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Author Topic: ESP  (Read 145554 times)

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« Reply #150 on: February 05, 2017, 10:08 »
Its' really hard to understand everything when English is not your native language

Or even if it is.  It's not a language problem, it's iStock (or Getty or whatever).

I still haven't received the e-mail.  Very annoying.  Glad I stopped uploading to them several years ago.  It's all very sad, as iStock was my best earner for the first three years or so after I started.  I was planning to go exclusive with them until they started the RC system and it's been downhill ever since.  Glad I waited.

« Reply #151 on: February 05, 2017, 10:11 »
i have not still received the mail but I'm able to login in deepMeta 3 with my gettyimage account but i can't upload start to upload the file and then it give me different errors like "Error: a task was cancelled" or "An error occurred while sending the request"... anyone was able to upload files?


« Reply #152 on: February 05, 2017, 10:12 »
Its' really hard to understand everything when English is not your native language

Or even if it is.  It's not a language problem, it's iStock (or Getty or whatever).

I still haven't received the e-mail.  Very annoying.  Glad I stopped uploading to them several years ago.  It's all very sad, as iStock was my best earner for the first three years or so after I started.  I was planning to go exclusive with them until they started the RC system and it's been downhill ever since.  Glad I waited.
I wish I had stopped uploading ages ago. I have now but would feel better if I'd already severed my dependency on them back then.  I also just need to log on to check sales of old files.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #153 on: February 05, 2017, 10:53 »
I also just need to log on to check sales of old files.
If you can do that just now on ESP, I can't see it.
However you can still see historic sales on Deep Meta 2 (not DM3, AFAICS).


« Reply #154 on: February 05, 2017, 11:22 »
No email is also annoying.


« Reply #155 on: February 05, 2017, 12:24 »
No e-mail for me yet either. I have received all of the other e-mails leading up to the change-over. Not unexpected.
Try to log in with your email address and iStock password
For me that works


« Reply #156 on: February 05, 2017, 12:33 »
I also just need to log on to check sales of old files.
If you can do that just now on ESP, I can't see it.
However you can still see historic sales on Deep Meta 2 (not DM3, AFAICS).
Haven't been able to log on yet and don't want to instal third party software for a site I don't upload to anymore. I'll wait till I can log on or MA is updated to fetch the new sales data.

« Reply #157 on: February 05, 2017, 13:36 »
i have not still received the mail but I'm able to login in deepMeta 3 with my gettyimage account but i can't upload start to upload the file and then it give me different errors like "Error: a task was cancelled" or "An error occurred while sending the request"... anyone was able to upload files?
same problems here

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #158 on: February 05, 2017, 16:14 »
No email received.

Can't login to ESP using my old credentials.

Can't login using my iStock credentials.

Absolute mess? Yep.

« Reply #159 on: February 05, 2017, 17:53 »
No email received for my iStock account, and no email received for my separate Getty account either.  Absolute mess as usual.

« Reply #160 on: February 05, 2017, 22:03 »
No email.
Cannot log in. Cannot upload.
Not  even sure if I  going to upload at this point but have one newsworthy editorial image I want to upload there

« Reply #161 on: February 06, 2017, 05:06 »
In the ESP->Royaltys->Summery is this point:

Negative earnings carried forward

Negative earnings  ;D


  • Im not sociable so I dont use social media
« Reply #162 on: February 06, 2017, 07:30 »
No email received.

Can't login to ESP using my old credentials.

Can't login using my iStock credentials.

Absolute mess? Yep.

Same here!

Can't upload on the IS site.

« Reply #163 on: February 06, 2017, 07:46 »
In the ESP->Royaltys->Summery is this point:

Negative earnings carried forward

Negative earnings  ;D

Royalties data will not be available until your first transaction has occurred. Please try again next month.

Thats what I get

« Reply #164 on: February 06, 2017, 07:51 »
Although I haven't received my ESP credentials yet directly from iStock/Getty, as they promised, I was able to login using my old iStock username/password. Same story with absence of royalty information etc., but I did notice that they report "Downloads Year to Date" under "Profile" page of the Account Management.

Now, this figure keeps changing (increasing) since I first accessed ESP and now I wonder what type of downloads are these? iStock credit/subscription ones or everything, including PPs etc.? If credit/subs only, then I'm pretty surprised since the figure is quite high for me keeping in mind we're slightly more than one month into 2017 while the figure corresponds to my average in 2-3 months combined.

« Reply #165 on: February 06, 2017, 08:52 »
Well, well.  Joined the group today just so I could get a read on what the bujeezuz is going on at iStock, and low & behold I am relieved to see I am not alone.  I am on day 8 of being locked out from my content.

I have been a system admistrator/network operations manager for 25 years and so I know that roll-outs and migrations can be challenging .. however, the sate of affairs here is the stuff that should only be seen in the lab.  E.G. the tech guys did not deploy this to a real-world lab to observe what might happen.

Depending on which browser I use, I may, or may not, log in, but in any event - no content .. However the folks at iStock are still validating content as I had 200 or so in queue and I am getting emails that they are being processed/accepted steadily .. down to about 80 since being locked out.

What is certain is that there are (still) 2 distinct accounts.  Via deep Meta 2.x and 3, one is able to see accounts:  One @ istock, which still authenticates and one @ Getty (new account) which will authenticate once in a while.  My two accounts, old and new share username, but different passwords.

Chrome goes in circles.  E.G.  deliberate entry of improper/erroneous creds results in what you would expect, denial of login.  However PROPER entry of creds is not so revealing, in that you do not get a red box or any error message, the page simply reloads - like refreshed.  It appears to simply chuck your creds and wants you to try again - repeatedly - over and over .. lol.  OK its not funny really but this is what Chrome does to me .. It could very well be that it's a local issue (me/my computer/browser .. corrupt cache .. etc) so, for the time being, I will use I.E.

I.Explorer works correctly.  E.g. deliberate entry of  improper/erroneous creds results in what you would expect - rejection, but proper entry of creds logs you in.   Unfortunately the mystery only continues as, on the new page, which to be sure, looks pretty .. however, db engines are searching for things that aren't there.  Java pukes that they're missing root objects and just about every link on the page was/is broken.  Only yesterday did the community button get fixed.

This is awful.    It is worth noting - Alamy just completely overhauled their interface for loading/editing and it went off with not so much as a burp.  Admittedly, they did not have to migrate domains and likely AD domains (if using Windoze or MS)..

Personal opinion:  Getty = corporate.  istock is losing significant contributor material and dying because large lumbering corporation is smothering it .. The attitude and regard for contributor community will be their layoff notices' Raison de etre.  Make no mistake

So:  THEY HAVE THE HIGHEST IGNORE RATE OF ANY COMPANY - NOT JUST MICROSTOCK - THAT i HAVE EVER SEEN.  e.g. this fiasco will not be resolved any time soon and you will be ignored throughout.
I will wait it out .. but I saw one poster here mention April .. I would not be surprised.

« Reply #166 on: February 06, 2017, 10:09 »
There is a gofundme page set up to raise money from iStock Exclusives to pay for a party.

"The iStock/Getty team has been working hard at the tedious Unification project and are near completion. As iStock Exclusive Contributors, we want to thank them with the gift of a celebration dinner/party. This is to thank them not just for their work on the ESP project but for all they do in our support and advocacy.

There are around 15-25 folks that have touched the project in some way. $750 should be enough for a nice dinner/party (or at least a good start!).

The funds will be disbursed to Brenda Bazylewski/Chris McBurney to arrange for a celebration.

Q: iStock has people working all over the world, not everyone is Calgary.
A: That's true. Not everyone can probably make such a celebration. But hopefully they still feel appreciated.
Help spread the word!"

« Reply #167 on: February 06, 2017, 10:47 »
Royalties data will not be available until your first transaction has occurred. Please try again next month.

Thats what I get

Same for me too.

« Reply #168 on: February 06, 2017, 11:04 »
i got my invitation. also downloaded deepmeta v3. but at this point i wouldn't upload with a 10 foot pole.  things are so buggy and confusing  right now. isnt it wiser to let them figure out and fine tune before hopping in?
"Fine tune" ha ha you are a master of understatement! Part of me says though maybe I should upload while everyone is holding off...on the other hand I have other sites that are way more fruitful to upload to at the moment.


« Reply #169 on: February 06, 2017, 11:52 »
There is a gofundme page set up to raise money from iStock Exclusives to pay for a party.

"The iStock/Getty team has been working hard at the tedious Unification project and are near completion. As iStock Exclusive Contributors, we want to thank them with the gift of a celebration dinner/party. This is to thank them not just for their work on the ESP project but for all they do in our support and advocacy.

There are around 15-25 folks that have touched the project in some way. $750 should be enough for a nice dinner/party (or at least a good start!).

The funds will be disbursed to Brenda Bazylewski/Chris McBurney to arrange for a celebration.

Q: iStock has people working all over the world, not everyone is Calgary.
A: That's true. Not everyone can probably make such a celebration. But hopefully they still feel appreciated.
Help spread the word!"
I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

« Reply #170 on: February 06, 2017, 12:19 »
In what universe would anyone think this is ok?  Having contributors raise money for staff of a huge (somewhat hostile) corporation to celebrate work that they were paid to do as part of their jobs? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?

I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

« Reply #171 on: February 06, 2017, 12:35 »
When I checked the profile section in ESP, under "Downloads Year to Date" I see that I made a sale today. At least the number today is one more than it was yesterday.

However, under the Royalties tab, I'm still getting the message "Royalties data will not be available until your first transaction has occurred. Please try again next month."

So, why am I not seeing anything about my first transaction since the switch to ESP? Has anyone seen updates here after you've made sales? Are we only going to get sales information with the monthly statements on the 20th of each month. If so, this page seems kind of pointless.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #172 on: February 06, 2017, 12:54 »
Are we only going to get sales information with the monthly statements on the 20th of each month. If so, this page seems kind of pointless.

I've just found this page, with lots of 'official info' about Royalties access, I didn't know of before (been there since Mid-Dec, apparently!). However, I'm not sure which passwords/ID you need to see it.


« Reply #173 on: February 06, 2017, 14:59 »
Are we only going to get sales information with the monthly statements on the 20th of each month. If so, this page seems kind of pointless.

I've just found this page, with lots of 'official info' about Royalties access, I didn't know of before (been there since Mid-Dec, apparently!). However, I'm not sure which passwords/ID you need to see it.

Thanks for trying Sue. I tried three accounts.

We're sorry

It appears you don't have access to the resource:


If you believe you should have access to this page, please contact us and include the URL above.

« Reply #174 on: February 06, 2017, 15:24 »
Update to previous somewhat whiny post .. .   Am able to login to ESP using I.E. and am uploading a batch now.   One plus I can see hugely is the ability to scale the image thumb.  :-)

Still cannot see my content uploads prior to migration. 

Am I missing something ?



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