was basically told "Duh!" and that was it. I never did get a critique or advise about the image.

The completely different, and new technique threads seemed to get a lot of response...
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 11:27 by sjlocke »


« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2008, 11:31 »
I have no idea.



« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2008, 11:33 »
It's not an open forum. If things get to be at all negatively portraying istock in any way, the thread is locked, even if it's a civil and constructive discussion.

I get it and understand the policy. Afterall it is their company, their site, and their forum, and they can decide what gets posted and what gets deleted. But if you're looking for honest, open discussion, you're much better off elsewhere.


« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2008, 11:54 »
If things get to be at all negatively portraying istock in any way, the thread is locked, even if it's a civil and constructive discussion.

Can you please post a link to an example of a thread containing civil and constructive discussion that has been immediately locked upon an appearance of the negative portrayal of istock? Threads where days of discussion have already taken place do not count, and neither do threads where the lock was a redirect to an existing thread on the same topic.

Call me what you like, but this is a favorite whine in this forum, and I just haven't seen it to be the case. There may be been an occasional case of someone coming in spewing profanities about whatever they perceived the injustice to be, but I would expect those to be locked and/or deleted on any professional forum.

I can post a hundred links containing negative input that have not been locked as a result of that negative input. I'm just interesting in seeing a few examples to support your claim. Maybe I'm somehow overlooking the majority of these threads.


« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2008, 12:20 »
Well i am banned from posting on the istock forum.

Some germans are ok,some are not.You can decide which group you belong .....

« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2008, 12:33 »
It's hard to provide examples of a deleted thread because the thread just isn't there to show. I know that several of my posts have been deleted. I also know that the recent announcement about the new collections had several posts changed after they were made. Not only was the first post changed but several posts on other pages were changed as well. I remember because one admin wrote his entire post in bold stating that the highest paying collection would be exclusive only. You can't find that post now.

This thread lasted almost 24 hours before it was locked without addressing the OP's original question other than to say "Sorry - It's Eb and Flow"

This thread lasted only a few hours making a few wonder why Getty can't be discussed in the open. RogerMexico does state that there is a discussion about Silvers applying to Getty "5 posts down" but that discussion was mostly cheers and didn't provide any real answers to the OP either. If I remember correctly the OP was denied by Getty anyway because he doesn't have a camera on the approved list. I could be wrong about that.

This thread was closed after only a few posts. A contributor noticed a pattern in his sales figures and wanted to discuss it. After several "not me" comments Rob locks the thread with a link to a thread about how changing your profile color can increase your sales.

Thread about spammed images being approved after the announcement of the supposed punishment for violators.

There's a few to start you off.

« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2008, 14:12 »
Some germans are ok,some are not.You can decide which group you belong .....

Well, if this "horray" puts me into the non-ok-german corner - so be it. Though I don't know how my birthplace could have influenced my opinion concerning your istock ban ... :) What if I was not a German?!

« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2008, 15:20 »
Some germans are ok,some are not.You can decide which group you belong .....

Well, if this "horray" puts me into the non-ok-german corner - so be it. Though I don't know how my birthplace could have influenced my opinion concerning your istock ban ... :) What if I was not a German?!

Seeing some of the original shank posts, I can kind of see why they banned him IF he acted in the same way on those forums. 

Germans are cool


« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2008, 16:10 »
Nancy, I'm not sure these are examples that illustrate helix's assertions that the slightest negative statement about istock will immediately get a thread locked, but let's look at them anyway.

1. So a thread that was allowed to go on for "almost" 24 hours--and four pages of posts--is an example of overzealous censorship? You know as well as I (and anyone else who spends any time at all on there) that they want one stats thread to avoid having hundreds of stats threads. This thread was posted as the November stats thread carried on simultaneously. He asked whether Getty engineered slowing sales on purpose, or if istock was spending less on advertising. Did you expect some kind of official statement to address those questions??

2. There is a Getty forum and there is also further discussion in the exclusive forum. He was asking if he should submit to Getty. Again, this has nothing to do with locking because of "negativity" against istock. It is merely an attempt to keep some kind of order in the forum. Why should there be multiple threads discussing the same thing over and over again? Why is it terrible to ask the OP to refer to the correct location for these discussions? The OP even acknowledged that he should have looked there first.

3. You gotta be pretty desperate to even use the third one as an example. Good grief, the guy thinks that he's being punished for requesting a payout. Come on.

4. Once again, a housekeeping issue. OP was directed to the appropriate forum.

If these are the best examples you can find of:
If things get to be at all negatively portraying istock in any way, the thread is locked, even if it's a civil and constructive discussion.
... I'm not convinced.

17 pages, plenty of negative... and still going strong:

plenty of negative here:

and here:

And these are just from the front page in the main discussion forum.

« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2008, 16:51 »
1. It wasn't a thread about stats. He specifically asked if there was change to the site which caused a 30% drop in sales despite uploading new images. Later posts mentioned ebb and flow but the OP specified that this was over the course of 5 months. As suppliers we need to know if IS is slowing it's promotional efforts so that we can focus on supplying images to sites that will promote them first. Ebb and Flow does not account for a 5 month decline in sales. Did I expect an answer. Heck No! It's Istock they don't answer to anybody.

2. There is a Getty forum and no one is allowed to mention Getty in the main forums in any negative light. Threads complaining about .25 cent payouts for images in the Getty collection were quickly removed so I could reference those ones. As a non Getty contributor how are you supposed to evaluate Getty sales to see if it would be a good step for you to take? You can't. The only answer given in that thread is Join Getty. As a non exclusive I'm expected to give up my sales at all other sites, apply for and get my crown, and then apply to and get accepted at a site, just so that I can find out if it's a good fit for me? The thread was started to weigh the pros and cons of joining Getty. If you have access to the Getty forum then you've joined and it doesn't matter how badly they treat you you've already given up everything just to find out.

3. He never said it was being punished. He said he noticed an interesting trend and wanted feedback on it. Apparently getting feedback is not allowed because the thread was locked. The link to the other thread was completely inappropiate and unhelpful.

4. Once again IS refuses to deal with an ongoing issue and locks threads pertaining to that issue. At the time that thread was started admin were not checking the keyword forum and were not responding.


« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2008, 16:53 »
 Hi there to Each and Every One of You,

 Maybe the amount of posts per subject should be regulated to a certain number, say 500 ( arbitrary ) so there is no grounds for people to find discrepancy in this issue. Just an idea. If there is no censorship what so ever it should be possible to set up guide lines that spell the rules out to all involved ( I must admit I don't spend much time at the Istock Forums. This might already take place, excuse me if my ignorance is a cause for slightly redundancy ).
 If a post is locked because of the number of posts already having taken place it seems easy enough to me to limit the number of posts per subject. Just thinking out loud here. Some f not all people will always feel slighted or treated unfairly under certain circamstance ( you will never please everyone ) but I think if strong guidelines can be put in place and held fast to this should help curtail this repetitive lack of communication and frustration that I see time and time again on MSG. Istock spends a great deal of time trying to answer some questions on a person to person but unfortunately no matter how much Istock yells in a deaf mans ear he just isn't going to hear them.

 On the other hand there is a two sided camp for some on this site and the open sharing of communication between ( some not all ) Istock exclusives and the way they treat non-exclusives and the way some nons treat the exculsives ( some not all ) this approach does nothing to help elevate the problem here. When will we try and realize that we are not here to fight each other but to nurture each together through learning the experience in our industry. To reach out and say "  I would be happy to answer that question for you can you tell me the answer to this question as well " I tell you folks if we can work together here we will waste far less of our time choosing sides and far more educating and getting better at our craft.
 Don't Get me wrong, Leaf has built a great site here and I think there is a great deal of sharing as well as moral support almost a feeling of a dysfunctional family at the x-mas dinner table some days :). And I feel very lucky to have stumbled upon it. Now Peter, quit hogging the mash potatoes and pass them down this end. ;D

Happy Holidays,

« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2008, 16:57 »
Germans are cool

Some are, some are not. I probably am, but that's off-topic. :D

« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2008, 17:24 »
Sorry I brought this up. There are obviously many well thought out reasons why things are the way they are. I'm probably just too old to see why certain statements are made. It's not the right time of year to be spreading dissent. Cheers.



« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2008, 17:40 »
...Can you please post a link to an example of a thread containing civil and constructive discussion that has been immediately locked upon an appearance of the negative portrayal of istock? ...

No, for two reasons:

1. As mentioned, many are deleted completely and couldn't be found.

2. I'm not doing the homework for you. If you really need to see some examples, you can find them on your own, although tracking down specific examples is tough since you can't just browse locked threads. They are all locked after a couple of months. And the forum search function isn't exactly useful. But trust me, there are plenty of examples out there. Rob has a knack for jumping into threads there there is some heated frustration and locking them down, but not before throwing in a final comment saying that whatever the problem is that everyone is experiencing, it's really not a problem and things are better than ever. He's done this with best match threads, keyword threads, etc, many times. To his credit, he does often lock threads that deserve locking. But he also does tend to lock threads prematurely that have some very real and relevant discussions going on, for what appears to be no other reason than that he is simply tired of the negative discussion. He'll say the discussion is not going anywhere, even though it is heavily participated in and frequently updated. Yet threads where there is basically mass ass-kissing of some new istock feature go unlocked for double-digit page counts. Talk about threads that go nowhere...

Do some digging if you really feel the need, you'll turn up some good examples. But I'm not doing it for you. With regards to the OP and the point of this thread, I was just pointing out that there is a distinct difference between istock's forum and other forums, and that difference (to me) is the fact that istock's forum is just not as open as others. There are things that can't be said there that can be said elsewhere, and most of those things are the type of comments that might not reflect positively on istock. Anything about what istock is doing right is ok, while anything about what istock is doing wrong might be tolerated for a day or two, but ultimately ends up locked in the void.

« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2008, 18:17 »
The fact is there's nothing to find. Closed threads use to be redundant themes, or people insisting in discussing ad nauseam themes that have been already and recently discussed ad nauseaum.  Forums, specially the main forum, has to have a functionality that makes it worth of reading. they wouldn't be useful with scores of threads talking about the same theme. 
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 18:19 by loop »


« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2008, 02:21 »
Sorry I brought this up. There are obviously many well thought out reasons why things are the way they are. I'm probably just too old to see why certain statements are made. It's not the right time of year to be spreading dissent. Cheers.

no problem just think yourself lucky you were not born in germany!
There iare plenty of contributors who enjoy and participate in the istock forum on a regular basis.



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