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Did your IS (photo and illustration) contributor status change in 2011?

No I'm an Exclusive
39 (35.1%)
Yes, I dropped Exclusive
6 (5.4%)
Yes, I became an Exclusive
1 (0.9%)
No - I'm Independent
53 (47.7%)
Yes, I dropped iStock as an agency
5 (4.5%)
No, I never contributed to IS in 2011
6 (5.4%)
Yes, New member of IS in 2011
1 (0.9%)

Total Members Voted: 98

Voting closed: February 19, 2012, 02:55

Author Topic: I promised I was going to ask this one - New Years IS Poll 2012  (Read 4219 times)

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« on: January 05, 2012, 02:55 »
The poll is for Photos and Illustrations ONLY.

Part of this came from people who said they were considering dropping IS altogether. I figured why do a poll in November. Just wait until Jan. (it's on my calendar) Second it serves to measure if people are still turning to Exclusive and if people are dropping it.

So that's why the IS status poll.

I think in the past years the number of exclusives has been close to the big number stats for the entire agency.

Note: I realize someone new in 2011 could have joined and changed to Exclusive. I didn't want another six answers, so please if you joined this year, just consider that #7.

I find it hard to believe any exclusive would have dropped IS altogether. I left that one out also. Leaving is leaving. LOL
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 15:38 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2012, 03:00 »
What about dropping partial exclusivity? I am still photo exclusive but no longer video exclusive.

« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2012, 05:02 »
I voted for "dropped Istock as an agency" which is technically incorrect, as I kept my account. I just de-activated all images. Most of them late December 2010, the remainder early 2011.
I didn't want to take the lowered royalties (15% in my case, as I am a very small fish...). And reading about all the drama in the last year I do not regret that decision.

« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2012, 08:17 »
What about dropping partial exclusivity? I am still photo exclusive but no longer video exclusive.

I'd guess, for the sake of simplicity, this poll should be about your primary earning medium. We'd either have to have too many questions or separate polls to capture every eventuality.

Good idea for this poll Race. Pity we haven't got previous years to compare the results against.

« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2012, 11:17 »
I continued to not upload anything and deactivated almost 95% of my portfolio there right before the forced PP migration (that has only barely started, but that is another story).

I guess that is option "L" in the poll.


« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2012, 15:37 »
What about dropping partial exclusivity? I am still photo exclusive but no longer video exclusive.

Yes, good all the way around, all three Q&As. I missed that one, but the original question was going to be "did you drop IS last year" because a number of people had said they were considering that. (including me)

Instead I decided to pretty much leave things as they are and stop uploading. So I'm still a contributor and I sent in two files inthe last 9 months.

Yes, if someone has deactivated most or all of your images, please consider that closed. Also on the video side, my mistake, I should have said, photos and illustrations only. I'll try to go back and edit that detail

Hey sharp eyes folks...


« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2012, 02:17 »
Well I'm surprised, about double the number of Exclusives here by percentage. Actually it makes sense. When over 50% of the contributors don't have 200 DLs yet.

Lots of serious people are participating on the forums. At least reading them. ;)


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