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Author Topic: Illustrations as JPGs on IStock  (Read 4947 times)

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« on: August 26, 2008, 04:27 »
Hi everyone,

I'm still pretty new to this whole microstock thing and am in the process of building my portfolio, which includes both photos and illustrations.  I have a question regarding illustrations on IStock.  It looks like they are not looking for more illustrators with my kind of style.  My first two attempts of getting in as an illustrator were rejected.  And when I look at the list of the kind of illustrations they ARE looking for, it's just not really my kind of thing.  On the other hand, the kind of illustrations I DO create, seem to sell fairly well on IStock and other sites.

Does anyone know if IStock might accept JPEG versions of my illustrations, or would it just be a waste of time trying to upload them?  I am planning on seeing if I can do the kinds of illustrations they are looking for as well, but I am not yet convinced that that will ever really work for me.  If I could upload JPEG versions of my illustrations that are selling well on other sites, maybe I can at least make a little money with those on IStock as well.

I hope someone can shed a little more light on this.  Either I looked in the wrong places, or there is not much information to be found about this on the IStock site itself.  Thanks in advance for any help / advice you might have to offer.


« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2008, 06:19 »
They reject most of my jpeg illustrations.  Some people have good sales if they get some accepted. 

I think istock are wrong rejecting images that would make them and us lots of money but that seems to be their policy.

« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2008, 06:34 »
I quit uploading JPG illustrations to Istock because of the consistent rejections...."not quite what we're looking for".  I'm glad SS, DT, StockXpert take them because they sell much better than my photographs (I really need to work on my camera skills more).


« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2008, 09:56 »
Any vector uploaded as a JPEG will get rejected with the "Upload as a vector" reason. Obviously not possible these days until you're separately accepted as an illustrator.

A couple of months ago they appointed an admin to head up a new area of raster illustrations - i.e. non-photo, non-3d-render, non-vector creations. There was discussion in the forums, but so far no changes in policy or procedures. Look here:


This covered things like being able to apply with raster illustrations, not photos; whether Painter creations would be accepted; were raster illos to be separately searchable, etc.

In the meantime, it's very hit and miss. Some things will get through, but it's one of the areas most likely to generate "not stock" rejections, especially if you're used to SS's rather open door policy in this area.

« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2008, 11:04 »
Hi again,

Thanks for the quick replies.  Sounds like trying to upload JPEG versions of my illustrations will probably not be worth the effort then.  I thought that might be the case, but thought you guys might have experience with it.  Too bad, but that's just the way it is then.

I will keep trying to get in as an illustrator, but it will probably require quite a change of style.  I like to combine simple shapes into something that I feel looks good.  They appear to be looking for people who create mostly sketches / drawings at the moment.

Oh well, at least they are selling well on SS. :)  AND they all get accepted on DT and StockXpert, where I hope they will start generating sales soon.

Thanks again for shedding some light on this.


« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2008, 12:55 »
I have gotten a few raster illustrations past their inspections, none recently. 99% of the time they are rejected for not being stock worthy, yet the 1% that get accepted sell pretty good, a lot better than most of my photos at least. It's not really worth your time unless they change their policy though.  :-\ I don't bother much anymore.

EDIT: Actually I had a surprise acceptance of a raster illustration about a week ago.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 13:00 by Kngkyle »


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