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Author Topic: Help for seeing earnings single sale  (Read 3009 times)

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« on: June 10, 2016, 17:16 »
Is there a way to see the earning for each single sale?

I can't find anything to get that info in istockphoto website. Help, thank you

« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2016, 17:40 »
Not easily - you have to visit separate pages for standard, subs and regular and then check various tabs for each individual image.  Can be scripted or use some 3rd party tool.


« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2016, 18:32 »
And then trying to see individual partner sales is a whole other challenge. Everything on iStock is as convoluted as possible.


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« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2016, 18:37 »
As above, it's very cumbersome, but:

From your home page:
Left-hand column - Contributor Tools
Click the arrow 'My Uploads', that gives you the links for the various types of sales, e.g. Details (odd title meaning 'credit sales'), Image Subscription, Partner Program (maybe more, depending how long you've been around).
So, e.g.
Click 'Details' and you'll get a list of all your credit sales.
Default order is most recently uploaded at the top.
Click 'Last Download' and that reorders to give you the last file uploaded at the top.
Click 'DLs' and that will list all the credit downloads for that file, most recent at the top.

Click 'Image Subscriptions', and your subs sales are listed, default order is the most recently uploaded file for which a sub sale has been recorded (coming in as I type).
Click 'Last Sub dl', and the order changes to the first file you ever sold as a sub at the top, and click 'Last Sub DL' again, and the order is the most recent sub sale recorded. (Sort of, they're coming in all higgledy-pigglety this month.) You'll know how much you personally get for each file.

Presumably it's something similar for Partner Program sales.

If you want to do it by individual file, you need to be in New View.
From the file's page in New View, towards the top left of the page, hover over 'File Maintenance' and click 'View Download History'. A new window opens, with, by default, the credit sales that file has earned (called 'Regular Downloads' [I wish they still were!]) in reverse chronological order.
Then you can click 'Image Subscriptions', ditto, and any other headers you have.

There are some peer-developed third-party scripts/plug-ins which make this a bit easier in certain browsers. Check the appropriate iStock forum.


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