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Author Topic: ESP  (Read 145557 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #375 on: February 22, 2017, 04:57 »
I have succeed to open the pdf with my earnings. Indeed, there are a lot of files given up for free (I do not recall to give them my permission for this) and I also have 2-3 files marked with red. Should I sign a check to send them money for covering the expenses? Because it sounds I owe them some money.

Now, seriously, if we don't help them to go down, they will destroy the Microstock. Nobody will pay 0.25, 0.33. 0.38 on a subscription on Shutterstock if it is possible to be acquired for less money. Shutterstock will be forced to give our images for less money to survive.
Although for buyers I'm not sure they ARE cheaper I-stock just take twice as much from us. Independents are subsidizing exclusives...for the first time I'm seriously thinking about pulling the plug on them.

I hope they die. If they wanted to attract more exclusives, they should have paid more money (not by raising the prices, just giving up a bit from their share) and people would have stuck with them. Last summer I have had some thoughts to go exclusive with them, so I would not be working so much with uploading on so many sites. I would have help me to create more than spending time with keywording. Too bad they are so greedy.
I hope they die.I hope they die.I hope they die.I hope they die.I hope they die.I hope they die. :)
I wished that on SS when my average on iS was around $6.85 per sale and people were cheering because their average on SS was around $2.35. Look where that got us.  >:( :(
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 05:43 by ShadySue »


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« Reply #376 on: February 22, 2017, 05:02 »
22 days past and I still cannot login for ESP...

it says still" We're sorry.
Your account is not currently set up for ESP access.
Please contact us if you believe this is in error.

according to them, esp means professionalism but it started full of inexperience...

this is very annoying, why it takes so long and why they are not responding to messages, and plus, I cannot login for contributor community forum also, disguisting, very disguisting things keeps happening on istock side as usual...
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 05:05 by madman »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #377 on: February 22, 2017, 05:02 »
With a port which is heavily skewed towards UK editorial/African wildlife images, I find it very surprising that my top  countries of sale are shown to be:
1. USA (71%)
2. Netherlands
3. Philippines
4. UK ...
(Not so much surprised about the US, but the Netherlands and the Phillipines?!)


« Reply #378 on: February 22, 2017, 05:02 »
Okay, I am working through now. Several 2c istock sub sales. More for less than 4c
Several actual sales for less than 3c. More for less than 4c
LOADS of sub sales and PP for less than 10c
Loads of "non us" PP sales for less than 20c.

I would recommend getting the stats downloaded as a spreadsheet where you can sort by product type and royalty. It's a real eye opener. The data is separated by tabs and you can delete most of the columns as they seem to not be used.

« Reply #379 on: February 22, 2017, 05:05 »
I have succeed to open the pdf with my earnings. Indeed, there are a lot of files given up for free (I do not recall to give them my permission for this) and I also have 2-3 files marked with red. Should I sign a check to send them money for covering the expenses? Because it sounds I owe them some money.

Now, seriously, if we don't help them to go down, they will destroy the Microstock. Nobody will pay 0.25, 0.33. 0.38 on a subscription on Shutterstock if it is possible to be acquired for less money. Shutterstock will be forced to give our images for less money to survive.
Although for buyers I'm not sure they ARE cheaper I-stock just take twice as much from us. Independents are subsidizing exclusives...for the first time I'm seriously thinking about pulling the plug on them.

I hope they die. If they wanted to attract more exclusives, they should have paid more money (not by raising the prices, just giving up a bit from their share) and people would have stuck with them. Last summer I have had some thoughts to go exclusive with them, so I would not be working so much with uploading on so many sites. I would have help me to create more than spending time with keywording. Too bad they are so greedy.
I hope they die.I hope they die.I hope they die.I hope they die.I hope they die.I hope they die. :)
I wished that on SS when my average on iS was around $6.85 per sale and people were cheering because their average on SS was around $2.35.

It is possible to go exclusive on SS?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #380 on: February 22, 2017, 05:07 »
It is possible to go exclusive on SS?
You could choose to send images only to SS, but there is no financial benefit to you.

« Reply #381 on: February 22, 2017, 05:13 »
It is possible to go exclusive on SS?
You could choose to send images only to SS, but there is no financial benefit to you.

Too bad.  :-[ Why would I ask them permission to send my images only with them, if there aren't more money involved? Do they give your images a better rank page, at least? Thanks


« Reply #382 on: February 22, 2017, 05:14 »
There's no point  being exclusive with ss. You can easily upload to the top 5 or 6 sites in less time than just istock. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

« Reply #383 on: February 22, 2017, 05:19 »
It is possible to go exclusive on SS?
You could choose to send images only to SS, but there is no financial benefit to you.

Too bad.  :-[ Why would I ask them permission to send my images only with them, if there aren't more money involved? Do they give your images a better rank page, at least? Thanks
No one said you need to ask...SS don't do an exclusive deal and I hope they keep it that way.


« Reply #384 on: February 22, 2017, 05:25 »
Well just received my ESP royalty data

It can't even tell me how many images I sold without downloading a text file full of BS irrelevant data which they obviously just stripped out of their database and dumped in the download.

The sales figures make no sense whatsoever and the fancy charts whilst fancy are of no interest at all.

All I need to now is how much and how many in a month.

What a crowd  >:(
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 06:04 by Sammy the Cat »

« Reply #385 on: February 22, 2017, 05:31 »
Well just received my ESP royalty data

It can't even tell me how many images I sold without downloading a text file full of BS irrelevant data which they obviously just stripped out of their database and dumped in the download.

The sales figures make no sense whatsoever and the fancy charts whilst fancy are of no interest at all.

All I need to now is how much and how many in a month.

What a crowd  >:(
Shocking isn't it I didn't give up my job so I could spend MORE time trying to analyse crappy spreadsheets you are right I think its just a database dump and some Excel charts.


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« Reply #386 on: February 22, 2017, 05:48 »
Well the whole site reporting is complete and utter rubbish, definitely been put together by coders with management input, complete and utter crap.


« Reply #387 on: February 22, 2017, 05:49 »
It is possible to go exclusive on SS?
You could choose to send images only to SS, but there is no financial benefit to you.

Too bad.  :-[ Why would I ask them permission to send my images only with them, if there aren't more money involved? Do they give your images a better rank page, at least? Thanks
No one said you need to ask...SS don't do an exclusive deal and I hope they keep it that way.

Sorry if I didn't expressed myself well. I'm not native. I know you can choose to upload only with them. I was asking if  there is any possibility to make a deal with them by sending your images only there and getting something instead: more money, more better rank position, anything.

« Reply #388 on: February 22, 2017, 05:57 »
It is possible to go exclusive on SS?
You could choose to send images only to SS, but there is no financial benefit to you.

Too bad.  :-[ Why would I ask them permission to send my images only with them, if there aren't more money involved? Do they give your images a better rank page, at least? Thanks
No one said you need to ask...SS don't do an exclusive deal and I hope they keep it that way.

Sorry if I didn't expressed myself well. I'm not native. I know you can choose to upload only with them. I was asking if  there is any possibility to make a deal with them by sending your images only there and getting something instead: more money, more better rank position, anything.
The short answer is no.

« Reply #389 on: February 22, 2017, 06:00 »
The short answer is no.


« Reply #390 on: February 22, 2017, 06:03 »

37 sales in January all below 28 cents !!! Everything from 2.7 cents to 26 cents

Looks like they kept their word!  >:(

Effing B******ds

An EL sale I know for sure I had doesn't show up

Two sales one for over $200 gross I got $31 the other over $100 I got $15


You'll not get any more uploads from me!"
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 06:10 by Sammy the Cat »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #391 on: February 22, 2017, 06:15 »
Not one month on their monthly sales chart matches with the totals I took from the old iS monthly charts.

We were told that the minimum on exclusive subs sales would be 26c (expletive deleted, that's not even worth keywording for), but I have several for 23c.

This new system is horrible. With the old system, at least we got tiny thums to show us what was selling, now we just get file numbers and title (unless there is yet another page which I haven't found yet), which is useless if you have a few files with similar titles and want to know which sold.
Not that it matters because unless there's a vast uptick (I used to hit payout each week, usually easily. If Jan is anything to go by, I'll soon be lucky to hit payout each month) I'm not going to be uploading so don't need the info; but it's still nice to know.

« Reply #392 on: February 22, 2017, 06:21 »
So after analyzing my sales stats I realized they fulfilled my worst expectations. Great amount of royalties under $0.28 including many under $0,10 (and yes I have $0,02; $0,03; $0,04 sales).
The most discouraging thing for me is the humiliating 15% they pay me (I was at 17% before but they needed that extra 2% on top of their 83%). So even when they sold my file on Getty for $85 my cut is only $12,75, not to mention I have $0.08 royalties for Getty sales.
I'm not uploading my new images since the changes announcement. Now I'm sure there's no way to change my mind until something considerably better in terms of royalties for nonexclusives changes.

I forgot to mention my stats for credit sales for January on ESP are about $20 lower than on the old IS chart.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 06:28 by Fairplay »

« Reply #393 on: February 22, 2017, 07:39 »
I earned them almost 1500 $

i got less then 450, after 30% tax reduction (non-treaty country) I got less then 370 $

many 0.03, few 0.02, ok some subscription sales are above those 0.28 but overall...

shutter and fotolia, please keep bringing costumers to your sites so I can kiss getty goodbye. (no just stop upload, but to close my account)

« Reply #394 on: February 22, 2017, 08:06 »

This new system is horrible. With the old system, at least we got tiny thums to show us what was selling, now we just get file numbers and title.
And the title can be one they made up rather than the original. I thought the "woman in thongs on beach" must be someone else's sale credited to me, but when I checked it wasn't a woman in a thong, it was a woman in sandals. Perhaps Americans call sandals thongs, I don't know, but to me thongs are skimpy pants (which is another problematical linguistic term for our US friends)

« Reply #395 on: February 22, 2017, 08:16 »
What is the Creatas Video thing? I only received a few cents for videos sold through that.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 09:57 by tess »


« Reply #396 on: February 22, 2017, 08:26 »
Checking their so called forum the latest claptrap is that exclusives seem to be having the wrong royalty rates applied.  ::)

Some are saying they are getting none exclusive royalties instead of exclusives.

What stoner dreamt this so called system up?

« Reply #397 on: February 22, 2017, 08:28 »
I already gave up.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #398 on: February 22, 2017, 08:34 »

This new system is horrible. With the old system, at least we got tiny thums to show us what was selling, now we just get file numbers and title.
And the title can be one they made up rather than the original. I thought the "woman in thongs on beach" must be someone else's sale credited to me, but when I checked it wasn't a woman in a thong, it was a woman in sandals. Perhaps Americans call sandals thongs, I don't know, but to me thongs are skimpy pants (which is another problematical linguistic term for our US friends)

I think Americans call flipflops 'thongs'.
Still, were you part of the disastrous retitling experiment? IIRC, they had a retitling experiment, which you had to opt into where they were going to retitle files to see if they did better on general search engines. Then IIRC they had a recaptioning ('description' field, now invisible) exercise, ditto.
No way was I going to let anyone else retitle or recaption my files, but from reports from people who opted in, the results were horrendous: clearly they'd outsourced the work to company where the workers had poor knowledge of the English language and poor general knowledge. Then people were locked in for over a year and couldn't get in to retitle/recaption. I don't know whether they actually were allowed in to make the corrections before files were locked for editing.

If you didn't opt in, they shouldn't have changed your title/description, but they seem to do so much nowadays, and don't tell anyone, including support and moderators about it.

FWIW, I have absolutely NO faith that any of their stats are accurate - they don't even cross-match within the site.


« Reply #399 on: February 22, 2017, 08:37 »
My stats on esp are correct to what I have been paid in previous month, which is way off what the IStock site was reporting.



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