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Author Topic: Image Deactivation Tally for iStockPhoto  (Read 105442 times)

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« Reply #475 on: February 11, 2013, 20:48 »
I've dropped 290 from my folio. The remaining 'lypse images will go when the newcomer goes live.


« Reply #476 on: February 11, 2013, 20:57 »
Marina, I want to thank you for all the effort you have put into this issue. By creating the spreadsheet, and also promoting this on social media you have done a great service to the stock community, IMO. 

I have not done social media in the past because it is such a huge time-suck (even more than MSG!), but this issue has really made me see how limiting it is not to be participating.  Hope others who are already on FB and Twitter will go ahead and like, and retweet this.  Awareness has to be raised, and it isn't too late.  Sean's ouster indicates that this story is far from over.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #477 on: February 11, 2013, 21:51 »
@Mars: another 9, but I'm going to bed: it's nearly 3am and I need to be at Fit'n'Fifty bright eyed and bushy tailed at 10 a.m.  8)

« Reply #478 on: February 11, 2013, 22:14 »
Thanks for the anonymous member who gave the gift, Todd and Tyler:) it was a nice surprise:) Even without that it was a pleasure to remove my pictures from IStock:)


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« Reply #479 on: February 11, 2013, 23:50 »
I just removed 60 more.

« Reply #480 on: February 12, 2013, 01:11 »
...Regarding the iStockalypse Attendee Registration: Does anyone have a copy? I seem to remember I have signed something about my participation on my own risk blablabla but I cannot remember a document forbidding to sell the content somewhere else.

I have a copy of the one for the August 2009 iStockalypse in Calgary. The registration was separate from the liability waiver (if you kill yourself it's not our fault) and also from the MR I signed as an attendee - I was an extra in some other people's shots

Great. Would you mind quoting the text? I assume they all have the same wording.

I did several posts back - the paragraph about where the content can go.

Thanks. I will look for it.

« Reply #481 on: February 12, 2013, 01:23 »
Right, we don't hold physical releases but we do have the digital copies and I am pretty sure these would hold up in court should a model sue us for whatever reason.

Do you? Because I don't. At lypses, the models usually only sign one global release. That gets approved by iStock HQ and then will be distributed to the photographers.

So I don't hold any releases with my name on it. I won't be able to upload them anywhere else.

What I was trying to say is that the digital copy is a proof for the fact that a valid release was given to us as photographers so the model would not be the problem. Even though your name is not on the paper the model could not argue that you took the pictures, she or he signed a release and approved to commercial usage of the images.

I do see difficulties regarding the acceptance of the releases by other agencies.


« Reply #482 on: February 12, 2013, 01:25 »
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 17:42 by Mars »

« Reply #483 on: February 12, 2013, 02:01 »
And FWIW, I've just deactivated another 15 20 and will do more later when we get back from Les Mis.
Reason: "iStock idiocy. No faith in management."

Went to see that last week.
I couldn't help but be reminded of all that's happening around here.
I can't write anything that doesn't sound melodramatic, but you'll understand what I mean, I'm sure.

Is that the production with Jon Klein as "Master of the 'ouse" and Rebecca Rockafella playing his wife?

"Charge 'em for the lice, extra for the mice
Two percent for looking in the mirror twice
Here a little slice, there a little cut
Three percent for sleeping with the window shut
When it comes to fixing prices
There are a lot of tricks he knows
How it all increases, all them bits and pieces
Jesus! It's amazing how it grows!"

« Reply #484 on: February 12, 2013, 04:41 »
Wow, thank you so much, anonymous donor.  I never win anything... this prize will at least give me a little something back as I continue to use my own time deactivating more photos.

How about this?  I'd like to pay half of it ($50) forward.  I can't hog all of it to myself.  Let's say 2nd place get's $30, and 3rd place gets $20. 

Tyler - please go ahead and randomly generate some numbers from the tally thread, and post the results here.  Let's make a few more hard working microstockers have a slightly better day as well.

I've drawn 2 more numbers from mr. wolfram and MichaelJphoto and MicrostockExp get the $30 / $20 split

Thanks for the email's guys.  The money is now transferred to you.

« Reply #485 on: February 12, 2013, 07:26 »
Wow, thank you so much, anonymous donor.  I never win anything... this prize will at least give me a little something back as I continue to use my own time deactivating more photos.

How about this?  I'd like to pay half of it ($50) forward.  I can't hog all of it to myself.  Let's say 2nd place get's $30, and 3rd place gets $20. 

Tyler - please go ahead and randomly generate some numbers from the tally thread, and post the results here.  Let's make a few more hard working microstockers have a slightly better day as well.

I've drawn 2 more numbers from mr. wolfram and MichaelJphoto and MicrostockExp get the $30 / $20 split

Thanks for the email's guys.  The money is now transferred to you.

Thanks to the anonymous donator, Tyler for administering this uncommon request and Todd for sharing the win.

That was really unexpected. And honestly I don't feel comfortable receiving a "bonus" from an uninvolved party for doing what I find is the best for my own business. So I decided this money will got into my Kiva account and put to good use there.

« Reply #486 on: February 12, 2013, 07:32 »
The iStock deactivation count is about to grow by 10K-ish (sjlocke's files)
Is that a joke?  You realize that Sean didn't choose to do this and may actually depend on the income he and his family receive from Istock.

It's a little wry humor, but I do realize Sean didn't do this of his own volition. I know Sean (have met him in the real world anyway) and I'm sure if he thinks I'm out of line he won't be shy in telling me off - he's done it before

I actually thought that too yesterday when I saw this thread again.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #487 on: February 12, 2013, 07:33 »
Another 40 from me; I'll pause again there.

« Reply #488 on: February 12, 2013, 09:20 »
Is there a link to the spreadsheet somewhere?  Can you keep posting an up-to-date tally in here please?  Cheers


« Reply #489 on: February 12, 2013, 10:14 »
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 17:43 by Mars »

« Reply #490 on: February 12, 2013, 15:10 »
I started late (missed Feb 2 but was on vacation) but am now down a symbolic 13 images on the way to a total of 75 or so.  That'll be roughly 10% of my relatively small portfolio with iStock. And, I've stopped uploading for the time being until there's an update.

« Reply #491 on: March 21, 2013, 20:03 »
Beside not uploading i will go deactivating an image or two on daily basis. 
I will try to fill that istock share by setting my portfolio on some smaller sites i never contributed...

I will invest the time i would usually spend reading some new announcements,  in places like  like FAA and maybe spend some time at my zazzle store. I sell something now and than and invested maybe 2 hours of work there altogether.

Maybe that helps filling the hole a bit

Deleted 1 that never sold before tonight... really bad one , made the decision easier and Im not felling any worse then when i woke up this morning  ;D.

lets see what tomorrow brings...


« Reply #492 on: March 22, 2013, 05:24 »
There has been an update, the text on Google has been amended to tell people they cant use or resell the images outside google drive


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #493 on: March 22, 2013, 08:06 »
There has been an update, the text on Google has been amended to tell people they cant use or resell the images outside google drive
And we know already how few people read t&c, even when in red on an editorial page.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 23:39 by ShadySue »

« Reply #494 on: March 22, 2013, 16:57 »
The  picture Im looking its a bit wider ,  so off i go to delete another one for  today...


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